chapter 17

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I feel pain. Enormous and excessive pain. Everything hurts. But why?

I try to open my eyes but it's so hard. I somehow manage to open them. I look around. I was in my room, then why am I in pain?

I looked down at myself. I was wearing lace lingerie and nothing else. My hands were stained with what I suppose to be blood. What?!

My exposed skin and golden locks were too soaked in blood. Then the realization hit me. Hard.
This is not possible. Right?
I was dreaming. I am one hundred percent sure I was dreaming. Then how?

Maybe I am hallucinating! Yeah, right! I definitely am!
I should wash my face and then I will be fine. My body hurts like hell. It feels like I ran eighty miles with fifty kilos of weight on my back.

Is that even possible? I don't think so! This is why I know I am hallucinating. I managed to sit up after a lot of effort. I put my feet down. The moment I tried to stand, I fell to the ground because of unexplainable pain in my lower region.

I looked down at my thighs. Something white thing was sticking to it along with blood.
God no!
I tried to stand again but failed miserably. After a few more attempts, I finally succeeded.

I limped to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror.

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I had several bite marks and hickeys all over my body

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I had several bite marks and hickeys all over my body. They were everywhere. It was fucking freaking me out.

This means it was not a dream.............
Everything was true. No.............

Tears welled up my eyes. How can this be possible? Why did I even go to that party? Mom was against it but still, I wanted to go! Now, she is gone! Far from my reach!

I can not take it this much all alone. Whom should I tell this? I need my dad.............
I need my parents.............
I backed away from the mirror. I can't face myself.

Nothing would have happened if I wasn't this fucking stubborn to go to that idiotic party. My parents would have been alive. Everyone would have been alive. They got killed because of me. How am even supposed to handle this?

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