chapter 79

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I scrunched open my eyes. Rubbing them gently, I took in the surroundings I was in.

I was lying on the sofa. Lucifer's shirt was draped over me. I pulled the shirt closer to my body and sat up. It was just his shirt here. Lucifer was nowhere in sight. I looked around the whole office. Sighing, I wore his shirt as my gown was ripped last night and was also gone with Lucifer.

As I finished buttoning the shirt, his words rushed back to my mind. Every single letter was loud and clear to me. I should have expected such a kind of answer but I don't know why my heart was yearning for a different answer.

I was also unhappy that he was not present here, after last night. It was not like I had sex with him for the first time but last night was supposed to be special for both of us. Nevermind.

I got up from the sofa. My body was a little sore. I stretched my limbs a bit and walked up to the door. Then, it hit me.

I ran back to the couch and dug for the key. Last night, I hid it in there. Once I found the key, I ran out of the door and into the corridor. The hallway was eerily silent. My footsteps echoed through the hallway. I reached my room and entered. My cupcakes were sleeping peacefully.

I sat beside Eligor and moved his head into my lap. His body completely curled up in my lap. Gently, I stroked his head.

I wish the best for my baby. Frankly speaking, I don't know what I am doing right now. I am digging my past which looks like I am digging my own grave. I have not thought about what if my skepticism regarding Lucifer is true, then what will I do? Will I leave him? Or will I stay with him? What about my child?

I was still not sure what will I do if this happens. Eligor is my son. There's no way I am leaving him behind. If I go, my son goes too.

I could feel a lump forming in my throat just by the thought of parting with my baby or Lucifer.

Yes, I don't know what he exactly wants from me but I love him. I truly love him. I want to live happily with him. Secretly, I wish all my suspicions turn out to be wrong, but they are not. What I heard outside Marilyn's room made this thing crystal clear. But I still wish there is some hope for us.

Lucifer betrayed me but the love I feel for him is still the same. After all, he is my husband. A silent tear escaped my eyes and wiped it hurriedly before it can drop on Eligor's face.

I moved his head off my lap and rushed to the washroom. I guess a shower can help me with my bad mood.

When I was done with my daily routine and entered the bedroom wearing a bathrobe again, the children were gone instead I was graced with the presence of Lucifer. He was sitting on the bed checking his phone. He smiled at me when he spotted me. He still gives me butterflies. Lucifer gestured me to come to me and that's what I did.

He grabbed my wrist and made me sit on the bed.
Lucifer handed me the same green-colored liquid from earlier. I was reluctant to even touch it. I was in so much pin yesterday.

Lucifer seemed to notice my hesitation, so, instead of handing me the drink, he placed it in front of my mouth. I was forced to open up but didn't drink it.
If you act like a child then I will treat you like a child.
He said and squeezed my wrist tightly. In the end, I had to drink it.

Once Lucifer was satisfied that I have drunk the liquid completely, he placed the container on the nightstand. Lucifer just sat there for the next few minutes without speaking anything.
See? It didn't hurt. I told you, you were tired.
Lucifer spoke. At first, I was confused and then I remembered the complaint I made to him regarding the weird liquid. I nodded my head in acknowledgment.
Now get ready for the coronation.
Lucifer dropped another bomb on my head and left the room leaving me alone again.

I sighed and got up to get ready. I entered the closet to find a dressed mannequin in the center of the closet.

I stroked the dress with my fingers

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I stroked the dress with my fingers. The dress had everything it needed for the queen of hell.

Is there no way I can stop this? I am not ready for it. Not now. But there's no escape. He will not let me escape. His actions are pretty clear on this matter.

A knock resounded through the room. Must be the maids. I opened the door and I was right. Instantly, they started their work on me.

Within a few hours, I was dolled up. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Unlike earlier, my eyes lacked any sort of emotions. In reality, I felt empty. I don't know what I was feeling right now. I don't even know who I am. Am I Selene? Or am I Sabrina?

Everything passed in a blur and I was already standing in front of a fire pool. We were in a middle of an auditorium. The arena was tightly packed with people and Lucifer sat on a higher platform.

I looked to my side to see several guards standing behind my back. Lucifer stood up from where he was sitting. The cheers instantly died down.
We all are present here to check the suitability of the queen! My wife, Selene, will walk through the hellfire and will prove her capabilities to rule by my side as a Queen! Let the ceremony begin!
He announced and I was looking at him dumbfounded.

Suitability of queen?!

Now, what the hell it is? Isn't it supposed to be a simple coronation? What is it with this hellfire? And he supposedly wants me to walk through it. How badly he wants me dead?!

After announcing this earth-shattering news for me, Lucifer went back to his seat. I turned and looked at the path from where I came. It is still not too late to turn and run for the hills, right?

The sound of the drum beatings jolted me awake and answered my question that there is no way now. I have to do this. This feels like my end. But Lucifer can't let me die just like this. I glanced back at Lucifer and he gave me a nod of assurance. I didn't know till now that I needed his assurance. I gulped back the fear and held my head high.

One more step and I was inside the hellfire.

And gosh, that burned me!!!

A blood-curdling, earth-shattering scream ran through the walls of the arena.

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