chapter 16

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Its time to play kitten.........
She looked up at me with her face filled with horror.

I walked up to her and yanked Sabrina from her hair. Henry started screaming while I was dragging her. I threw Sabrina on the floor.
I liked your deal. Let's stick with that but with a few changes.

She looked at me with confusion. When she realized what I was talking about, her expression was replaced with atrociousness. This made me smirk. I am so gonna enjoy this.
If you scream once your father will be skinned. And he will be skinned every time you scream.

With this, I forcefully spread her legs and kneeled in between her legs. 

My eyes were fixed on the lifeless body of my mother. Her stomach and neck had a long gash. Her eyes were wide open and the unshed tears were flowing from her eyes. She was looking at me. Those eyes which held so much fire and liveliness are dead now.

I was just looking at her when I heard a click. I looked up to see Lucifer unbuckling his belt with a smirk on his face. He tore open my outfit in one go leaving me only in my underwear. He slowly pulled the only piece of cloth which kept my innocence covered. I was now laying stark naked for everyone to see.

My eyes traveled to those of my dad's. He was saying something with tears rolling down his cheeks. This is the first time I saw him crying. My body felt sluggish. I can't hear anything. All the voices were muffled. The only thing which was repeatedly circling my mind was the moment when my mother took the axe and stabbed herself with that. The axe was still lying on the floor drenched with her blood. He did this. He killed my mom!

I was lost in my throat when I felt enormous pain in the lower portion of my body. I came back to my senses and took in the situation I was in. The pain became unbearable and I let out a scream. I looked up at him. His eyes were darker than the moonless night. He wore a smirk on his face.

The pain was increasing with every passing second along with the force of his thrust. I screamed in agony. He slapped me hard across my face and pinched my nipples. I let out another scream. But my outcry was outnumbered by someone else's.

Lucifer blew another slap on my face and my head snapped towards my father

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Lucifer blew another slap on my face and my head snapped towards my father. Two men were holding dad down while the other one was skinning my father with a knife.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and the other man removed another layer of his skin.

Blood was continuously flowing from his body. I can't watch it. How can I?
I moved my head to the other side and clasped my hand over my mouth.

Lucifer wrapped my legs around his waist and yanked my hands away from my mouth. I started kicking and thrashing my legs. I somehow managed to get out of his grip but my freedom did not last for longer periods. He pulled me back and started to thrust more violently inside of me.

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