chapter 22

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I was looking for something to wear in the closet when there I heard someone knocking. Whoever is outside the door is not Lucifer cause he never knocks. That guy does not care about someone's privacy. Maybe someone came to help me. To get me out of here. With an excited smile on my face, I ran to open the door.

I pushed it open but it didn't budge. Then I heard a click sound and the door opened. Wait, it was locked from outside! Then what is the use of knocking when you can just barge in? The door opened to reveal three women in maid outfits whom I never knew lived here. Whatever.

One of them was holding a food tray, the second one was carrying the makeup kit and the third one was carrying clothes which obviously Lucifer sent. I awkwardly smiled at them and they grinned at me. Their skin was extremely pale like white paint and their teeth were black. They are so creepy.

The first one came forward and put the tray on the bed. She gestured me to eat. The other two also came in and the door was locked with a click sound. Who locked it?

I cautiously walked to the bed while eyeing each of them. What if they all pounce on me and suck me dry cause everyone, in here has a fetish for blood. I sat on the bed and looked at the food. My mouth instantly watered. I haven't eaten in days so my stomach started making some horrible noises.

I looked at the maids again

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I looked at the maids again. Is this some kind of trick? Is Lucifer playing with me again? Does it have any sort of poison in it? I was looking between the maids and food. The maids just grinned at me showing their blackish teeth which gave me chills.
The food is okay!
One of them finally decided to speak.
Are you sure?

Just when I asked this the door opened to reveal the devil himself. He was fuming. He looked at me and the maid who spoke in anger.
How dare you speak to her?!
He yelled at the maid's face. Then it clicked. I was not allowed to speak to anyone. Oh shit! Now, they are in trouble because of my uneasiness. Before he could do something horrendous, I decided to speak.
I was skeptical about the food. She just assured me.
He finally spared me a glance.

Did I ask you?
He asked with a raised eyebrow.
No, but--
Before I could complete my sentence, he cut me off in the middle.
So don't speak unless you are told to. And you were also not allowed to speak to anyone but me, then how dare you to disobey me, you dirty slut?!
Now, all his anger was directed towards me. I gestured the maid to go from my hand. But nothing goes unnoticed by him.

Stay where you are!
He commanded scarily to the maid which made her stop in her tracks. He then turned his attention back to me.
Just because I have something special planned for you, I am letting it slide this time but never disobey me again!
I gulped loudly while nodding. It will be better not to piss him now. With this, he sat right in front of me.

Lucifer graciously picked the food with a fork and held it in front of my mouth. Totally shocked by what he was doing, I didn't know what to do. So I stayed still, afraid of what he will do next if I made an unwanted movement.

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