chapter 50

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I walked through the eerily silent hallway. I can feel nervousness growing in the pit of my stomach. I supported my body against the wall and tried hard to not trip on my wobbling legs. Sometimes I wonder since when did I become so weak and a voice within me answers that I became weak the day I stepped in this place.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a shrill scream. The scream was followed by loud sobs.

What in the world is happening here?

Adrenaline rushed through my body. Somehow I managed to walk towards the source of the noise. With every step, anticipation grew inside of me. The noises became louder and louder. Finally, I reached a set of large double doors. I pushed the door with all my strength but to no avail. All my efforts and tries were in vain. The door didn't move an inch.

Another outcry broke from the other side of the room followed by the slashing sound of what looked like a whip. What is happening inside?

I banged on the door fiercely. Suddenly, the voice stopped and the room fell silent. I was breathing heavily. With the noise, my banging stopped too. Faint footsteps could be heard from inside the room and the door snapped open. I took a few steps back instinctively from the impact. A smiling Samael came in front of my sight.

He closed the door behind him. I tried to look past him but the door banged shut before I could catch a glimpse of insides.
He said in an enthusiastic tone.
I want to go inside.
I replied hurriedly, completely ignoring his greetings. A glint of anger flashed through his eyes and his eyes glowed golden for a split second and went back to normal.

I tried to move past him but he held me back by my waist. I struggled to free from his grip and in return, he tightened his hold around me. He threw me against the wall not so gently and hoisted me up by my neck. His eyes shone golden again and he almost crushed my windpipe. My legs were dangling and I scratched on his hand.

Let. Me. Go. Please.
I choked out and finally, he released me from his anaconda-like grip. The skin around my neck burned and I rubbed the sensitive area with my hand. I coughed and took some deep breaths before regaining control of my body. I looked up to meet his eyes. His eyes still had a tint of yellow but soon returned to normal. His face remained stone cold. He took a step towards me and I cowered back in fear. It wasn't the first time that someone was manhandling me and I was scared. It was Samael manhandling me for the first time which turned me into a scared Kitty. God! He can make someone run for their lives. I never knew he had this side of him too.

I gulped loudly when he stopped dead in his tracks. He tilted his head and gave me a very sweet smile which can girls swoon over him. I swear.

He held one of his hands out. I furrowed my brows and gave him a confused look. What is he trying to do? Unknowingly, I place my hand on his and he wrapped my hand from his big palm. His hands were warm and made me feel safe at some point. I liked it. I didn't even realize when his grip tightened around my wrist and he dragged me a few meters away from the doors. I blindly followed him. My trance-like state was broken when I heard the sound of a whip and scream echoing through the hallway.

It was like a wave of electricity passed through my body and I came face to face with reality. I stopped dead in my tracks. Samael turned to look back at me and raised his eyebrows. His grip loosened a bit and he opened his mouth to say something. But before that could happen, I took the chance and made a run for the room.

I banged continuously on the door and screamed for someone to open it and let me in. But nobody came. Panic brought the best of me and I started kicking on the door.



And I was about to go again but someone swept me up from the ground. I struggled on the person's hold and finally managed to get out. I was about to kick the door again when a sharp pain shot through my head. I held my hand to the hurting area to feel something wet and sticky lacing my fingers. My vision blurred. I brought my hand back to look at whatever was coating my fingers. It was red. My brain stopped functioning for a second. What is it? Only one answer came to the question.


And I was out like a light bulb.

Let me go!
Britney shrieked in her annoying tone. Shit! Her voice pisses me off more than anything. I wouldn't have even allowed her to stand in front of my eyes if it was not for the sake of my profit. I kind of need her right now as she is the sole heir of Anthony, the so-called current ruler of Andromeda. But it won't be like that for a longer period. I have some special plans for Anthony. It is what he gets for disrespecting him. Even though it has been more than a year since the ball massacre, still he would set a perfect example of what people get for disrespecting me or my people the slightest.

And how dare he cross me by sending his fucking agents here! It is not like I trust this slut who I am dragging. It is just that she is a perfect bait for my plan.

Another annoying cry of hers broke my chain of thoughts. Why she has to be so damn annoying?

I glared at her and it was enough for her to shut the fuck up. Good. She knows me.

She wanted to be fucked. I will fulfill that wish of her. If that's what she wants she will get it. But I can not guarantee that she will get it from me. She is beautiful. No doubt in that. But no one compares Sabrina. The pleasure which I get by making Sabrina scream and scream is something that I have never felt before.

I was dragging Britney down the hallway by her hair. Sabrina is alone in the room. I just want to wrap up all the mess as soon as I can and return to my angel. Then I am gonna fuck her hard.

We reached a set of double doors and I pushed it open. I threw Britney on the floor like a filthy rag which she is and slapped her hard. Her head snapped to the side. Her hair was a complete mess. The makeup that she wore was spoiled too making her look like an ugly whore. Her naked body was doing nothing but irritating me more.

I mind-linked the other kings and ordered them to come in here with a particular someone. Oh, I am so gonna enjoy this.

Soon enough, they all arrived with a few guards following them with their heads bowed. The guards were holding a man with them whose face was covered with a black bag. His clothes were tattered and bloody. The view of the man in front of me was like a beautiful painting for me. It looked insane yet divine. Just how I like it. Seeing him like this makes me wonder how good it will be if I paint my bedroom walls with his blood. That's a great idea. I will consider it.

The guards threw the man in front of a naked Britney. She brought her knees to her chest and looked at me in confusion. A sinister smile spread across my lips. And that was enough to make Britney's face go pale. It looked like all the color from her face was gone. Wait till you see the man's face. I walked up to her and crouched down in front of her. I pulled the man by his torn collar and made him sit up. Slowly, I removed the black bag from his face and was rewarded with her painful screams which were music for my ears.

If she went pale earlier, she looked like she would faint right now. The man's face was deformed. It was somewhat hard to identify the man for anyone else but not for her.

Because the man was none other than.............





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