chapter 24

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It can't don't believe it.....i
I was speaking as I have lost my brain. I actually did after seeing this. He was just smirking me. My hands and legs were trembling. I was repeatedly shaking my head in negative. Why?

Why Oscar had to suffer this? Why?

He was a speechless angel for me. He lit up my darkest days in the dungeon. He even fought those creatures for me.
I hate you, Lucifer! I hate you!

He quite put up a fight, you know! I myself have to catch him and butcher him with a knife. I can assure you that he is delicious. Why don't you have a taste?
He said while picking up a fork and stabbing my Oscar with it. He took a bite of him and ate him while moaning in delight. He stabbed him again and this time he held the fork in front of my mouth.

Tears were continuously flowing down my cheeks. I slapped the fork away from my mouth and it flew to the other side of the room. I stood up from my seat and blew a punch towards Lucifer's jaw. The contact of my fist snapped his neck to the side.

I was breathing heavily. I growled and turned the table upside down. The cooked corpse of Oscar fell to the ground along with other utensils.

I growled again and lunged at him. I grabbed him by the collar and started shaking him. I balled my hands and started hitting his chest. I laid my head on his chest and started crying hysterically.

He wrapped his arms around my body and slowly stroked my hair in a soothing manner. I was sobbing loudly. We stayed in that position for a really long time. I mean a really long time. His embrace calmed me. All the while he was repeatedly saying one thing again and again.

It wouldn't have happened if you have said a simple yes!

He was saying as if he was trying to convince me that it was all my fault. And somehow he was succeeding in his task.

I finally let go of him. I was still weeping. Lucifer held my hand and made me sit on the same chair. His servants set the table again and Oscar was placed in front of me again. I looked at Lucifer in disbelief.

Is he really gonna make me do it?

Tears once again filled my eyes. After a few seconds, they started rolling down.
Please no......
I was crying uncontrollably.
Oh no, sweetie! Don't cry! It's very delicious! Now eat!
Lucifer said with a big evil grin plastered on his face.

I started kicking and thrashing again. I even hit his men whom he brought with him. I ran for the door. The cook just went out from this door. Maybe it is open. I turned the knob repeatedly but it won't move an inch. I pished and kicked the door but still nothing.

I even started screaming for help at the top of my lungs but no one listened.
It's over.
What should I do now?
I turned to look for something to break down the door.

Lucifer was standing right in front of me. For a minute I lost my breath and my heart started thumping loudly. He had a very scary expression on his face. His eyes glittered with pure evil and mischief.

He punched my stomach which made me fall to the ground with a loud thud. Then he started repeatedly kicking me in the same place. He yanked the robe away from my body. Now I was laying completely bare in front of all of them. I hid my private parts with my hands and covered my face with my hair due to shame.

Lucifer unbuckled his belt. Soon after it landed on my side. I screamed in agony. The belt made contact with my skin again. He was intentionally hitting on my damages. Blood started seeping out from the cuts and wounds which covered my body.

After nearly fifty strikes, he stopped. I was now laying on my own blood.

Lucifer yanked me up by my hair and this time made me sit on the table. I was looking at the blood oozing out from the wounds and he was staring at me. He finally broke the uncomfortable atmosphere in the room by speaking.
I want you to see something.
My eyes met his at this statement. Lucifer turned my body in the other direction.

A screen flashed in front of my eyes. Then the screen is divided into four different slots.
Oh no!

In one slot there was the corpse of my parents kept in an icy place. The second slot showed Madelyn being raped by one of his minions. The third slot displayed the image of a very naked and bloodied and maybe unconscious Marilyn. The fourth slot showed the people from the warehouse. Men and women and children. All were crying and screaming.

Now you have two options. Either you eat this or I will make you see how I butcher each of them and then you will be cooking their flesh on your own and we both will have a dinner party.
He kept his hands on both of my shoulders from behind. He leaned down to my ear and whispered this. Then he started licking and nibbling my ear.

He bit down hard on my ear lobe. A sob left my mouth.
Okay, so whom do you wanna eat first?
He whispered again in my ear while pointing at the screen.
Tell me! Madelyn? Marilyn? Your parent's corpses or any of these people who you find tasty? Which one Sabrina?

I was slowly shaking my head in negative and murmuring no repeatedly.
No? Then say the word! Say you submit to me!
I was still shaking my head. I can't do this.
I should be dead with my parents too. Why am I alive?

Even if you would be dead, you would come to me only. you are not dead because I don't want you dead. Yet.
He said while reading my thoughts. He clicked his fingers and the screen disappeared. He came in the line of my sight.
Hold her!
He ordered his men and they all pinned me down on the iron table.

Two were holding my hands and two were holding my legs. One person was holding my head in place. Lucifer tore the body of Oscar from his bare hands and squeezed my mouth open. He forcefully pushed the piece down my throat.

I felt like vomiting but then the threat came.
If you vomit, you will kick it clean.
I very well knew he damn serious.

He made me eat the whole meat. My heart stung at the thought that my Oscar is gone. He will never come back. Lucifer waved his hands dismissively and his men let go of me. They walked out of the door and shut the door with a bang.
This could be better if you just say the word!

He said this and pulled his pants down. My body was bleeding from everywhere. Without any second thought, he entered me with much aggression. His slow thrusts changed into hard pounding within a few minutes.

This continued for hours. I emptied his load inside of me and left me there on the table. He came back with a new robe in his hands. He made me wear it and carried me bridal style back to the room.

He gently laid me down on the bed.
Do you want to say something?
He asked. His hands were inside his pocket. I realized what he was talking about. I turned my head away from him as a sign of protest.
Fine then! You can enter!
Whom he is calling?

The door opened to reveal the same friends of Lucifer who raped me earlier.
They all had a vile smirk plastered on their faces. Lucifer stood at one corner of the room with his arms folded on his chest.

His friends came up to me and I backed up towards the headboard of the bed. I was in a panic state. I tried to run but they caught me again. They laid me down and yanked my robe away from my body.

One by one all of them plunged into me from both my holes. I was trying to push them away but they didn't budge.

It was plain torture for me. The pain continued and so did my screams.
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