chapter 11

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I reached the person for whom I was starving. I was panting and fell to the ground. The person turned.
He was standing there in all his glory. He looked down at me and slowly crouched down to my level. He forcefully tugged my chin upwards and our eyes interlocked. I came face to face with him. Lucifer.

You took a long time to come to me. Let me see that beautiful engraving on your body.

He inspected my mark. His thumb lightly brushed it. I shuddered in contact. My skin which was burning till now seems to have cooled down. I was involuntarily leaning onto him. If someone would have seen us they would definitely think that I was practically throwing myself at him.
He let go of my chin and took a few steps away from me.

The same eerie feeling returned. My body started to ache and burn. My head hung down.
Look at me, Sabrina!

His voice boomed through the surrounding. I wanted to look at him but I felt vulnerable. I never felt like this before. I am not like this. I am the one who literally disobeys everyone and breaks every single rule. I don't want to listen to him but my other side is making it impossible to do. She is yelling at me to obey him. She is pushing me to follow his every command.

And that's what I do.
I slowly lifted my head. My body felt exhausted.
He is your savior. Reach out to him!

I tugged on his suit pant and looked at him with weary eyes.

I didn't know what I was pleading. He yanked me up by my arms and held my head between his palms.
My eyelids felt heavy. I want to close them but he was not letting me do that.
Do not close your eyes! Look at me! Look me in the eye!

He forced me to look in those beautiful orbs. His face was perfectly carved. Sharp jawline, plump lips, and a light beard. He was the portrayal of perfection. An epitome. I touched the side of his lips involuntarily. His eyes were pushing me in a trance. A place full of neverending bliss and ecstasy.

I looked at him in the eye. What happened next scared me from inside but there were no signs of fear from my face. I was trembling from inside and was continuously fighting with my other side to take control.

 I was trembling from inside and was continuously fighting with my other side to take control

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But no! All efforts were useless. The eye thing which he did just made it more difficult to get out of here. It felt like I was falling into a dark pit. Everything was pitch black in here. But I could see what was happening outside.

I saw Lucifer smirking. Then, it was also gone. Now, nothing was visible. It was black. I started to scream for help but deep down I knew no would be coming.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. Goosebumps erupted on my skin. My breathing became fast and shallow. I slowly turned around. What I saw sent a shiver across my spine.

It was me. But is that even possible.

Yes, it is possible.
Wait, did she just read my thoughts?
Who are you?
I tried to sound confident but it came out as mouse's squeak.
I pitied myself for this. Never and ever in life which I had, I had a sound like the one I spoke right now.

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