chapter 33

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The sight in front of me was gruesome. I don't know whether the figure was male or female. But whoever it was, he or she was in great pain. I walked closer to it and stood near the bars. Lucifer stood right behind me and snaked his arms around my waist. He put his chin on my right shoulder. I turned my head away as the sight was very disturbing.

He turned his head a bit and laid wet sloppy kisses around my neck.
I told you I will never let anything harm you. Now, look closely.
He said in a low husky voice which sends chills down my spine. He grabbed my jaw and forced me to look at the figure. My eyes widened and my jaw fell to the ground when I recognized the figure. Shit! It's her! The woman who attacked me. How come she is in this condition?

She was wearing the same maid outfit but it was completely bloodied. Her head was shaven. Not a single hair was present on her head. Anyone can tell just by looking at her head that all the hair was forcefully yanked away from the scalp. Blood was still oozing out from her scalp. Her lips were busted and her eyes were swollen. Lucifer has pinned her upside down on the wall. Nails were hammered on both of her arms and legs to keep her hanging.

I am damn sure that Lucifer interrogated her. But he said he will do it by tomorrow morning. A wave of terror hit me like a brick. Goosebumps erupted on my skin. What if she told him about me?

Lucifer started sniffing my hair. I tilted my head a bit to look at him. His eyes were completely black and the veins of his body were popping out. The scariest part was that his veins were blood red with a black gradient in them. His skin was super hot like he was burning in fire. 

With a click of his fingers, the door to the cell opened with an eerie creak sound. He gently pushed me inside the cell but me being me, I tripped on my feet and fell to the ground. I hissed in pain. I was waiting for Lucifer to help me get up but that help never came. He stood in front of me and crouched down to my position. My hair was a bit disheveled due to the fall. He twirled one of the stray strands of my hair around his fingers. His furious gaze met mine and I knew that I am busted. He knows.

My eyes automatically watered and after a few moments, tears started rolling down my cheek. He creased his eyebrows. He wiped my tears with his thumb. I feel so scared and sorry. I don't want to go back to the dungeon. I want to stay with him. I want my dark fairytale to come true.

Lucifer leaned towards me and kissed my forehead. His lips stayed like that for the next few minutes before he pulled away. The kiss still lingered on my skin. He held mu face in both of his hands and joined our foreheads. His minty breath was fanning my face sending me into a trance. No, I have to control myself. I need to use my brain in here otherwise I will be in the same condition as her.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was hyperventilating. He placed a finger on my mouth and shushed me.
Don't you wanna know what happened? Let me show you.......
He said. Suddenly, a black smoke kind of thing started erupting from his index finger. He placed the same finger on my forehead and a chilling shiver jolted me up making me gasp for air.

The atmosphere suddenly changed. I was feeling hot from inside but my skin was cold. I slowly started floating in the air and the same black smoke surrounded my body.

There was a sudden flash of light. I squeezed my eyes shut due to the high intensity. And when I opened them I was left dumbfounded.

Everything was the same. I was in the same place. But the cell was empty. The floor which was once flooded with blood was completely clear. Not a single drop of blood was visible. Lucifer was absent too. Where did he go? I ran for the gate. But before I could push open the door, my hand just passed through the gate.

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