chapter 55

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I looked at Lucifer in horror and shock. I am damn sure he did something wrong to Britney. No wonder Madelyn was extra mad at me. His hand moved towards my waist and he gave a tight squeeze almost warning me.
He ordered.

I quickly replaced my shocked expression with an awkward smile. We sat back on our chair and ate in silence. My mind running faster than a cheetah, thinking about all possibilities from worse to worst happened to Britney.

I was glad he didn't utter a word to me after that as my mind has dismissed the function of information processing for a while. After two or three bites of my food, a dangerous glimpse of Anthony's guillotined head appeared in front of my eyes. This was enough for me to lose my appetite. I gulped loudly and put the fork down.

Lucifer must have noticed my discomfort. He waved his hand and a male servant came rushing towards us with a tray of red drink.

He handed me the delicate glass

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He handed me the delicate glass. God knows what it was but I downed it in one go. A sweet rusty smell hitting my tongue.
I never knew you like the taste of blood so much.
Lucifer commented with eyes sparkling in amusement. Then it came rushing back to me. I looked back at the glass.

This was the second time my body froze within the same night. I felt my mind go numb. I looked back at him with widened eyes. What did he make me drink?
Come on, you are a witch. Many of them drink blood. It is nothing to be horrified of.
With that, he resumed his eating and I saw him picking up the same glass of red blood and drink it in satisfaction.

My stomach churned after seeing him. Lucifer glanced at a maid and she rushed towards me and carried me out of the room. I heard Lucifer declaring that I was not well and needed some rest. Well, he was right. I needed to rest but what I needed more was to get far away from him.

I reached my room with the help of the maid but before I could take a step into the room, all the content in my stomach spilled out. I sat on the ground on my knees and emptied whatever else was left in my digestive system. When I was done I stood up with the support of the wall and the maid. She carefully carried me in and towards the bathroom.

My dress was completely ruined. I was glad that my hair was tied back otherwise they would have also been covered in vomit. She made me stand by the counter and filled the bathtub with water. I stripped out of my clothes and went into the water. The warm water instantly relaxed my stressed muscles. The maid went out of the bathroom without uttering a word.

I sunk further in the tub enjoying this blissful moment. Soon the door opened again and the maid came in with a towel and my sleepwear. She stood by the door with a poker face, her head held down.
You can leave, I will manage on my own.
She didn't argue. She bowed her head and left me alone.

I didn't know for how long I stayed soaking in the water. Finally, I dried myself from the towel and put on some pajamas. I dragged my body to the bed and collapsed on it. I sighed deeply. Sleep took over me soon with only one thought in my head.

I survived another day in hell.

Next morning:-

I scrunched open my eyes due to the direct sun rays falling on my face from the balcony. My body felt emotionally and mentally drained from whatever events took place yesterday.

I unwillingly got out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I lazily brushed my teeth and took a shower. Anthony's bloodied body and hollow eyes kept haunting me in my nightmares. I was afraid to close my eyes in the fear of seeing his dismembered corpse in front of my eyes.

I washed my hair thoroughly and harshly rubbed my skin till it turned red. When I was done scratching my skin, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a dried towel. I stepped back into the room to see a bag and a box kept on my bed. I picked up the bag and took out a long backless blood-red velvet dress which reminded me of the shit I drank yesterday. I felt bile rising in my throat just by the thought of it. Ignoring the feeling, I wore the dress.

Next, I opened the box kept beside the bag to reveal a shiny diamond shoulder necklace

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Next, I opened the box kept beside the bag to reveal a shiny diamond shoulder necklace.

Next, I opened the box kept beside the bag to reveal a shiny diamond shoulder necklace

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It looked quite heavy. I don't understand why there is no maid to help me with this. Usually, there will be maids much more than required to even make me wear a simple dress. Where are they now? How am I supposed to wear it?

I was examining the necklace when the door opened with a loud bang and Madelyn rushed in with an angry expression on her face. She was beet red in anger. She looked scary. My feet froze on the ground.

Without any further words, she pounced on me like an angry cat. I let out a little scream before pushing her off of me. Her back hit the wall from the force.
I said in a low voice. I walked up to her to see her injury.

When I was in a hand reach, I saw her slowly raising her head. The flower vase which she held in her hand did not go unnoticed by me. Before I could react she stood up on my feet and swung the vase which hit me on the side of my face. My ear-piercing cry echoed through the room.

My vision became blurry for a second. All the voices became muffled. I stumbled on my foot but regained my posture. I saw her picking up another vase and throwing it towards me. Hopefully, I dodged this one and the vase broke due to the impact with the wall.

That's when I heard the commotion outside my room and the door opened with a bang again.

A group of men along with Lucifer came rushing in. The men held Madelyn back who was thrashing to be free from their grip. Right now, she looked like a madwoman. What got into her?

My body was supported against the wall when Lucifer walked up to me. I panicked. I wished that the wall would swallow me but it never happened and Lucifer stood right before me. He brought his fingers up to my face and touched the area where I have been hit. When he removed his fingers from my face, I saw them covered in blood.

A dark expression crossed his eyes and he strode towards Madelyn who was still thrashing her hands and legs. He pulled on her hair and slapped her hard before ordering the men to take them away.

I came back to me. I was coming in and out unconscious. And the last thing I saw before everything turned black was his beautiful face dangerously close to mine.

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