chapter 71

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The pain died soon after. I let go of my chest which I have been clutching for the whole time. I sat up straight and brought my hands to my mouth. The moment I touched my lips, I felt something warm and sticky on my lips. I rushed and stood up in front of the mirror. A black-colored liquid was sticking to my lips. I opened my mouth and was horrified. It is coming out of me. I felt an urge to vomit but before I could reach the bathroom, I let out all the black content on the floor itself. I kneeled to catch a breath. I was gasping when I noticed the black fluid evaporating on its own.

What is happening here?

I tried to stand but my body felt as if it is frozen on the ground. I couldn't move an inch. I tried to scream but couldn't scream. After several painful minutes, I gained control of my body back.

Miraculously, I stood up on my feet and my body felt normal. Again. It was like there was no problem, to begin with. I should tell Lucifer about this. I rushed towards the door but it opened before I could touch the knob. A few maids rushed in with some boxes. Maybe Lucifer send them to help me with the reception.

After all the maids entered, I spotted Madelyn standing at the door frame with a smirk. I furrowed my brows and took in her appearance and my eyes became wider than a saucer. She was dressed in clothes different than her maid outfit. Frankly speaking, she was dressed up like royalty. Her blue and golden dress stuck to her body like a second skin. The long thigh skit added to her beauty.

 The long thigh skit added to her beauty

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She looked elegant. But she shouldn't be dressed like this. What's up with her? Why is everyone so weird today?

She bowed in front of me.
Let me properly introduce myself, my queen.
She spoke with a slight smirk and sarcasm. I just nodded my head. To be honest, I was both confused and suspicious.
I am Madelyn, the new mistress of Lord Lucifer.
My eyeball jumped out of its socket from this statement of hers. How dare she say that!

The burning fire could be detected from my eyes. All I wanted to do was scratch her face now. But I was angrier at Lucifer. I let her stand by the door and marched towards Lucifer's office. He must be there.

I didn't knock on his door rather I barged in. He was a bit shocked by my actions and stood from his chair. He strode towards me.
What's the matter?
He asked while furrowing his brows.

How could you do that? How could you take in a mistress? Am I not enough?
I thought I would shout at him. But instead of shouting at Lucifer, I was crying my eyes out in front of him. He looked baffled by my sudden change of emotions. Lucifer grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in a hug. He shushed me while rocking my body back and forth.
It's not what you think!
Lucifer kept on repeating the same sentence over and over again. That was not what I need. I wanted a proper explanation from him.
Then what it is like?
I questioned Lucifer.

He sighed and spoke.
Let's just say, Madelyn, helped me with something important in exchange for a life of mistress. She wanted the privileges and I gave her that. And above everything, I am a king. I have many mistresses. What do you want me to do about them? Kill them all? Or send them home to be killed by their families? Huh?
Lucifer questioned back. Is that it? She helped him with something like that in return. That's a shame! I gazed into his eyes and felt drawn towards them. I wiped my tears and nodded in acknowledgment.

Your body is warmer than normal.
I stated, changing the topic by touching his cheeks. He was almost burning. He held my hands and lightly pressed them.
I am fine. Now get ready for the reception.
He said and ushered me out of the room. I smiled and went back to my room. I took a long breath before entering the room. My smile faded as soon as her face came in front of my eyes. I want to punch her on the nose right now. Without a word, I sat on the dressing table where the maids were waiting for me. They soon started their work. It took lesser time than usual. They were pretty fast.

Once they were done, I stood up to look at myself

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Once they were done, I stood up to look at myself. I wore a black sequin gown which emphasized my cleavage.  Madelyn gestured them to get out of the room. All of them bowed and left both of us alone in one room. I just hope it doesn't end in chaos.

I looked at her reflection from the mirror with an annoyed expression on my face. She opened a box resting beside her and pulled a black tiara. She walked towards me and placed the tiara on my head.
Aren't you happy?
She spoke while leaning down to my ear. I pushed her away from me. She held her hands above her head in surrender.
I am happy that I got this position just by eradicating a few objects. I never thought it was this easy otherwise I would have done it earlier.
She spoke with light laughter. I just want Madelyn to leave this room as soon as possible.
Just wait till I lure Lucifer far away from you!
Madelyn spoke through gritted teeth. Now she crossed her limits and should not blame me for what happens next. Without thinking anything further, I swung my hand with full force and landed it on her face. Madelyn stumbled back a bit from the impact.

Instead of lashing out at me, she started laughing at me.
I don't need to repay you for this slap. It will soon be repaid by someone you trust the most.
She left the room with this. I could feel the fury burning within myself. Before I could calm myself and sit back, there was another knock on the door.

I allowed the person to come in and guess who was there?

I am so done with these sisters. Is she here to get another slap from me?
What is it?
I snarled at her. She was a bit taken back by my outrageous behavior and I felt a little guilty. I took in a long breath and tried speaking with her again.
I am so mad because of your sister. Just say what you want to say and get out.
This time I spoke in a lighter tone.

She thought about it for a second before taking a seat on the bed. She was dressed modestly in an off-shoulder gown. She looked elegant and innocent. I could see Marilyn biting her lips.
I spoke cutting the silence. Finally, Marilyn looked me in the eye.
I don't blame you for the death of Britney and the captivation of the team. I know it was not your fault.
Marilyn spoke in hesitation.

What is she talking about? Her talks got me curious.
What are you saying? Who's Britney? Which team?
I spoke with confusion and anger lacing my words. Is she trying to fool me? She better not do that.

Don't you remember?
Marilyn said with the same amount of confusion as mine. I gave her a look.
How can you forget Britney? Wasn't she your favorite enemy?
Marilyn spoke again.

What is this girl talking about?

She was looking at me as I was some rare creature, unknown to her. Her confused expression soon changed into anger and then into guilt. How fast she changes!

I know Lucifer must have done this to you. He might think of this as the last option.
Marilyn sighed after the statement.

Okay, I don't know what is she talking about. And I am so done with her unnecessary talks.
Stop with the puzzles. Say it in a simple statement and get lost.
I spoke in a strict tone.

I could see tears brimming up Marilyn's eyes. She cleared her throat and spoke.
I mean to say that Lucifer deliberately did something to make you forget everything....
Marilyn said.

And that's when all the hell broke loose.


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