chapter 36

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It hurts, everywhere. I tried stretching my leg but it's damn painful. It feels like every bone of my body is broken. I can barely lift a finger!

I gathered up my strength and tried again. I tried moving my toes first. Wow, I am glad I can still move it. I slowly rotated my ankle in a clockwise direction. I repeated the same with the other leg.

Great! Maybe I can bend my legs too. Trust me, it was my biggest mistake. I moved a little bit to bend my knee and a sharp pain shot through my legs. I let out a high pitched scream and finally give up.

I was laying in the middle of the room on the cold tiles, completely naked. If there was anything that I had on my body were cuts and bruises. It has been a complete month since I have been here and the dark dungeon routine has already begun. The difference was that there were no ugly bloodthirsty creatures in here. But it doesn't mean that my sufferings were any less. The room was itself the biggest torture. It gets extremely hot during the day and extremely cold during the night. It nearly burns my skin in the day time and freezes my blood during the night time.

I had blisters and redness all over my skin. I balanced my body on my forearms and somehow dragged myself towards the wall. I rested my back against the wall with my head hung low. My stomach growled loudly. It's hurting too. I rubbed my hand on my stomach in the hope that the pain will subsidize. But all my efforts were in vain.

I don't know how many days had passed since I last ate. My throat was parched. I sighed deeply. I was lost in my misery when the door creaked open. My head shot up in the hope of seeing Lucifer.

And food.

He entered the room with a stone-cold expression. When he took in my naked figure his lips curled into an evil smirk which sent a chill through my body. Though my legs were aching still I bent my knees and brought them close to my chest. He started walking towards me. My body started shivering and I hid my face in between my folded knees.

He whistled to gain my attention and I squeezed my body deeper. What if he hits me again? That is what he has been doing for the past month. He comes and hits me and then fuck me until I blackout. I woke up with dry cum sticking to my thighs every morning. He didn't even let me clean.

I was lost in my thoughts when I smelt it. Oh god, it's just divine. I peeked out a little to see Lucifer crouching down in front of me with a box in his hands. He shakes it a bit. I rose my head. My eyes shifting between his eyes and the box. He slowly opened the box. Is it what I think it is?

My mouth instantly watered after seeing the heavenly view in front of me

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My mouth instantly watered after seeing the heavenly view in front of me. I gulped down a big lump on my throat. Is it his new trick? He knows I am hungry. If I stretch my hand out to get it, will he snatch the box away from me?

Those donuts look so delicious and cute. They were in heart shape. I looked back at him with pleading eyes. He picked up a donut and put it in his mouth. He chewed it excruciatingly slow so that he could tease me. I was hungry and thus man can eat whenever and whatever he wants to but still he was eating like this in front of me. Tears welled up in my eyes. Does he not care about me anymore?

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