chapter 63

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It was pin-drop silence. Nobody dared to speak a word. Everyone was looking at Lucifer anticipating his next move. He just looked at Madelyn with no emotions on his face. He must be in deep thought. Madelyn let out mocking laughter.
I thought you were dead when I didn't see you for six months. I thought maybe you were right. But when I look at you sitting there, so oblivious to everything happening around you, I feel ashamed of myself for thinking that.
Madelyn continued. Why does this girl hate me so much? I narrowed my eyes at her. Lucifer moved on his seat.
Move on with the ritual!
His voice rang through the room. The priest bowed his head at him and walked back towards the baby.

He recited something in a foreign language while moving in a circle around the pentagon. He screamed something and the fire around my baby became bigger and bigger. At one point, it nearly touched the ceiling. I could only watch in horror as tears filled my eyes. I hope that my baby is alright.

The priest extended his arms towards the nine women kneeling on the ground. The fire started to move towards them. Soon enough, it surrounded all of them. The fire engulfed six of them including the little girl.

My heart sunk to rock bottom and went even deeper. The tears which earlier filled my eyes started rolling down. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. Their screams and cries rang across the room. For a moment, I could only see those six bodies burning in fire. Everything else was blurred. All I could hear were their cries. I closed my eyes and a familiar bloody situation came to mind. I could see a ballroom, people partying, and then someone attacked. Blood! It was all I could see. My breath became uneven. I woke up from my trance when I felt someone shaking my hand. Abruptly, I opened my eyes to see Lucifer with a raised brow. I looked at the front. The fire had already died and all that was left were ashes.

When I looked closely, something was written from it.
The holy flame has made its decision. The name of our prince will be Eligor.
He announced cheerfully. The room burst into cheers. They completely forgot that six lives were just sacrificed to get a name. They could have named him randomly. Thor was a good name!
Now, it's time for the bloodbath of the Queen and the prince.
He announced further. I choked on my saliva when I understood the meaning of his words. I looked at him with big eyes. He lifted a sword and rose it high in the air. He walked towards the rest of the three girls.

He gazed at three of them. Firstly, he went towards Madelyn. When he was about to strike his sword on her head, Lucifer stopped him.
Move the twins! We have some unfinished business.
He ordered and the guard dragged them out of the hall. Without any grievance, the priest lifted his sword and placed it on top of the girl's head, and started chanting. She started wailing and begging for mercy. The moment he was done, he lifted his sword and struck with full force cutting her body into two pieces. The maids rushed with some containers to collect the blood.

My tears were long dried up. I was just looking at the scene in horror. I was terrified would be an understatement. I could feel somewhat rising in my throat. The thought of me bathing in blood was enough to make me gag. I slammed my hand on my mouth to prevent my stomach content from coming out. A maid handed me a cup of water. I drank it all in one go. Still, it didn't lessen my fear.

When everything was ready, two maids grabbed both of my hands and dragged me towards the pentagon. Its borders were again marked with blood. My journey from my seat to where my baby was kept felt like an eternity. I didn't even blink once. I was walking as if I was possessed. I was possessed by the dread of what I might have to see next.

The priest stood above me and smirked at my horrified look. Slowly, he lifted the container filled with blood above my head and poured it down in one go. I closed my eyes and mouth to prevent it from entering my system. The smell of blood hit my nostrils and I almost vomited. When they were done with me, they moved on to Eligor, my baby, and nearly drowned him in blood. The priest kept him drowned in blood for a few seconds before lifting him in the air. The baby was covered in red blood. Coming back at me, my hair looked red as if I have washed them with blood. The beautiful dress I was wearing was reduced to ruin.

I think I might start to hate the red color after this. The maids brought another container. Thankfully filled with water and once again poured it down from my head. I wrapped my hands around me. The water was super cold. I started to shiver from cold and they wrapped a towel around my body to keep me warm.

Soon, Lucifer bid everyone farewell and the bloody ceremony came to an end. I was walking down the hallway with the towel around my body along with Lucifer. He handed Eligor back to his babysitters and I was mad with it. So, I decided not to speak a word to him at all. Lucifer too kept his silence. He spoke only when we reached my room.
Pack your things, I will send someone to move them to my chambers.
He said. I looked at him with bewilderment. I could only mutter a small yes before entering. As soon as I entered, I ran to the bathroom and emptied whatever I was holding back. Nearly half an hour, I sat near the toilet seat, vomiting to my heart's content.

I closed my eyes and saw those glimpses again. The ballroom, those people, and then blood. My head started to hurt. I held my head in between my hands and crouched down. I started moving back and forth to ease the pain but it was of no use.

I just sat there......alone......crying......

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