chapter 57

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I never wanted to turn around. All I wanted was to fade or vanish in thin air so that I do not have to face my doom. It didn't need more than a second for a person to recognize his voice if he's an acquaintance and in my case, I was much more than just a mere acquaintance.

His voice held that velvety touch to make every woman drool over him and the authority to make every man bow down to his feet.

I turned around to face none other than the devil himself. My breath hitched on my throat when I watched him standing shirtless in front of me. I could feel my cheeks burning red. I averted my gaze and tucked a stray strand behind my ear.

He stood within a hand distance from me. My first instinct was to run for the hills but his aura made my feet glued to the floor.
Why do you always make me hurt you?
He asked with a frown etched on his face. I sealed my lips shut and was shaking like a leaf.

He extended his hand to grab me. But before he could do that I stepped back and hit one of the bookshelves. A thick book from the top rack fell on my head making me wince in pain.

It hurts!

I pressed the hurting area and sat on the ground. His shoes stopped right in front of me. He bent down and removed my hand from my head. He gently stroked the area, numbing the pain. I exhaled deeply and lifted my chin. I looked at him with watery eyes. My vision was a bit blur before his perfect masculine face was visible to me.

Will you ever listen to me? Answer me honestly!
Lucifer asked in a low yet demanding voice.

He wanted to hear the truth and that's what I gave him. Maybe I will never listen to him. Maybe if he will be a little nicer to me then we can think about it. He chuckled at my response.

Looks like you still got a little fight in your soul.
He said as if he was amused by my behavior. I averted my gaze. His lips came dangerously close to my face. He placed a light kiss on my cheek before starting to speak again.
If that's the case then we have to deal with this as fast as we can!
He said through gritted teeth.

I did not get any time to comprehend what he meant. He grabbed me by my arm and dragged me towards the door. I screamed and thrashed on my way but everything was useless. I feel so powerless in front of him. I was crying like a madwoman but he did not pay me an ounce of attention.

He dragged me out of the library. We started walking back in the direction of my room. Well, it was just him walking. I had to jog to catch up to him. I thought that was going to my room but he stopped several doors before. He opened the creepy-looking door which I opened earlier.  He opened the same black void room and pushed me inside. I felt the cold marble tile beneath my feet sending chills up my body as I was not wearing any shoes.

It was a pitch-black room with no lights on. I heard some light tapping of feet on the floor and suddenly the room was illuminated with lights. I scrunched my eyes due to the high intensity of the night.

On contrary to what I thought, it was not a dark black room. It was an extremely illuminated white room with not a single dirt to be pointed out. The floor, ceiling, and walls were white. It had a single mattress on the floor which was also white. It was so white that it seemed sour to my eye.

I looked back at him with confusion sparkling in my eyes. What is he up to? I smirked back at myself in acknowledgment.

He extended both his arms and rotated in a circle showing off his uncanny room. I am getting an odd feeling about this.
Welcome to your new room!
Dread crept up my skin. What did he mean by that?

My breath became heavier than normal. He turned on his heels and strode towards the door. My body became motionless. I wanted to run to the door and get out of this place which is giving me very bad vibes but all I could do was stand and watch the door close in front of my eyes. The clicking sound pulled me back from whatever trance I was in.

I ran up to the door and started banging on it and pulling on the handle. The door was locked from the outside. I screamed for Lucifer to open the door. All I heard was his vicious laughter. I continued to bang on the door. Another bang sounded from the other side of the door. I jolted back from the impact. My heart running faster than a cheetah.
Sit back and don't make a single sound!
Lucifer growled from the other side of the door. I felt a relief that the door was locked and he didn't come in as I was in no mood to handle his short temper. It made me instantly shut up.

After that incident, I didn't have any bravery left in me to even go close to the door.
Good girl!
He said with a chuckle and left.

The room fell eerily silent. A shiver ran down my spine. Cautiously, I walked towards the mattress and sat down. I brought my knees close to my chest. My body felt cold. I looked around the room for any sheets but there were none.

My eyes fell on a camera attached to one of the walls. Is he watching over me? If yes, I hope he gets me a sheet to keep myself warm.

I don't know for how long I sat in there. Sleep was taking over me and soon enough, I felt my vision going black.

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