chapter 32

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I was laying on the bed for god knows how long. I abruptly sat up on the bed. I threw the blanket away from my body and strode towards the door.

I turned the doorknob and it opened the door a bit to reveal two heavily armed guards standing outside my room. Both of them were bulky and looked dangerous.

I opened the door completely and stepped out of the room. Instantly, both of them blocked my way. I looked like a little rat in front of them. They looked down at me. Their eyes were as scary as their appearance. Their eyes were completely black with white iris and a black dot in between. Their skin was completely white matching their eye color.

I am sorry, mistress but you are not allowed to leave the room

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I am sorry, mistress but you are not allowed to leave the room.
One of them spoke. My hands were terribly shaking. But wait! What did these douche bags call me? Mistress? A fucking mistress?! I gathered all my courage and looked him in the eye.
How dare you order me around?!
I spoke in an authoritative tone. Everyone knows what I mean to Lucifer and now it is the time to take advantage of it.

Suddenly, both of them bent to their knees in front of me and bowed their heads. Okay, now I feel bad.
We apologize for our behavior but it is a strict order given by the Lord himself. We can't let you go.
The second one spoke. Shit! So there is no way in hell they are letting me go. One more thing which I have learned about the people who live here that they have replaced God by Lucifer. They are extremely loyal and ethical towards him.

Okay, but you can take me to him, right?
I spoke with a sigh. they both stood up and nodded their heads. Their eyes were still cast downwards. Both of them turned on their heels. I passed through the hallway and entered a different one. Eventually, I became aware of the fact that the complete hallway where I currently live belongs specifically to Lucifer, and no one is allowed to enter without his permission. Also, it is one of the most secure places in the castle.

The hallway was filled with maids and servants chattering who stopped after noticing me. The moment I stepped in the hallway, all the eyes were focused on me. I awkwardly shifted and instinctively wrapped my arms around my body. My eyes traveled down to my body. That is when a blush crept up my cheeks and I was definitely looking like a tomato. I was wearing a sleeveless blue and white striped crop top and a matching skirt that only covered my ass. My hair also looked like a broken nest of a troublesome bird.

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