chapter 3

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The door opened to reveal some very half-naked beings. What.............

Marilyn beside me was fuming in anger and I knew Max and the infamous school whore Britney were so dead today. Britney had a huge smirk plastered on her face when she saw me and Marilyn. She pulled Max even closer and kissed him deeply.

Max saw the intensity of the situation and pulled away from Britney.
Britney wiped her lips all the while looking at Mari. Mari let out a psychotic laugh and lunged at Britney.

You filthy motherfucking bitchy whore! How dare you?!

With this both of them were fighting like hungry cats over a single piece of meat. Max and I were standing at a good distance from them. I tried to reach Marilyn when max grabbed me from behind.
Don't go over there! It's dangerous!

I was so mad at him. I threw his dirty arms away from my body. Those hands which were just touching the diseased body of Britney are touching me too. It's so disgusting.
This is all because of you! She should be lunging at you instead of lunging at Britney.

Oh............. I know.

I looked at him like I have seen a boy for the very first time. I can not believe this. How can he be so resilient to the situation? At this point, I knew if someone could stop Mari is Maddie. Where is she now?
Oh yes! In the class.

I ran as fast as my legs could take me and kicked open the door. There she was sitting at the front chair as usual. She has always been the studious one. I grabbed her arm and pulled her from her sitting position. I didn't care if the teacher was shouting. All I could care at this instant was Marilyn. When we were out of the class Maddie pulled back. I tripped on my feet and we both fell on the floor.

What happened? Why are you running like a wild horse?

Marilyn. She is currently fighting with Britney over max.

We heard a high pitched scream coming from the hallway where Marilyn was.

We said in unison and ran towards the source of the noise. By now almost half of the school was present there watching the scene being unfold. Some were even taking pictures and making videos.
Okay, Marilyn is going to be the star of tomorrow's Instagram.

The scream was from Britney. Marilyn broke her nose and Blood was oozing out of it. That's my girl!

Mr. Matthew also the father of Mari and Maddie was holding her back from breaking any more bones from Britney's body. No one dared come near them because no one messes with Marilyn or they have a huge hospital bill coming. Maddie and I rushed towards Mr. Matthew to help him. After a few thrashing and screaming, Mari was back to normal.
We let her go but were still alarmed. She dusted her clothes and then went to Max.

She held his face between both of her palms before backing away and kicking hard on his manhood. I am damn sure Max might not be able to reproduce now. His future kids are dead. Max fell to the ground holding his aching part. Mari smiled and left the scene.

We all had shocked expressions on our faces. I was trying to hold back my laughter. Maddie's mouth was slightly open and Mr. Matthew looked like a deer caught in headlights whereas the crowd was cheering Marilyn.

Just then Britney came to Mr. Matthew with a very deadly expression. Her bloody nose was adding more to her aura surrounding her.
You, you, and you are going to pay for it! I hope you all haven't forgotten that my dad is one of the four lords of Andromeda, the place where all of you are living.
She said through gritted teeth. I and Britney had the same case as Marilyn and her. She did the same thing with my short time boyfriend which she did with Max last year. Since then we are each other's favorite enemy.

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