chapter 40

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Nice to meet you too........

I was shocked would be an understatement. I could not believe my eyes. What is she doing here? Isn't I being this vulnerable wasn't enough that Lucifer brought her in here to make my life more miserable?

She looked down at me with a smirk plastered on her face. I turned to look at Lucifer who was already eyeing her with lust and then back to her. Several questions were running through my head. Why is she here? Did Lucifer abduct her too? Is she here of her own will?

I slowly took in her appearance. My eyes scanned her from top to bottom. Her hair was dyed blonde giving her a slight angel appearance but looks can be deceptive. And it is one hundred percent true in her case. Her face was painted with heavy makeup. She was wearing almost nothing. Just a lacey bra that only covered her nipples and a thong.

Her body was more impressive than mine. She had that perfect body that every man craves. I looked down at my body. I was malnourished. My eyes were dark hollow pits unlike hers. Her orbs shone like diamonds. My long hair was cut short and dyed by Lucifer. I envy her blonde hair. She looks exactly like what I was a year earlier.

I looked away.

Aren't you gonna answer me, Sabrina?
She pouted. She spat my name with venom. I just wanna break her face.
That ugly bitch!

Lucifer cleared his throat which made both of our attention snap towards him. Britney gave him a flirtatious smile and crouched down. He leaned towards him making sure her boobs were making a good view for him. Lucifer's eyes stopped for a bit at her cleavage before meeting her eyes. She batted her eyelashes seductively.

Fucking bitch!

A sudden wave of jealousy hit me. Britney dragged her long manicured nail along Lucifer's chest. His eyes flooded with lust. He gestured her to get in the tub. She giggled and stood up. She turned around and unbuckled her bra. The mere piece of cloth slid down her body graciously. She tilted her head a bit before caressing her white round ass. She pulled down her lacey panties and threw them across the bathroom. I was watching her every move like a hawk.

She turned around to face us. She palmed her breast and gave them a little squeeze. She pinched her nipples earning a chuckle from Lucifer. I felt his hard cock poking my inner thighs. She strode towards her. Britney stood inside the tub and sat by Lucifer's feet.

I can see Britney scanning Lucifer's facial features. I looked up at Lucifer to see him already looking at me. His attention shifting to me triggered Britney. I can feel her gaze digging holes in my head. Her reaction made me smirk internally. Lucifer held my face in both of his hands. For the first time in so many weeks, I saw adoration in his eyes for me. A small whimper left my mouth.

Lucifer caressed my face. Then within a flash, the adoration vanished from his eyes and was replaced with anger and disgust.

I disgust him.

He grabbed my hair and pulled it harshly. I hissed in pain. My hand automatically went up to the stinging area to numb the pain. Lucifer smirked at me.
I got a guest. Don't you know to greet, you filthy pet?
He said through gritted teeth. Tears stung my eyes. I am never going to greet that ugly cunt.

He turned my body towards Britney.
Greet and apologize for not doing earlier!
He ordered but I didn't utter a word. He yanked my hair with more pressure. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to ignore the pain but it was getting impossible for me to ignore it. When I didn't make any move, Lucifer touched the bonding mark under my chin and a strong electric sensation passed through my spine.

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