chapter 15

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I can't express how long I was waiting for this moment. She gained her senses earlier than I truly expected. Good!
She is strong. I am gonna enjoy ruining her, breaking her to the moment that she starts begging me for death then.........

Then we will pull her back to life.........
It looks like my beast is kinda attached to her. I can totally understand him. She is bonded to us. It's totally normal to feel like this for someone who is specifically made for you. She is kinda my mate.

But I need to control it. I can't let myself flow in this. This feeling, whatever the fuck it is, is idiotic.

Okay! Now.........
I clapped my hands together.
Let's start the game! Shall we Henry?
I walked towards him with a menacing grin on my face. Horror was clearly visible on his face. Fuck! All of them looked like they might piss their pants.

Anthony stood behind all of them with his ugly face.
I am coming for you too......
My beast said while smirking at Anthony. Oh, surely he is paying for disrespecting me and my brother. I know how he behaved with Samael.

I went behind Henry and choked him from behind. I was taller than him. This made me easily get a view of my beautiful doll whimpered in pain. She brought her knees to her chest and was sobbing. Emmy broke free from the chains and trotted up to my doll. Emmy hugged her and they both started crying.

Tsk tsk! So sad!
I made a fake pout at them.
But what can I do? Now stop crying!
Okay, if you guys win, I will let you all go!

Their faces lit up. My doll looked at me with hope in her eyes. I honestly, will love to shatter that hope. Other kings of hell smirked along with me very well aware of what I am about to do.
Henry will start first!
He stiffened in my hold.

Henry, you will kill your wife if you want to save your precious daughter!
All their neck snapped towards me. I pushed him forward.

I am so gonna enjoy this!
Asmodeus spoke with enthusiasm and handed him his weapon which was an axe. Henry's hand started to tremble. Emmy is like a part of him. Truly shitty part. He looked at me with tearful orbs.

Please......... What do you want? Why are you doing this?
His voice was hoarse. He even stuttered between words.
For the former question, I want your daughter and I will have her and for the latter what do you mean by what I am doing? We are playing a game, you just have to kill Emmy or...... Well, you know me! So, DO IT!!!
I screamed the last part. Still, he didn't move.

I am losing my patience.
Okay, then!
I strode towards my doll. I never knew I will be doing it this way but this is gonna be more enjoyable. It has to happen after a few hours then why not now.

I yanked Sabrina from Emmy's embrace. I made her stand up and pulled her towards me. This closeness was making me painfully hard. I forcefully held her hand brought it near my crotch. Just when she realized what I am about to do she screamed and pulled her hand away.

She started to back away from him. I smirked at her. She is so little and naive.
And virgin.
She tripped on one of the dead bodies littered all over the place.

I clutched onto her ankle and dragged her to where we were standing earlier in front of her parents. Her white skirt moved up a bit showing her soft milky legs. They will look so good wrapped around my waist.

I choked her and looked back at Henry who was silently weeping now.
I will give you one more chance. Kill Emmy or I will crush her windpipe while fucking her and feed her to the vultures!
My eyes glowed red showing that I mean what I said. Henry knew it very well.

Emmy glanced at him. She quickly wiped her tears and looked at him straight in the eye. I like the fire in her and her daughter possesses more fire than her which I will slowly extinguish.
What are you waiting for, Henry? Do it! She's our daughter!

Henry shook his head negatively.
No! That's what I am saying! She is our daughter! She needs both of us!

Emmy's eyes teared up again but she quickly hid her tears and started to scream in a groggy voice.
Stop being ridiculous! How come her dead body is going to need us? Huh? If it's me or her......... Then it is her.....

I can't do this Emmy! I can't!!
With this Henry fell on his knees still holding the axe. Emmy crawled up to him. Henry was continuously shaking his head in negative whispering the same thing again and again.

Emmy was trying to convince him to kill her. Sabrina was eying her parents with tears continuously flowing down her cheeks. I was kneeling beside her while holding her down and stroking her hair. They are so soft.

Then she said something which made me smirk and everyone else was surprised.
You want to fuck me? Go ahead but don't kill my mom! Please!
She looked at me with those beautiful orbs which were looking at me with hope. Her parent's neck snapped towards us.

I let go of her and she laid there silently weeping. I straddled her and took off my suit jacket. I held her face in between my palms and leaned down to kiss her. I didn't even look away once. I gotta appreciate her. She is a strong one.

She is so beautiful and mine. Our lips were inches apart. Her skin felt so soft against my hard and callous skin. Just a few millimeters.........

Before I could engulf her rose petal-like lips, there was a loud noise and these pigs started shrieking. My neck snapped towards the source of the voice.

Sabrina screamed on the top of her lungs making me cover my ears and back away. She started thrashing her limbs to run towards her now lifeless mother. Emmy took hold of the axe from Henry and slashed her own stomach in two. Her body fell to the ground with a loud thud and that's when everyone started screaming.

Henry was holding Emmy's head in his lap and was constantly mumbling her to wake up. I held Sabrina back in place. Ace strode up to me and pulled me back freeing Sabrina. He threw a punch at me but I stopped it in midair.

I twisted his wrist. He fell to the ground holding his wrist. I put my foot over his skull. I really want to break his fucking cranium for looking at my doll. I will, I surely will. But not yet.

I looked over at Asmodeus and he got my cue. He came and transported him and Ace back to my castle where we will have a great and long chat. Sabrina was sitting beside her mother's dead body. Henry was hugging her while crying. Sabrina was crying too. Actually, she was bawling her eyes out. The rest of the captive was beside Emmy's corpse too.

Then I realized what Sabrina told me earlier. I liked her offer. I rolled my eyes at them and menacingly strode towards Sabrina.

Its time to play kitten.........
She looked up at me with her face filled with horror.

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