chapter 68

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I entered his office. He was sitting along with the other ten kings of hell. Looks like they were having a meeting and I came at the wrong time. They stopped abruptly after spotting me. I bowed to them in courtesy and was about to leave when Lucifer's voice stopped in middle.

She is not a threat. We can continue.
He said while extending a hand towards me to take. I turned to look at him. I smiled gently and walked towards him. maybe my dress selection will take some time.

Lucifer ushered me to his seat behind the desk. He went back to the couch where everyone else was sitting. He nodded towards them and the meeting began again.
There are rebellions in the north and east directions. The east border was handled but the north is facing some problems.
One of them spoke. Lucifer nodded in acknowledgment.

Moreover, the dimensional portal is present there too. Most of the spies within the city are taken care of and are now in the fifth circle of hell. But if the rebellion is not subdued and they reach the portal then they might open the gate for their armies.
The same king from earlier said. I don't know their names yet except for Samael as I have met him before.

What kind of rebellion are we facing?

I don't know. If the rebel placed in the fifth circle then they might be suffering a lot. The books I took last time mentioned them. There are nine circles of hell on the darker side. The darker side is the real hell where Lucifer and other fallen angels came. Lucifer grew his powers and created the bright side of hell. He must be really powerful to do that. He created his kingdom from scratch and is a very good and ambitious king as mentioned in the book. But he can be tyrannical at times too. And about the dimensional portal, I don't know much except for the fact that it is a sort of portal which gives access to any place you want to go. It needs Lucifer's access. But access in what way, I don't know.

I zoned out of their conversation. I was revising what I read.
Call them for a meeting. Just give them a warning and let them go. If they advance further, trap them all in the ninth circle of hell.
Lucifer announced.

Why not kill them? It will solve the problem forever.
Samael suggested. My ears perked up at this statement. God knows how many people are there. Are they planning on killing everyone? My heart became restless at the thought. I feel so bad about it when I shouldn't.
If they were afraid of getting killed then they wouldn't have rebelled. Manslaughter is a salvation for them. Keep them alive, when they reach the edge of death, save them and start all over again.
Lucifer said with a smirk.

My palms became sweaty and my throat dried. He wants them to beg for death and not give them death. This thought made me so uneasy for some unknown reason. I shouldn't be feeling like this. I will be queen soon. I should think for my people of hell. The rebels deserve it. But why do I feel sad?

I went in a daze again and didn't notice that they left. Only after Lucifer kissed me I came back to my senses.
You look beautiful.
He stated. I blushed at his compliment. He makes me feel so loved. Every time he is close to me I feel butterflies in my stomach.
I need your help.
I stated. He raised an eyebrow and gave me a questioning look. I smiled and pecked him on his lips.
I requested. He nodded his head in positive and I ordered the maids to bring the dresses in.

Lucifer had a grave expression when he spotted Madelyn who only smirked at him. What was that?

I ignored it and ordered them to leave. Once they were out I turned around to meet Lucifer's. I held onto his arm and dragged him towards the dresses.
Which one would you like to see me in?
I asked with a big grin on my face. It was my wedding. I was super excited.
I want to see you nothing. You look so good without anything.
He said while pulling me closer by the waist. A blush soon crept up my cheeks. I playfully slapped his shoulder.

After a few more cheesy comments, he finally chose the dress. He sat back in his seat and ushered me towards the couch. It was our usual routine. It was evening by now and for the past few months, we spend it together while sipping tea.

I placed my cup down and turned to face him. He raised his head to look at me before I spoke a word. He knew what I was about to ask.
What is the revolt about?
I asked, getting to the point. He cleared his throat before speaking.
I am currently trying to occupy the Andromeda dimension. I have won one-fourth of it. The rest are scared so they are revolting.
He said while crossing his hands on his chest.

I asked. Isn't it my mother state who sold me?
Yeah, from where you belong.
Lucifer said.
I nodded my head in acknowledgment. Another question was swirling in my head.
Are you capturing any other dimensions too?
I asked hesitantly. He might start thinking I am getting nosy after this question. He skeptically raised an eyebrow.
Yes, I am and you shouldn't be concerned about this. It is very bad and bloody.
He said trying to scare me off. I guess it worked because when Lucifer says bloody then you should understand that it is devastatingly bad. I do not want to get involved in it but I just can't help my curiosity.

Is the current revolt related to them?
I asked with a grave expression. Here I was talking about the twins and the man called Ace and all other allies of theirs in prison. Lucifer understood my words.
Yes. It looks like they passing information.
He said. I can see the wheels turning in his head. He is suspicious. Maybe what he said was right as Madelyn roams in the castle. She might be the one passing whatever information and maps she gets.
I think it's Madelyn. She's working as a maid and has access to places in the castle.
I said. This girl doesn't feel right.

It can be but there are other servants too who are their allies. Nevertheless, this problem will be solved in a week. For now, let's focus on the wedding and Coronation.
He said with a small smile. I looked back at the dresses which were still present in the office. I grinned widely. I was so happy and ready for my marriage. But before that, I wanted to do something.

Can I see them for once?
I asked Lucifer without looking at him. I don't want to see his expression now. I know he will be reluctant and will find an excuse to stop me. He is right in his place. Those people are capable of hurting me but still, I need to see them once. I heard him sighing. He knows I am not backing down this time.
Fine. But after the wedding and only when I am present.
Lucifer said.

I looked at Lucifer and grinned. I never expected it. I almost jumped in happiness. Now, I am super ready for tomorrow. It is going to be the best day of my life.

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