chapter 12

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I was strolling down the hallway with Sabrina beside me.
I can't tell you how soft her skin is. I want to taste every inch of her luscious body. But no!

I will wait. I got some important work. I have to show some fucktards their real places. And I have to do it before Sabrina comes back to her senses. She is going to help me with this. Even if it's without her consent. She will get back to her senses soon.

These people never let her transform into what she is really is which is why she had to face so much trouble tonight. She is bound to me. So she will definitely face the inducement. Even if she denies it, her inner soul will crave me. That's what happened today. Now I have her. And she is much more beautiful and cute when looking at her closely.

Now, the only trouble-causing elements between both of us are my enemies in the disguise of my friends. I have something planned for that too but she will be needed to endure it because this will be harsh on her too. I know she can do it.

Dear father, just don't let her come to her senses!
I just want my work to complete then she can be Sabrina for a whole eternity. I am not gonna mind. This side is good too but then again, there will be no leisure in that. I want to hear her crying and begging. I want to see her all broken and bruised. I want to see her submitting to me. I want to see her as my diva with a crown sitting beside me. I want to see her with a swollen belly and pretty smile on her face................

Hold on!!!!
What the useless and shitty fuck I am thinking about??!!!
She will never be my queen. I want to destroy her................

And then become her salvation and keep her happy for the rest of my and your fucking life!

Spoke my inner demon. He has grown restless. We have a few disagreements in this matter. I wanna use her and then drain all her powers which will ultimately lead to her death. Then I plan on burning her soul in pits of Tartarus forever. But he has different plans. He wants to break her till she submits. He wants to make her completely dependent on us so that she can never even imagine a life without us.

This way no one can ever take advantage of my weakness. He will keep her close to us. Disgusting!

What the people will think? That the ultimate destroyer has become the protector? That's so for a filthy woman?

Really disgusting!!!!
But at least we have one agreement. That is torture her till she is on the verge of dying. Then bring her back and torture her again.
It's gonna be lovely. She will be paying for everyone down here because none of them will be getting alive out of here to payback their sins and the amount of frustration they have swirled within me.

I looked back at the little butterfly who was about to witness everything. I am going to make her kill them. Brutally. I smirked at that thought. She looked up at me and grinned warmly. I felt something inside of me. I put my hand on my chest. It was a very warm feeling. It felt good. Don't know after how many eons I had a genuine smile plastered on my face. Now all I need some good killing and thrilling fuck and this will be the best day of my life. I am sure I will be getting both.

Let's just hope my subordinates got everything handled. I looked at her again.
She is definitely our weakness................
It was my subconscious again and he was right.
She is definitely our weakness................


I and Erick just disposed of the bodies of the now-dead lords of Andromeda when we saw brother walking down the hallway while holding a girl who was admiring him.
Isn't she.....?
Erick was as confused as me.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing!

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