chapter 48

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Have you ever seen a blood fountain?
I didn't.......
Until now.

I was frozen in his seat while he stood above the now lifeless body of the woman whom he was fucking earlier. Lucifer broke one of the wooden chairs earlier and stabbed her with the broken leg of the chair. He spat on her pale face. He walked towards the rest of the broken chair and picked it up. He towed the chair towards her body. He hoisted it high and threw it straight at her face. He picked the chair again and threw it back on her face. He repeated the same process nearly six times.

When he picked the chair the seventh time, I was unfortunate enough to be the sole witness of the disastrous events. Her once beautiful face was hardly recognizable. I gasped loudly and covered my mouth with my hand. My heart started thumping loudly. Tears threatened to spill out from my eyes. Lucifer gently nudged her face with his legs. Her head fell in my direction. It felt like she was staring right back at me and accusing me. Her lifeless body was blaming me for her death. Maybe if I would have been a bit more careful and wouldn't have stumbled down here then she might be alive now.

I couldn't help but blame myself. Soon, the tears which I was struggling to hold back flew freely. I started to sob loudly.
Fucking bitch!
I heard Lucifer growling her. A sudden wave of anger passed through my body. I stood up abruptly and pushed the chair backward. My sudden action made his eyes shot up at me.

I stomped my foot on the floor like an angry kid and strode up to him. I was fuming and stood right in front of him. He gazed down at me. I balled my fist and the next thing which I did was extremely disastrous.

My fist connected with his jaw within a span of a few seconds. I glared at him. His head snapped to the side due to the impact. His hand shot up to the place where I hit him. He chuckled devilishly. And it was enough to pull me back from whatever trance I was in. Then I realized what I did.
This will be the last mistake of your life.....
He spoke in an extremely low voice. He rose his head excruciatingly slow and glared back at me.

I just felt so small under his gaze. I took a step forward and I took a step backward. We continued this till I reached the edge of the desk. A low whimper escaped my mouth when I noticed that there was no way out. Lucifer held me captive between the desk and his arms. I must have punched him hard. The light bruise on his jaw made it quite clear. I was very delighted after seeing it.

A small smile crept up my face by looking at the bruise but the moment my eyes met his blackened orbs, my smile vanished in thin air. I have a feeling that soon my existence will vanish too. My breathing picked up and I was gasping for air. Lucifer grabbed me by the side and tore the dress into shreds. He evaluated my body which was full of wounds and bruises. Some were old and some were recently formed. I was damn sure he was looking for a place to make yet another bruise. I am just so pathetic. I should better die. But even after death, I won't be able to get out of this mess. He will captivate my soul and torture it for the rest of eternity.

A lone tear escaped my eyes at my helplessness. Why my life is just so miserable?

Soon after, I broke into sons and looked like a mess. He cupped my face and laid light kisses on my face. I almost felt loved. Almost. He grabbed my breast in his hands and started fondling it. He pulled my body towards his chest. The bulge on his pants didn't go unnoticed by me. He tucked his head on my neck and nibbled on it. He started grinding against me and unfortunately I was turned on. A low moan of pleasure escapes my mouth. The mere sound was enough for him to completely transform into the real beast that he is.

His once soft nibbles turned wild and he bit on my skin like some hungry animal. He continued doing till he drew blood from my skin. A shrill scream escaped my mouth when he bit me on the other side of my neck.

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