chapter 88

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Finally, Sabrina opened her eyes. Laying on her side, her body was very sore. The first thing she saw was a dead torn-up Ace and Lucifer in his beast form.

 The first thing she saw was a dead torn-up Ace and Lucifer in his beast form

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His body was that of a giant and he was surrounded by flames. The cries of the dead soul were ringing in her ears. Sabrina suffered from what is known as real fear when she glanced towards his eyes.

 Sabrina suffered from what is known as real fear when she glanced towards his eyes

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Those demonic eyes held her captive. She couldn't avert her gaze. She was petrified. Her bottom lip started quivering in fear when Lucifer smiled evilly at her.

 Her bottom lip started quivering in fear when Lucifer smiled evilly at her

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Lucifer threw Ace's dead body in the fire pit and jumped towards Sabrina. All he could see was Sabrina.

Sabrina was quietly laying down till now made a sudden move when he saw that beast pouncing at her. She stood up on her feet and nearly tripped. Sabrina dashed towards a giant rock and hid behind it.

Lucifer landed on an empty ground. He heard some light groans of a female. His head snapped to the side towards the source of the voice. His eyes fixated on Marilyn. An earth-shattering growl was heard which warned Marilyn that her death was coming her way. Unlike Sabrina, she didn't move. Her body refused to work. Marilyn didn't regret it. She knew something like this might happen so, she decided to embrace her death happily.

As she closed her eyes and waited for his death to come but fortunately it never came. When she finally reopened her eyes, she saw Sabrina standing in front of her. Sabrina's once blonde hair turned into midnight black which was floating in the air, a purple light radiating from her body. Sabrina has matured her warlock form, all thanks to Marilyn.

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