chapter 72

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Is this woman on her right mind? I doubt consciousness!

I looked at Marilyn with a baffled expression before laughing loudly. She is good with jokes. I liked her funny nature though it was not expected from her. For the second time in a row, Marilyn looked at me as I am some strange creature.
I will make sure that Samael takes you to see a doctor. You need it.
I said sarcastically.

Lucifer has been so good to me. He is considerate and loves me unconditionally. Why would he do something like that to me? Above all, why would he do it when he knew I was pregnant with his child?
I continued further.

All her words sound so absurd. I feel like laughing.
What I am saying is true! He did that!
Marilyn spoke again and emphasized every word of it.
Can you prove it?
I spoke.

Marilyn thought for a while about my question. I laughed out in sarcasm. Of course, she couldn't. She is just making up things. I am damn sure that this is some dirty trick they are playing. Alas, it was unsuccessful!

I was hoping for denial when she surprised me with her answer.
Yes, I can prove it, and I will prove it to you!

Now, it was my turn to look at Marilyn as she was some strange creature. I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
But I don't think so. I don't want to go with you. I don't trust you.
I said with a huff. This woman is strange. It is better not to get involved with her.

Do you not trust me or do you not trust Lucifer enough?
Marilyn said with a smirk.


Till now I thought that she is weakling. I never thought that she could be savage at times. To be honest, her confidence was scaring me and I had a very bad feeling about this.
I do not need to justify my love and trust to someone as worthless as you.
I said through gritted teeth.

Just listen to me once. Please.
Marilyn spoke. She seemed so sure about something.

What if you are wrong??
I said, eyeing Marilyn from top to bottom.

You already called me worthless then it doesn't matter if I am right or wrong.
Marilyn spoke as a matter of fact. I averted my gaze feeling a bit guilty about what I said. It was a harsh comment. I didn't speak anything further and decided to remain silent.

Shall I take your silence as a yes?
Marilyn spoke. Her voice cutting through the air like a knife.

I guess.
It was all I said.


(A few hours earlier from the present time)

I walked out of Sabrina's room. I closed the door behind me but didn't leave. I stood by the door and kept an eye on her activities. I have to make sure that the tonic works properly. I can not trust anyone on this matter.

I intensified my hearing. I could hear some urgent movements from inside. It is effective. With a satisfied smile on my face, I walked back to my office.

<.................time skip................>

I am so tired today. My body is a little bit weaker due to the transfer but it is just a matter of five days and then everything will be back to its original form. Once I finished with everything I walked back to my office. The thought of Sabrina struck my head. I yearn for her but I still have matters to attend to. Earlier she was crying a lot. I do not like it a bit if she cries because of someone else.

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