chapter 56

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I woke up in broad daylight. I blinked a few times before opening my eyes. I touched the area where I have been hit. The bleeding has stopped and the wound was covered with a bandage. I wonder the cut was not deep. The bandage was not that big. I was hit just above my eye. I was glad she didn't throw that freaking vase on my eye. I would not want to be blind around Lucifer and wait for the inevitable.

I was still in the same dress. I was about to doze back to sleep when a knocking sound disturbed me. I muttered a light come in.

The door opened to reveal a smiling Samael. I guessed it to be someone else as Lucifer never knocks and the others just barge in like they own the place except people like him or a few maids.

A smile crept on my face after seeing him smiling at me.
Good to see you awake.
He said and stood at the end of the bed. I supported my body by my elbow and sat up with my back against the headboard.
Well, you were supposed to join everyone for breakfast but an accident occurred so you can join us for lunch.
He said with yet another charming smile of his.

I nodded at him and slowly stepped down from the bed. The cold tiles sent a chill down my spine. Samael being a gentleman extended his arm to support me. He helped me stand. He went towards the nightstand. I looked at him with my eyebrows scrunched. He took out the shoulder necklace from the drawer and waved it in front of my eyes. My mouth formed an o shape.

He came up to me and gently turned me around. He tied the necklace around my neck. The cold metal touching my warm skin. It was as heavy as it looked but nothing that I could not carry.

Samael ushered me out of the room and towards the dining area where everyone ate last night. He opened the door but to my surprise, it was empty. Only Lucifer was sitting on the other end of the table.

Quickly, I went and sat on the farthest chair located at the other side of the table. He narrowed his eyes at me but did not move. I let out a breath which I didn't know I was holding till now. I was relieved.

But it didn't last long.......

My fate is a bitch. I saw Lucifer getting up from his seat and making his way towards me. I was sitting on the head seat on the other end of the table and he just has to sit beside me.

The food was moved to the other end where I was eating by the maids.

The food was moved to the other end where I was eating by the maids

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I looked at the food on the table and instantly felt hungry. It was then I realized I didn't eat anything for breakfast or last night and my stomach was making some weird noises for food.

While the maids were serving Lucifer first, I did not waste any time and served myself as well. The very next second I was already munching on my food.

I didn't even look up once towards Lucifer. All my focus was on the food on my plate.

When I was done, I pushed my plate aside and leaned back in my chair. I sighed in contentment. My eyes snapped back at Lucifer who was looking at me with an amused expression. The maids were also looking at me with wide eyes. I know the reason. Of course, I ate like an animal. But What else could you expect from a person who didn't eat anything in the last 24 hours?

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