chapter 49

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To say I was pissed off would be an understatement. I glanced back at Lucifer. He was staring at the almost nude person sitting on the bed. He looked astonished. From his look, I can say that he wasn't expecting this.......whatever this is.

His eyes snapped back at me. His face turned stone cold. His grip around my body tightened a little. He glared back at the person. Lucifer walked towards the couch inside the room and gently laid me on it. I supported my body on my arms and sat up straight. He frowned at me.

Lucifer grabbed my shoulder and without saying a word laid me back on the couch with force.

He glared at me. I just felt so small under his gaze. I laid back down on the couch. He stood to his full height and turned around to face a naked and smirking Britney.

Yeah, Britney!
Once Lucifer took a few steps away from the couch and towards the bed, I quickly sat up.

Does she have no shame?! What the fuck she is doing?! She has lost her mind for sure!

Come, baby! Let's play for a while!
She said in an extremely high pitched voice. I wonder how my eardrums survive after hearing her voice. She moved her hair away from her shoulder showing off her defined collarbone. She is beautiful. No doubt in that. But she is a filthy slut. And I don't have any doubt about this too.

I could not see his expression but I can say he was pissed off. Lucifer's palms balled into fists. His back stiffened and he was ready to strike Britney.

I watched their every moment with heavy anticipation. What will happen now? Is he gonna kick Britney out of the room? He stood right in front of Britney and stared directly into her eyes. I can see the trouble she was facing to pretend that she was not intimidated by him. That would be a pathetic joke.

I can also see the big lump she gulped down her throat. But she still maintained a sultry smile on her pretty face.

Of course baby! Why not?
Lucifer spoke in a vile tone with the same sultry grin on his face. He walked closer to Britney while unbuttoning his pants on the way. She licked her lips in excitement. That's when the realization hit me on my head like a brick. I guess that's my cue to leave. Unless I want to go for a threesome.

That's disgusting!

Even after my denial towards it my subconscious still found a way to create a mental image of the three of us together on a bed. My eyes widened because of the thought. I shook my head like a maniac. And that seemed to gain his attention. Lucifer jogged back to me and grabbed my shoulder.
Did I not tell you to lay down?
He was about to push me back on the couch but I held onto his hand.

His eyes softened for a while but soon enough they turned back to two familiar rocks. I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it.
Don't worry, it will not bother you.
He said in an extremely calm tone. I opened my mouth to speak again but he shushed me.

What is he talking about? What will not bother me?

Questions flooded my mind. Questions which I am unknown to and I am quite sure that the answers were not something I will be excited to know. He gently stroked my hair and kissed the end of my locks before turning around and focusing all his attention back on Britney. My eyes met hers. She gave me a vile smirk and glared at me viciously. What is she up to?

Lucifer stood right in front of Britney and cupped her chin. He made her stand up and locked his lips with hers. Do I have to witness this?

I stood up to leave. Lucifer's dark eyes snapped towards me. He circled one arm around Britney's waist and pulled her closer. He raised the other arm and pointed back to the couch. Wait! what?

He wants me to stay and watch. No, not happening. I took a step forward disobeying his words. The very next moment my body flew and collide with the ground not so gently. I groaned in pain and clutched my ribs. They fucking hurt!

My eyes snapped up to meet Lucifer's fiery ones. He was the one who threw me on the wall. Of course, he thinks me to be his favorite doll. He was about to deepen the kiss when Britney pulled away first.
What do you think? Am I not better than her?
She spoke in a low seductive tone and pointed towards me. Is it some kind of competition? Though my ribs were hurting I cannot stop myself from giving her an unbelievable look.

Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows trying to contemplate what she is saying. As if he got a plan about some new torture, a perfect jaw-dropping smirk made its way on his face.
Do you want to take her place?
He asked. Britney put on a smirk matching his.
I can easily replace her. All I need is a chance.
She spoke while kissing his neck. Lucifer grabbed a fistful of her blonde hair and yanked on it. A sudden hint of jealousy crept up my heart. All I need is to break her neck and cut her body into small parts and feed them to hellhounds.

Hold on a sec!
Why in the hell I am talking like Lucifer?
Get such thoughts out of your system Sabrina! You are not him! Don't be him!
I mentally yelled at myself and focused my attention back on the scene unfolding in front of me. I sense something very bad behind that smirk of his. I know that smirk very well. Whenever he is about to torment me he gives me that very familiar smirk.

He pulled on her hair harder. Just what she deserves!

It was all he spoke before dragging Britney out of the room. I tried to get up and follow him but was stopped dead on my tracks by his warning.
Set a foot out and no one knows the consequences better than you!
He said in his usual cold voice and slammed the door shut.

Where did they both go?

Seriously speaking, I could not tell. It is very hard to tell what he is about to do. I just hope he doesn't kill her.

Oh no! What if he kills her? I accept the fact that I hate her with all my heart but I would never like to see her dead and the cold body lying on the floor with her blood splashed on the walls like paint. An image of a dead Britney crossed my mind and it was enough to send chills down my body.

We never know what Lucifer might do. Maybe I should go and find them. Maybe I can do something if things go left. And maybe if I somehow manage to save Britney that I might gain a friend in this gruesome place. She did say she came to help us. So I guess it is worth giving it a try.

Hope popped up in my heart. And that was enough to make me forget the excruciating pain in my ribs. I clutched my ribs and stood up. I managed to limp towards the door and held on to the doorknob. That's when Lucifer's warning rang in my ear. All the sirens in my head started blasting inside my head, telling me repeatedly to reconsider whatever I am up to.

But again me being me, I ignored all those alarms and stepped outside. I stood outside the door for a while, contemplating my decision. I looked back towards the room. His room.

If I stay in there, I might be safe from trouble. But then what will happen to Britney.

With this in mind, I closed the door and limped through the empty hallway.

Sorry guys for the late update. I was a bit busy lately and also from now on the updates will be a little slower as my final examinations are just a few months away and I have to perform well.

So, please dear readers, help me get through this by continuing to read my work.

And don't forget to vote comment and follow 🤗

See you all soon!

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