chapter 74

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The connection was abruptly cut. I held the speaker close to my heart and cried out loud.

For a moment, I thought Lucifer was wrong. He was behind everything. But turns out it was the other way. What he told me was right and Marilyn was just bluffing. I felt so broken after I heard Ace say those words. Though I don't remember anything still his words pierce my heart like needles. I have never felt so ashamed of myself.

My grief was doubled at this stage and was growing. I didn't trust Lucifer and now he was hurt by Marilyn too. Though he didn't know that I was listening to their conversation, still, I can not bring myself to face him. How am I supposed to do that? I should have never trusted Marilyn. Every word she said was fake.

I feel like apologizing to Lucifer now. Maybe I should do that. Who knows, that it will shorten my guilt trip. I stood up on my feet and reached the door. As soon as I touched the doorknob, there was a knock on the door. I turned to look at myself in the mirror and wiped the tears. I fixed my makeup a bit before answering the door. The door opened revealing an irritated Madelyn. I could see her rolling her eyes at me.

Follow me to the reception hall.
She ordered me. I furrowed my eyebrows at her but retreated from saying something back. I was not in a good mood. All I wanted was for this event to end as soon as possible than I can have a private chat with Lucifer.

We started walking towards the reception hall. Once we reached the door, I found Lucifer waiting for me. Our eyes locked for a moment before I averted my gaze. I couldn't just face him yet. I held my head low and walked up to him. Once Madelyn finished her job, she left. It was just me and Lucifer standing near the door.
Are you okay?
Lucifer asked.

This one sentence hurt my heart badly. Tears stung my eyes. I almost cried in front of him.
Yes, just a little overwhelmed.
I replied in a hoarse voice. He nodded and hopefully didn't ask anything further. Lucifer extended his hand and patted my head twice. At some other moment, I would be grinning like a fool after this gesture but right now my guilt is making me cry.
Don't worry, it will end soon.
He whispered.

I nodded my head and Lucifer pushed open the door.
The hall was beautifully decorated. It was a purple and gold theme which also had flowery decorations. The room was bustling with the smell of flowers. It felt so refreshing. My body relaxed a bit after taking in the beautiful scenery in front of me.

Only after entering the hall, I realized that it was gigantic. It was packed with people drinking, cheering, and eating. On the sight of us, everyone became quiet and kneeled on the ground as a form of respect. Lucifer held my hand and guided me towards a table placed in the center of the room. It was a bit different from the others. Several flowers were hanging from the ceiling on the top of the table.

Once Lucifer settled me in my seat, he ordered everyone to rise. A woman came rushing towards Lucifer and handed him what looked like a veil.
Lucifer covered my face with that veil. It was gold in color with intricate embroidery. I was a bit shocked by his actions.
I am the jealous type.
Lucifer said and shrugged his shoulder.

I laughed out loud at his silliness. I feel a lot better now, even with my face covered. My mood lightened up. Only after a few minutes, I realized that the table was a secluded one. It was just me, Lucifer, and the other nine kings of hell with their pets kneeling beside them. Only one seat was left unoccupied. I was staring at the seat when Samael replied.
Marilyn won't be attending. I apologize on her behalf.
Samael said and bowed his head a bit.

I smiled back at him. It is good that she is not present here otherwise I didn't know what I would have done with her. It is better if she stays out of my sight right now. I finally feel good and don't want her to spoil it. I will deal with her later. For sure.

The rest of the reception passed in a blur. Lucifer introduced me to a lot of people who were either glaring at me or drooling at me. But with him by my side, everything felt alright. After some time, I became used to their looks and concluded that I will get those looks for the rest of eternity. We can not change all of them.

After several painful hours, the reception was over. Finally.

I was tired and it was past midnight, so, Lucifer called for a maid to escort me back to my chambers. As I walked through the hallway, with the maid by my side, I heard glass shattering from the adjacent corridor. I stopped in my tracks and looked in the direction of the noise.

I turned to walk in the direction of the noise but the maid stopped me.
Your highness, that's Lord Samael's chambers. We need to go the other way.
I retreated my step back and nodded my head at her.
Okay and I know the way from here, so you can go.
I ordered her to go back.

She bowed her head at me and shook her negatively.
I apologize but I can not leave you here. Master told me to escort you to your chambers.
She mumbled. I furrowed my eyebrows at her. The maids here are hard to deal with. It is useless to argue with her. She will never listen to me. So, without any other word, I followed the maid back to my room. She left only after making sure that I was inside the room. Sometimes I feel locked up. I sighed and walked towards the bathroom. I stripped out of my gown and stood under the shower.

The hot water instantly relaxed my nerves. Once I was done, I wrapped a towel around my body and walked back towards the wardrobe. I took out and white silk nightgown with lace detailings and went to bed. Earlier Lucifer said that he will be having a private party with his fallen brothers and I shouldn't intrude.

I turned to my side and pulled the comforter over my body

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I turned to my side and pulled the comforter over my body. But sleep was not in my fate tonight. The glass-shattering noise had a strong impact on my body. It gave me chills.

After several failed attempts at sleeping, I finally decided to go and take a look. Two hours had passed since that incident. I don't think I will find anything but there's nothing wrong in checking.

I got down from my bed and walked out of the room. I glance at my left and right. No one was present at this time now. Good thing those two guards were also removed from my door. I tiptoed through the corridor afraid of making any kind of noise.

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