chapter 47

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I looked at Lucifer with confusion shining in my eyes. Why did he do this?
You will know...
He whispered to me looking straight into my eyes. I looked into his dark orbs for an answer. But as usual, I never got an answer. He was trying to show me something for sure. He wanted me to learn something. The stern look and determined voice made the fact crystal clear. But what? What he is trying to tell me?

He walked past me slightly nudging my shoulders. I stood there dumbfounded. Madelyn and Britney entered the room all the while clapping.

Why are they clapping?

I turned to face both of them. I could see the hatred and disgust burning behind Madelyn's eyes. I should clear all the misunderstandings between us right now or it would be very late.
Before I could speak another word, Britney jumped in the middle of the conversation.
Finally, you proved me right!
She spoke with a laugh. Her laugh was obnoxious. God bless my ears! I looked at her with annoyance and raised an eyebrow.
Don't give me that look, Sabrina! I came here so I could compensate for my father's doing. But I didn't know that you love it here.
What is she trying to comply? Did she come to compensate for her father? Really? It is hard for me to believe. The mean girl Britney is here to pay off. Wow!
Oh, really?
I could not contain mock and amusement in my tone. I crossed my arms in front of my chest. I never liked her. I don't trust her. Maybe I need to show her place before I patch up with Madelyn.
And how do plan to pay off? Huh? Oh, I know the answer! By fucking the father of my child!
I said through gritted teeth.

She was a bit taken back by my reply.
Stop pretending Britney! You and me, we both know that you don't do anything without a profit. You can fool Madelyn but not me. I am way past than you.
I pointed an accusing finger at her. The shock was evident on her face. She wasn't expecting me to lash at her like this. I don't care. She was the one who called for it. Before I could speak anything else someone grabbed my arm fiercely and turned me around forcefully. My head was spinning due to the complete turn I took. I wasn't able to get over the impact of it when I felt a sharp pain shooting through my left cheek. I blinked several times to process all that has happened. I snapped my neck and glared at the source of my pain.

Madelyn stood there with a smirk plastered on his face. Britney tsked behind me and circled my frozen body. Her dirty ass stood right in front of me alongside a bitch like Madelyn. I rubbed my sore cheek to numb the pain. I exhaled deeply. It's okay. I won't be minding it. I understand her situation. She was just surprised by the news of my pregnancy.

At least you are right about one thing. You are way past than her. You are a bigger slut than her. You are a bigger liar than her. It was, is, and will be your fault that we all are stuck in this place.
She applied pressure on each word making sure I listen to every word of hers and I did. I was hurt would be an understatement. It was like a dagger has passed through my heart.
You are nothing but a traitor of Andromeda. What do you think we won't be able to make it out of here? Let me break that little bubble of happiness of yours. We don't need you anymore, you are useless to us now. I thought we could use you as bait against Lucifer but sadly, we don't have any usage of a filthy slut with a baby bump. So, we both are here to inform you of something.
It was Britney's turn to speak. When she was completed or what I thought, she turned her head towards Madelyn and smiled at her. Madelyn returned the smile with the same enthusiasm. Britney reached for the purse hanging on her shoulder and unzipped it. She took out a pile of papers and handed it to me. When I refused to comply with her and take the paper, Madelyn snatched my arms and put the papers on my palms. I was about to drop it on the floor when Britney continued.

It is goodbye to you, Sabrina! You want to stay here, okay! We got no problem! In fact, we insist you stay here! We don't want you or your dirty child on our pure Andromeda. Sign on it and all your ties from Andromeda ends here. Even if you don't, we will never let you set a foot on Andromeda. Better understand it and sow sign on it!
She said through gritted teeth and yelled at me by the end of her sentence. I looked at Madelyn and she pointed towards the papers with disgust. Madelyn forcefully wrapped my fingers around the pen and pointed towards the signature box. I was just looking at her. All my tears and explanation were in vain. She will never understand. How can she?

She doesn't know what I have been through or what I am suffering. Nobody knows. Still, they never fail to put all the blame on me, saying it was all my fault. I just don't understand how it was my fault. I didn't organize the party. I didn't invite Lucifer. Heck! I didn't even know him till that time. I didn't tell him to abduct me. I didn't tell him to rape me every day and impregnate me. I just didn't. Then how come I am regarded as a slut. Why am I called the one who betrayed? Just because I decided to give birth to a child.


The last bit of hope burning in my heart extinguished. Maybe this was what Lucifer was trying to teach me that nobody cares about me except him. They all are staying for benefits. Once they got what they wanted they will leave. Tears blurred my vision. I sniffed and chuckled while looking at both of them. They say he is bad, but I think he is far better than them. He never backstabbed me. He sabotaged me but he was my only salvation. No matter what they say or do, this child is mine also and it will live! Anger flowed through my veins. I gripped on the pen and signed it.

With this everything was over. Every single tie broke.

I handed the papers back to Britney. The moment she touched the papers I held the paper in another hand. Her hand hung awkwardly in the middle of the air.
With this everything between us is over. You called me Lucifer's slut, right? Very well, now I will show you what Lucifer's slut can do.
Britney and Madelyn shot me a glare. I smirked back at them. Payback is a bitch and I will show it to them.

I handed the papers to Britney and turned on my heels without another word. The moment I was out of the closet tears rolled down my cheeks. The strong woman facade which is put up slowly faded and I broke down to sobs. I covered my mouth and entered a different room. I closed the door behind me and slid by the door. I brought my knees to my chest and covered my face with my hair and started crying hysterically.

I cried and cried completely unaware of my surroundings. I was oblivious to the fact that Lucifer's gleaming shoes stopped right in front of me. I was oblivious to everything till the moment Lucifer nudged my crying and shivering body with his shoes. My head shot up to look at him. His coat jacket was off and his shirt was completely unbuttoned. He was holding a cigar in one hand while the other hand made its way to my hair. I tried to move back but the realization hit me on my head that I sitting by the door and there is no way out.

My blood ran cold when his hand gripped a handful of my hair and pulled me up. I held onto his gripped hand. It was not like he was asserting any kind of pressure or yanking on my hair. He just held my locks in his hand. He let go after a few seconds and pushed the stray strands aside which were sticking to my face. He locked my arm in his grip gently and took me towards the desk in the middle of the room. That's when I realized that I stumbled into his office. That fact was not depressing. What froze me in the middle of my track was a girl lying on his desk completely nude and legs spread apart giving us a good show.


I stepped in at the wrong time. I looked back at him and he smirked at me.
Wanna replace her?
My eyes went wider thana fucking saucer. I shook my head negatively. Never in a million years, I will want to replace her. He chuckled at my reaction.
Really? But I want you to replace her......
His words set a platform for my biggest nightmare to perform.

He grabbed me by the waist and hoisted me up. He strode towards his desk and threw me on his chair. He looked at me with a predatory gaze and bent down. I felt cold. Very cold. I wanted to refuse him but I know better than that.

I closed my eyes and sat silently on the chair. I waited for him to kiss me. A part of me even anticipated his touch. A part of me craved his touch and I hate that part of me.

A few minutes passed but I never felt his lips on me. I slowly opened my eyes expecting to see a pissed off Lucifer without a reason. My expectations were true but his anger was directed at me but at the girl who once laid on the desk. She clung to his arm and threw me a disgusting look.

Uh oh...

This is not good. He never likes to be interrupted. Especially when he is about to rape me. She made the biggest mistake of her life by yanking on his arm to get his attention. Trust me, sister I will be the happiest person if he focused his attention on you rather than me.

He turned to face the girl with his hands balled into fists. And me. Well, I was trying to prepare myself for another bloodshed.

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