chapter 34

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We were back in the room. I was sitting in the darkest corner of the room and Lucifer was sleeping on his bed with his back facing me.

Last night he dragged me in here by my hair and threw me on the ground. I have been sniffing and sobbing since then. He didn't utter a word after that. I don't know what time it is. The windows and balcony were covered with thick curtains.

I gathered my strength and stood from my sitting position. My eyes were hurting due to crying. They were a bit swollen too. My legs feel like jelly due to sitting in one position. I somehow limped to the balcony and moved the curtains. My face was hit by sunlight and I squeezed my eyes due to the sudden exposure.

A soft breeze blew a few strands of my stray hair. That feeling made me smile. I looked down in the direction of the garden. Colorful butterflies and the sound of birds chirping was tempting me to come to them. I want to go down there. But.....

Will he allow me? After the stunt, I pulled?

My guilt covered me in a thick blanket. The smile which once adorned my face turned into a frown and soon my vision turned blurry. Tears clouded my eyes. He will surely throw me in the dungeon again. I betrayed him. I betrayed the only person who cared about me. He was right when he said that it was because of me that woman died. What if she has a family? What will happen to them?

But there was one question that constantly disturbed me. Does he still love me?

I peeked over at him from my shoulder. There he was. Sleeping soundly. His light snores filled the room. His black veins were faintly visible. His monstrous image came into my mind and I shivered in fear. I have never seen him this angry and frustrated.

I sighed deeply and turned back. Maybe I should do something to make up for my deeds. I got a fabulous idea on my mind.  My face lit up.

Let's start with a good morning kiss. That would be perfect for the start. I turned around to face him again. But.....

He was gone. Where did he go? I went up to the bathroom door. Should I knock? No, I shouldn't. I turned the doorknob instead. It was locked. Maybe he is inside. I should wait for him. I laid down on the bed and my stomach roared. Then I realized I haven't eaten anything since last morning. I feel like I could eat an elephant.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the door being opened. I abruptly sat up. My eyes dying to get a single glance of Lucifer. My body was craving his touch. He came out of the bathroom with only a towel around my body. I looked up at him and our eyes met. They were not like those warm orbs which I have been used to seeing every morning. Thes orbs were burning with rage. I dropped my head down in submission just the way he likes.

There was an awkward tension between us. He started moving to the closet when I called for him. I kept in yelling his name but he ignored. I sighed deeply and decided to go inside the closet. I pushed the doors to the closet open. There he was standing with his back towards me. He was shuffling through his clothes.

I went up to him and hugged him from the back which he didn't return. I unwrapped my hands and gently nudged him to move back. He was trying to select a shirt which I happily did for him. I turned around with a shirt in my hand and a big grin adorning my face only to meet his completely black eyes which shook me to the core. They held so much intensity that I felt lie my insides were on fire. His orbs held me captive. My gaze lowered and I took in his complete appearance. He was only wearing pants. His godly body was in the display for my eyes. Suddenly, the shirt slipped to the floor.

I crouched down to pick it when I felt an excruciating pain erupting from my scalp. I screamed in agony. Lucifer yanked me up by my hair and threw me against the nearby wall. I sobbed in pain.
You think it was okay to betray me and you can get away by just choosing a shirt for me and showing that fucking pathetic smile of yours.
His voice boomed through the closet. He started taking menacing steps towards me. I supported myself on my elbows and tried to get up but all my efforts were sterile. Before I could try again, Lucifer stood by my side and crouched down to my level. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me into a kneeling position. I cried in pain when his hold tightened. I was crying and begging in front of him but all he gave me was a sadistic smile.
Oh no, baby! Don't cry! You can cry as much as you want when I do things to you! I was being so nice to you and that's how you repay me?! By betraying me?! Did you think I am a fool who will not find anything?!
His free hand went inside his pocket. He took out a small piece of paper. Wait, I know this paper. Oh no! He unfolded it and read the hidden message from them.
The spring should come back.
His eyes bored into mine. He knew it. He found the paper which I lost. He swayed the paper in front of my eyes.

I knew your intentions. It is because of you my people are dying. You are the secret informer. Above all, you are just a fucking disgusting and pathetic slutty woman who is desperate to get my dick buried inside your filthy and incompetent pussy. You know, it is my fault. I should have let you know your place. It was a mistake. You are a mistake and now I will redo my mistake.
His words cut my heart in two. It felt like thousands of needles pricked my skin. No words came out of my mouth and tears were continuously rolling down my cheeks. He didn't even let me reason anything. He stood up as started dragging me by my hair with him. When we reached the bedroom he threw me on the bed like a rag. My hands reached up to my head and rubbed the stinging area. It felt like any time soon my hair will be pulled out due to his iron grip.

Before I could make a move he came up to me and this time he threw me on the ground.
I am not a doll for you to throw around!!
I yelled at him for the first time and I instantly regretted doing it. I knew this be my last time doing it because I will not be alive for the second time. I slapped my hand on my mouth. He looked a bit taken back by my outburst but it was soon replaced by burning rage. He gave me a sadistic grin which clearly stated that I am in for some deep shit. He started walking towards me. With every step, he took, I moved back. My heart was thumping loudly. It was ready to jump out of my chest.
I can explain it. It is not what you think it to be. Please listen to me. I am sorry.
I managed to say between sobs but all my pleading fell on deaf ears.

When he was just a few inches away from me he hoisted me up by my hair. He scrutinized me from top to bottom. Then his gaze landed on my eyes and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes. I felt so naked in front of his gaze. He took a few steps back.
It was all he said. I looked at him in dismay. He tilted his head a bit and impatiently tapped his right foot on the ground. His hands were tucked inside his pocket. His eyes were daring me to defy him. I hesitated a bit before unzipping my pink lace nightdress.

 I hesitated a bit before unzipping my pink lace nightdress

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My hair was a complete mess due to all his pulling. I let the dress slid from my body. I was wearing nothing underneath the nightdress. He circled me like a predator whereas I stood still in front of him with my head hung low and tears falling to the ground. He stopped beside me and groped my breast. He was angry yet aroused. And this is what scared me the most.

The doctor which came yesterday has told him to avoid any strenuous activities if he doesn't want to break my vagina and possibly killing me in the process. I tried reminding him that but the devil shows no mercy. He didn't listen. Instead, he slammed me on the ground, and darkness took over my features. The last thing which I saw was a malicious look taking over his features.
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