chapter 85

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My peaceful sleep was disrupted by a commotion outside. After so long I had a good sleep, who dares to disturb me?

I looked up at Sabrina lying down beside me. Her body was extremely cold. It was ought to happen. Her body is dead. The last ounce of power is what keeps her alive. I couldn't take it all at once. It might damage her soul and I want her soul intact.

I intend on binding her soul to me so that she stays by my side forever without being a threat to me. Sabrina has been crying continuously. I don't understand why. It is good. She will become immune to any external hazards.

I kissed her forehead and went outside to take a look. My mind did a cartwheel when I spotted the individual. How come he is out of his cell?

Samael and the other men surrounded him to catch him. I have to say he was brave enough to try this. It needs a lot of guts to do what he did. Ace you are truly a warrior.

A smirk surfaced on my skin as I walked up to him.
Samael ordered and the men nearly lunged at Ace. They stopped when they heard my command.
Get down!
All the men except Samael kneeled to the ground. I took in Ace's appearance. He was covered in blood. His claws were extended. Ace was close to shifting. He was barely holding in. It was written on his face.

That's what I like about him. He is on the verge of dying but he still wants to kill me. The men moved to the side as Ace who was already limping pounced on me like a hungry dog. Before the spear in his hand could pierce through my heart, Samael blocked his way and stood right in front of me. Samael threw him ten feet away from me. He still didn't give up and stood on his feet again.

You fucking bastard! You killed her! What did she ever do to you!?! You filthy motherfucker!
Ace screamed at the top of his lungs. A smirk surfaced on my lips. Someone must have told Ace about Sabrina. And that someone needs to be a specific someone. I side glanced at Samael. He met my gaze for a mere second before he averted his gaze. Maybe I know who is this someone.

Yeah, I did and you can do nothing about it!
I screamed back and shrugged. My reaction fueled his anger again. Once again, he was ready to pounce on me. Samael took his place too. I moved Samael aside. Ace is my prey.

I delivered a punch straight to his stomach. He clutched onto his abdomen as he spat blood and kneeled to the ground. Another punch and he was spread on the ground. I put my leg on his neck cutting off any supply of oxygen.
This is your end. Do you have any last wishes?
I asked Ace.
Let me see her.
Ace said through gritted teeth. I chuckled at his response.
Only if you beg.
I said and laughed out loud. Ace spat out blood as I applied more pressure on his neck. I knew Ace was too prideful to beg me.
Please, let me see her...
Ace muttered.

It kind of took me off guard because I never thought he would do that. Maybe I should just let him see Sabrina. I moved my leg from his neck and Samael pulled him up by his collar. We dragged Ace inside the tower and pushed him to the floor near the bed.

I saw his eyes widening at the sight of Sabrina. Her eyes were heavy from the loss of energy. I sighed as I squatted near Sabrina and gently closed her eyes.
Now you have seen her, guards, lock him up again.
I ordered. Of course, I only agreed for a peek. Ace started screaming and thrashing again. The guards dragged him out of the tower. I massaged my forehead with two fingers.
You need to get rid of him soon.
Samael said.

I turned to face him.
Once the ritual is completed, I will. Do care to tell me how Ace got the information?
I asked Samael and tucked my hands in my pocket. He started averting his gaze again.
Speak up now!
I seethed again.
It was Marilyn. She got out and told him.
Samael said in a monotone and huffed angrily. Marilyn just got cured and she is back at it. That bitch!

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