chapter 46

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Madelyn looked at me like I am some mystical creature and she is trying to know more about me. I looked back at my lap. Silence covered us like a thick blanket. The tension building was getting thicker with every passing second. Her voice cut through the surroundings like a sharp knife.
What do you mean by you're not leaving?!
She yelled at the top of her lungs. I squeezed my eyes shut and fisted my hands.

Out of nowhere, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the bed. I tripped on my foot and fell on the ground on my side. I screamed in pain which shot through my side.
How could you?! You told me I was the one who betrayed you but right now you are the one who betrayed me! You betrayed all of us! You shattered everyone's hope!
She screamed at me. I looked up at her. Her eyes were filled with tears which soon started to roll down her cheeks. I supported myself on my forearms and sat upon the ground.

May I know the reason why you cannot leave?
She wiped her tears from the back of her hands and hissed with disgust lacing her voice. Tears flowed freely from my eyes because of pain. My stomach felt like it was on fire. The burning sensation slowly started crawling through my body.
I looked up at her hoping she would help me. But she crossed her arms in the front of her chest and scoffed at me. I clutched my stomach and brought my knees to my chest. I hung my head low and groaned in pain. It hurts like a bitch.

She leaned down and screamed at my face. I have never seen this side of Madelyn. She was always sweet and understanding. Maybe I should tell her about my pregnancy then she will surely understand my problem.
I am pregnant!
I spoke. My voice barely above a whisper. More tears trickled down my cheeks. Again, silence accompanied us. But it didn't last long this time. Soon the silence was replaced with mocking laughter.

It was my turn to look at her in disbelief. Is she out of her mind? Why is she laughing like an insane? I am crying here and she is laughing. Really?
So you do not want to leave because of that motherfucker's seed growing within you! Is Lucifer that good in bed? I thought he was sterile!
With this, she started laughing again. Now I am damn sure that she has gone insane. Madelyn will never speak in such a tone. She stopped laughing abruptly and clutched my hair on her hand. She yanked it back.

I screamed in pain when she applied more pressure on it. She looked intensely into my eyes. She bared her teeth in front of my face and scoffed at me.
You filthy slut! You don't want to leave because you like it when Lucifer along with other bastards fuck you hard! You pretend that you are very sad but the truth is that you love to be his whore!
She yelled at the top of her lungs. I can not believe that this is Madelyn speaking this.

I know that I hurt you all but please try to understand! There's no fault of the child! Why should the child suffer for someone else's deed! It is just a child!
I spoke all the while groaning in pain.

Just a child! It's not just a child! It is the child of the person who doomed us all! I didn't know that you like to be fucked by him so much! How many times do you force him to fuck you? Huh? Six? Seven? Because you're right now behaving like a fucking slut! You only pretend that you care about Andromeda when there is nothing like that! You didn't return when they called you back! Aurora was killed because of you! We all are suffering because of you! You doomed us all! You are a fucking liar! You should fucking kill this monster!
She screamed it all in one go. I can see the rage burning behind her eyes. She was hurt. All of them will be. But I can not punish an innocent soul.

Now, it was my turn to yell at the top of my lungs. She looked a bit taken back by my outburst. I pushed her away from me. She held onto the bedpost for support. She looked at me with her eyes wide open and mouth hung low.

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