chapter 41

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I sat on the vanity chair drying my hair with a towel. I tossed the towel aside and picked up a comb. I lightly moved the comb in my hair trying to untangle them.

I was looking at myself in the mirror. I recalled everything that happened to me. I was a very happy girl who wanted to enjoy life and now I am a girl who wants nothing more than to end her life so she can be free from the pain and bondage. I never thought I will be in this condition. Due to me, a lot of people have died. A lot of people were killed and many were captivated who are living a life worse than me. My mind drifted to Ace.

How is he? It has been more than a month I saw him. Millions of questions regarding him entered my head. I just hope he was alright. I sighed deeply.

My head hung low and tears rolled down my cheeks. At this moment I want to meet god and ask him only one question which is why did he make me? Even if he did, then why did he made a bond between me and Lucifer?

I didn't make any effort to wipe them. I closed my eyes shut and fisted the bathrobe. I was drowning in my misery when I felt a hand on my cheeks. Those hands wiped my tears. These hands were not of Lucifer. They are too soft to belong to him.

I instantly opened my eyes to see someone familiar standing in front of me. I was shocked and confused. How come she is here? I thought all of them were captivated by Lucifer.

Standing in front of me was.....


My mouth hung open. No words came out of my mouth. She was the one wiping my tears. She gave me a small smile. I wanted to smile back but then the realization dawned upon me. All the pain and betrayal returned. The shock and confusion were replaced by anger and rage. I smacked her hand away. Hurt was visible on her face. Her head hung low and few whimpers left her mouth.

Her hands dropped to the side and fisted the piece of fabric she was wearing. One thing I noticed here is that all the people in this palace-like women half nakedly dressed. She was wearing a maid dress that barely covered her ass. All she needs is to bend and her butt will put up a show for everyone.

My thoughts were disturbed by her sobs which slowly turned louder.
I am sorry.........I am so sorry.....
She stuttered and broke down in tears. She slid to the ground and covered her head with her hands while she cried her hearts out. I just felt bad for her. I kneeled by her side and exhaled deeply.

I rubbed her back.
It's okay...
I chanted it like a mantra in her ears. I don't know what else to say.
I forgive you, Madelyn. Now, please stop crying.
I said trying to assure her. She looked up at me with a questioning gaze. I nodded and gave her a small smile. That seemed to stop her from crying.

Out of nowhere, she jumped on me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back. I decided to forgive her. It is not like being angry with her is gonna make everything back to normal. We separated.
I knew everything still I didn't tell you. But that was only because I didn't want to hurt you. And I swear I didn't know anything about whatever they were planning. Please trust me--
I cut her off in the between. is alright. I can forgive you but the truth is that I can't trust you anymore.......if you want me to trust you then you have to earn my trust......
She looked at me with confusion flashing in her eyes.



I was sitting on my chair in my office. I have been stressed out lately. I closed my eyes and massaged my forehead with my fingers. Sabrina was informing about the insides of the castle and hell to the people in Andromeda. I was sure of it. Now, I have confined her but still, there are attacks on the outskirts. Well, it is good in a way that nobody is getting harmed by these attacks. Those people are just destroying the landscapes.

Thinking of Sabrina, I left her in her room after our bath. I sent her friend, Madelyn to help Sabrina in getting dressed. I need her for something. I have a surprise planned for her. I smirk made its way on my face thinking about Sabrina. I am so gonna enjoy her.

A groan escaped my lips. I opened my eyes and looked under the table with the same smirk on my face. Sabrina will always be my favorite doll but right now I have another toy to play with. I grabbed her hair and pulled it. Her filthy mouth was wrapped around my cock. Her eyes were red and sweat was formed on her forehead. She looked like a complete mess. I pushed her head down and held her there. I was close. Very close.

Finally, I erupted inside the mouth. She licked all my cum and grinned at me. If she would have met me before I met Sabrina and would have given me a blowjob then I would have appreciated her for sure. But things are different now. No woman can pleasure me the way Sabrina does. I was imagining her while I had my release. I wanted to release my frustration and try out Britney too. It was a good way to finish both the jobs so I made her give me a blowjob in which she was terrible. I would have enjoyed it more if Sabrina would have given me a blowjob.

I grinned back at her.
So, what do you think?
She asked me with a toothy grin plastered on her face.
Terrible! Truth is truth and that truth is that Sabrina is better. She is the best.
I spoke with a grin matching hers. That is the truth. And the truth is always bitter. My words wiped of that grin on her face. That was truly irritating. I can smell jealousy on her. This made my grin even wider.
Then teach me! Teach me how to be better than her.
She spoke with a fake enthusiasm in her voice. I pulled her harder. She winced in response.
I brought you here for a reason. Just do your job and do not try to replace her because no one will ever take her position!
I hissed.

Really? Is she capable enough to hold that place in your life? She betrayed you! In case you forgot. I can bet she is fucking your guards behind your back!
She spoke back. I smacked her hard on her face for two reasons. One, no one speaks in that way with me. Two, no one speaks about my doll that way. She would be very hurt if she hears her. And only I can hurt her. No one else. No one can even speak wrong about her except that person is me.

Yeah, she betrayed me but still, she is mine! She will always be mine! Better get that thing fixed in your thick skull! Nobody! I mean, NOBODY can take her away from me!
I bared my fangs at her and this seemed to make her dirty mouth shut. I grabbed her jaw harshly and squeezed it. Her eyes teared up and slowly tears started rolling down her cheeks. Filthy slut!
I yelled at her face. She nodded in response. I jerked her face away and she fell on the cold floor. I straightened my shirt and picked up my coat jacket from the chair. I wore it and strode towards the door.

I was about to turn the knob when I remembered something. I turned around and walked towards Britney. She was still lying on the floor with her head down. I crouched down to her level. Women can be annoying sometimes. I rolled my eyes at her and pulled her head up by her hair. She winced in pain and a small scream escaped her mouth. She was a sobbing mess.
Get up, wash your face, get dressed, and get in the dining hall! Now, move!
Horror was visible in her eyes. She was shaking in fear. She scurried out from the door in fear. Good!

She should be scared of me. I stood up and dusted the fake dirt. Now, I want to see Sabrina. Let's see what she is wearing tonight.

The upcoming night will be the biggest surprise for her. I smirk formed its way on my face and I walked out of my office and went towards Sabrina's room.

Hey guys, how are you all?
Hope everyone is fine.

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