chapter 69

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It's a bop!!


The morning came earlier than usual. I stretched my arms happily. Just thinking about today makes me excited.

A few more hours, then I will officially become the queen of Lucifer. As soon as I woke up, there was a knock on the door. It might be the maids. I allowed them to come in. The door opened and the maids rushed in with all the equipment.

I was not expecting Lucifer to come too. Why is he here? He shouldn't be here. He had this perverted smirk on his face. I stepped down from the bed and marched towards him.
What are you doing here?
I was surprised and mad. He is not supposed to see me now. I wanted to surprise him with the dress. He will blow up all my efforts.

His smirk grew wider.
I came here to see you naked.
He said and shrugged his shoulder. My mouth touched the floor. Did he just say that in front of everyone?

He has no shame!

Get out! Now!
I playfully slapped his shoulder and pushed him towards the door. He protested but I threw him out. I was about to close the door on his face but he pulled open the door. I gasped loudly.
Okay! Okay! I will go out but listen to me once. Do you know how we are supposed to get married?
This caught my attention. What does he mean by how?

Aren't we supposed to get married like anyone else?
I said with annoyance lingering in my voice. I don't have much time. I have to get my hair done and lots of other things. He is wasting my time.
No, in hell, it's a blood bond. Couples bite and drink each other's blood.
He stated as a matter of fact.

I opened the door widely. He shrugged and entered the room.
Are you asking me to drink blood? Wouldn't that turn me into a demon too? I don't want to be a demon. What if I get sick after this?
I started blabbering again. Now, it was Lucifer's turn to get annoyed. He clicked his tongue and slapped his hand on my mouth.

That's not the problem. My blood is stronger than yours. It might cure your body and not harm it. The main problem is that there is a possibility that it might heighten up your hidden powers. You need to control them.
Is he trying to tell me that there are possibilities that I make a mess at my wedding?

He put me in a tense situation. What if I cannot control them? Lucifer shook my shoulder to get me back to my senses. In these past months, I never had experienced my so-called powers.
Are you okay?
Lucifer asked.
I replied in a daze. Ugh, my day is spoiled after hearing this!

Were you here to tell me about this?
I asked Lucifer. He gave me a small smile and nodded his head. Lucifer gently wrapped his arms around my body and engulfed me in a loving hug. He tightened his grip a bit and kissed the top of my head.
Don't worry, you will be fine. I will be there to hold you.
He cooed in my ear. His words gave me strength. I smiled and pulled away.

So you're not here to see me naked?
I asked playfully.
As much as I want to I couldn't. I have some work. Nevertheless, I am going to keep you naked for the whole day and night tomorrow.
Lucifer said with a smug face. His smirk was back again on his face. He started protesting again and I have to throw him out of the room again.

I smiled and rushed to the bathroom. The maids had already prepared a bath for me with rose petals and a sweet-smelling aroma. Once I was done, the maids did my complete makeover. They are multi-talented. Wow!

I woke up by ten in the morning and it was nearly five in the evening. One more hour for my wedding. I was super excited. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. My face was glowing with happiness. Finally, they helped me wear the dress. I loved this dress at first glance. It was just so beautiful. The corset fits my body like a second skin but was not uncomfortable. From my waist, the dress was draped in all directions. I, especially, loved the shoulder design and the long trail attached to it gave me a royal feeling.

 I, especially, loved the shoulder design and the long trail attached to it gave me a royal feeling

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Let me see the mirror.
I requested the maids.
Let's us complete, mistress! Then you can see your reflection as much as you want to.
One of them said with a smile. I nodded my head in acknowledgment. They all looked happy not. Why they will not be happy? It's the marriage of their Lord. They will celebrate it like a festival.

They started working on my hair and makeup

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They started working on my hair and makeup. After almost half an hour they all were done. They looked at their outcome, that was me and were very pleased with it. One maid brought a full-size mirror and placed it in front of me. I looked at my reflection and was shocked that I can look so beautiful. Everything was just perfect. One could not point a flaw.

They put a crown attached with a veil on my head and I was ready to go.

They put a crown attached with a veil on my head and I was ready to go

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I stepped out of the room and walked towards the wedding hall. With every step I took, I can feel nervousness settling in my heart. All sorts of thoughts entered my head. What if someone tries to spoil my special day? What if the twins attack me? What if Lucifer gets angry over something? And many more.

I shook all the thoughts away as I reached the door. I should only have one thought in my head now and that's Lucifer and me. It's finally happening. I should be happy. No, I am happy. Anyone can tell that by looking at the smile etched on my face. But something doesn't feel right. It is just this uneasiness setting in my heart. I love him for sure. But what to do of this nervousness? It is killing me.

The doors opened and the music started to play. I pushed all the thoughts aside and thought of the man who was waiting for me on the aisle. I lifted my dress and walked inside.

This is my happiness......

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