chapter 77

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The only place where I could find something was his office only. I don't know whether I am right or not about this matter but it is worth giving it a shot.

After crossing the hallway of my chambers, I was standing in front of Marilyn's chambers again. It felt like a deja vu when I heard another glass shattering. I flinched back from the impact. I wanted to go and check on her but this is not the right timing.

I balled my fists and turned to the other side. I ran towards Lucifer's office without looking back. I stopped a few meters away when the door came in my sight. I calmed my breathing and walked towards the door.

I waited for a response after gently knocking on the door. But the response never came. Guess he is not here. Good for me.

I turned the doorknob but it was locked.


Why is it locked now? Within a span of a few seconds, I was wrestling with the doorknob. Nothing worked. I took a step back. My mind working on finding another way. That's when I heard heavy footsteps coming towards the door. Before I could manage to run and hide, two guards stood right in front of me.

My body froze in its place. Their eyes widen when they spotted me and kneeled to the ground.
Do you need something, my Queen?
One of them spoke.

I tried so hard to cover my panic attack.
Where is Lucifer?
I was straightforward with them. I just hope they go away as soon as possible.
Lord is out of the castle now. He will be back soon. He ordered you to stay in the chambers. Let us escort you back.
The other guard spoke.

No need for that. I will wait for him in the office.
I spoke.

Their bodies tensed with this statement. They exchanged glances before standing up straight.
We are sorry but we couldn't do that. We will lead you to your chambers.
The guard spoke in a monotonous voice.
I am your queen. Are you trying to defy me?
I tried to play the queen card by saying this. They gulped visibly and exchanged another glass. One of the guards kneeled again and spoke.
We can not allow anyone to enter here unless they are one of the kings or the lord himself.
He announced leaving no room for argument. Why is everyone here like this?

I do not want to go just yet. I sighed in frustration. I guess there is not much I can do. I started walking back with my head held down. I saw Samael walking out of his chambers with a grim expression on his face. An idea struck my head.

Gosh, he looked scary. I just hope it works. I left the guards behind and jogged up to him. He stopped in his tracks when he spotted me and gave me a fake smile.
Where is Lucifer?
I asked in a soft tone. It's better not to provoke him right now.
Is he not here?
Samael furrowed his eyebrows and asked me back. I shook my head from side to side.
Can you ask about his whereabouts?
I spoke again.

Contact him yourself.
Samael said and brushed past me.
I don't know-how.
I turned around to face him. He turned to look at me and rolled his eyes in annoyance. Shouldn't I be bearing this reaction? He took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number. He ushered the guards away before the call was connected.

Once connected, he put it on speaker.
A deep voice resounded from another end.
Shouldn't you be providing your wife with some means to contact you? Come on, brother, you are a family man now!
Samael said in an annoyed voice. Looks like he is pissed off more than I imagined.
Hand her the phone.
Lucifer's voice boomed. Samael handed me the phone and placed it near my ear after turning off the speaker.

I will be back in a few hours. Wait for me in the bedroom.
Lucifer said and exhaled deeply.
The kids are sleeping there. Can I wait for you in your office?
I asked in a low octave, afraid of being denied. I mentally crossed my fingers and hoped for him not to say no.

What is it? You can tell me now.
Lucifer spoke. He was unwilling of the idea of me being in his office alone.
I..... I just miss you... You know it is our first night. Technically not, but still, it is and you are not here so.....
I spoke. God, I am out of excuses. Nevertheless, hope it works. Guess what, it worked.
Okay. Hand over the phone to Samael.
Lucifer spoke with a small laugh. I returned the phone to Samael.

No, I have work. I will not babysit your wife..... Fine......
Samael spoke in a stern voice. He disconnected the call.
Follow me.
He told me. I nodded and did what he said. Soon, we reached Lucifer's office again. Samael told me to wait and unlocked the door. He opened the door wide and gestured me to enter.

Do not touch anything. Lord Lucifer is on his way.
Samael spoke and strode out of the room without waiting for me to reply. He shut the door behind him.
Don't worry, I will do more than just touch.
I spoke to myself and ran to Lucifer's desk.

Samael said he is on his way now. I don't know how much time I have left so, I better work fast. Gosh, I feel like a thief now. It was a hard task. I was trying to find a clue without making a mess of things. After opening several drawers of his desk I found the file which he showed me earlier. The blue file. I opened the file and read the contents. It matches with the story Lucifer told me that day. I guess it is of no use to me.

I put the file back in its place and went for the bookshelves. There has to be something. Anything.

As I was going through the books, to find some clues, I accidentally kicked a vase which broke into shreds. A loud gasp escaped my lips. That's it, I am done. For sure. I bent down to pick up the pieces and get rid of them. A key came in front of my eyesight in the middle of the mess I created. I picked up the key and analyzed it.

It was a small golden key with a dragon on it

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It was a small golden key with a dragon on it. I wonder where can I use it. I tucked the key into my bra and hid the broken pieces of the vase behind some books.

I was inspecting my work, whether I hid it properly or not that's when the door burst open.
What are you doing?

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