chapter 28

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I can't believe this. Everyone betrayed me. It would be better if I die.

Lucifer's shoes came in front of my eyes. He bent down to my level ad lifted my head up. He held my face in both of his hands. He wiped my tears with his thumb.
I don't know what I was trying to tell him. I was just crying. My body was trembling. He wrapped his arms around my body. He kept my head under his chin.

He shushed me and was cradling me like a baby. I don't know what gotten in my head that I wrapped my hands around him too.
It's alright...
He was repeatedly saying the same sentence in my ears again and again. I hate the fact that my body calmed down just by his touch.

I involuntarily snuggled closer to him. He lifted me up bridal style and took me outside of the palace. He sat me in the passenger seat and himself got into the driver's seat. He ignited the engine and we drove off.

My mind was preoccupied with my own devastating thoughts. Several questions were running through my mind.
Will my life be just the way it is? Full of tears and pain?

Will I ever have any good in my life?

Why this is happening to me?

Did I make the correct decision by saying yes to Lucifer?

Will he become the same Lucifer once we get back?

Is he gonna punish because I broke his rules?

My thoughts came to halt as soon as the car stopped. I looked outside. I was too lost to notice where we are going. Lucifer didn't take me back to the tower. Instead, he brought me to the illuminated area of hell. A place which was brightly lit.

The light made me feel good. It reduced the sting in my heart a bit. It has been a complete year, sunrays touched my skin. My skin has grown paler due to this. I looked up at the blue sky. I squeezed my eyes shut due to the intensity. This is just so satisfying.

The place was full of greenery. It was decorated with different kinds of flowers. Few are unknown to me but they are beautiful.

I reached out to touch them

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I reached out to touch them. I slowly caressed the petals. They were so soft.
Umm.....if you want then we can stay here for a while.
I looked at him and gave him a weak smile. His phone rang so he went to pick up the call. I decided to have a tour of this place by myself.

This is the same place I saw from the tower on my first day here. The palace here is massive. It also has several fountains and artificial ponds.

I sat on one of the benches placed in the garden. I became lost in my thoughts again. After a few minutes, Lucifer returned. He carried me in his arms even after I insisted on several times that I can walk. The palace insides were majestic too.

We entered through a beautiful gateway to a grand hall that was shimmering like stars. Many men and women lined on both sides greeting and bowing to Lucifer. They are servants. Many people were looking at me with a shocked expression but one look from Lucifer made them look down. He ordered a maid to bring the meal upstairs.

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