chapter 2[one year ago]

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Just like any other usual day. I didn't understand why today comes to suck off every single ounce of blood from my body. This day is horrendous. And what is more horrendous is this fucking ringing alarm clock which doesn't seem to stop.

Sabrina, you need to get up!

My mother called for me. I hummed in response and was about to doze back into beautiful and sexy sleep when the doors to my room open to reveal my best friends who were twin sisters. Very sweet girl, I am telling you.

Pay attention to the girl, which means only of them. Yes, Madelyn was definitely very sweet and pretty. And her jet black hair added more to her beauty. The other one was somewhat like sour candy. Sweet and salty at the same time. Her name is Marilyn.

Madelyn started yanking me up by my hands while saying something which I was definitely not paying attention to. My lips were just moving!!
Whereas Marilyn stood by the door with her hands on her waist and shaking her head in negative like she was tired of this drama. Yes, absolutely, anyone would be if it's a daily Monday story.

Finally, Madelyn was successful to get me out of my bed. I groaned loudly and took small steps to the bathroom. After a long long shower, I came out and met with an empty room. Where did the towns go?
Guess I need to find out myself...
I sighed internally and my eyes fell on the alarm clock and geez, I was fifteen minutes late for school.
It was 8:15 now. Mr. Matthew is gonna eat me raw today. But what can I do about that?

I am already late. I need to hear his be punctual talk either I run to school now or I run to school a half an hour later.
The latter option is good and I am hungry.
I quickly changed into a red off-shoulder midi with polka dots. I made a loose braid with my short bangs flowing freely from the front of my face. I ruffled them a bit. They reached till my brows and made me look a lot cute than I already am. Oh, I am not proud, I just speak the truth.

I checked myself for one last time in the mirror and my eyes fell on that ugly scar below my chin

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I checked myself for one last time in the mirror and my eyes fell on that ugly scar below my chin.

It looked very bad

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It looked very bad. It was not intentional but I got it during an accident. I was five and my family was going to meet my grandparents and we had a car crash. Mom used her magic to get us out of the car but I messed up. I am a special witch. I don't know how but everyone says that. I am different. I like being different. So, I panicked and locked mom which resulted in me being trapped in the car. The car soon turned into a blazing fireball but there was not a single scratch on my body.

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