chapter 59

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I felt a strong ache in my abdomen and thighs. A woman was continuously screaming for me to push the baby.

After several painful moments, I finally heard the cry of my last hope. My heart bloomed with joy. Tears escaped from my eyes due to contentment. I just could not define how happy I am right now.

It felt like my chest was going to burst with happiness. It has been a long time since I was this happy. The nurse carried the baby in his arms and wrapped it around a red velvety cloth.

She handed the baby to him and announced.
Our prince has come!
She was smiling from ear to ear. With this, she ran out of the room.

My baby is a boy! Lucifer was looking at him proudly. A ghost of a smile stretched on my face. The doctor helped me sit with my back against the headboard.

I also wanted to carry my baby in my arms but I don't think he has any plans on letting me do that. I tried calling out to him but I could not bring myself to roll his name down my tongue. I felt nervous and scared at the same time. What if he doesn't like me interrupting his moment with his son?

Unintentionally, I started glaring at him when in reality I was lost in my thoughts. He must have noticed someone burning holes in his head. He turned his head to confront me. At first, he frowned at me. I felt a lump forming in my throat due to his expression. Later, realization crossed his face and he walked up to me with the baby in his arms. He sat beside me and ordered the doctor to leave.

Gently, he put the baby in my arms. He was so cute. I could not help but feel my heart-melting. He looked bigger than other babies with his red glowing eyes standing out just like his father. Maybe because the father is special, the baby is special too. It looks like his infant abilities are advanced than the others as he can easily move his arms and legs. He looked at me with his big shining eyes and giggled.

It was a heartwarming moment.

But moment died soon enough when the baby was snatched away from my embrace. I looked up at the intruder with hurt and anger flashing in my eyes. I saw Lucifer lovingly pecking the child's forehead and handing him to the maid standing nearby. I saw the maid taking my child out of the room.

I instantly sat up in my position.
Where did they take him?
I asked him with my voice unwavering.
To the babysitter.
He replied in monotone.

He folded his hands on his chest and gazed at me. His vision made me uneasy. I averted my eyes to my lap and started fiddling.
Now, it's time for the rules!
This sentence made my head snap up and I gave him a confused look but I nodded my head in acknowledgment.
You will get to meet my child three times a day for feeding him and for the rest of his time he will stay with his babysitters.
This made my blood boil. What does he mean by his child? He is my child too! There is no way he is stopping me from seeing my blood.

He is not just your child! I gave him birth! He is my child too! And you could stop me from seeing him!
I said through gritted teeth.
And before I could say anything more a harsh slap was blown on my face. The impact was so strong that the side of my lip was busted. I snapped my head back to look at him. This time I am not backing down!

I glared at him. He roughly grabbed my jaw and squeezed it hard.
Do I need to remind you who you are speaking to?
He jabbed a finger on my cut near the lip. I moaned in pain. With a sudden jerk, he let go of me.
Better not repeat that or I will not hesitate to bite your tongue off.
His threat lingered in the air after he left the room locking me up again.

I silently laid down on my side and slowly the tears appeared. They started to pour down in a trail. I am pathetic! I am so pathetic that I could not gain back the right to see and hold my child whenever I want. I am so pathetic that I could not save the people whom I love from the cruelty of Lucifer.

I am just so-


People, whom I love?

Oh my god! How can I forget them!?!

My eyes widen with the sudden realization. I closed my eyes and tried to make their faces. But alas, all I could see were silhouettes in dark. I started scratching my head in annoyance. Why I couldn't make it up? Why?

Living in that white dungeon has erased most of my memories. I could not make their face. Hell, I couldn't recall their names. All I see are shadows of different heights. I was lost in my thoughts when a sudden knock brought me back to the reality I was living in.

I sat back up. For some unknown reason, I felt extremely uneasy. The second knock echoed soon enough. It was louder than the first one. I felt so nervous and scared that it felt like I might suffer from a nervous breakdown. Blood rushed to my ears and my eyes became glossy. And then the voice came.
The voice was followed by another knock. When I didn't reply for a while, the door opened after a while and a female came in with something in her hands.

She looked up at me and her lips curled into a nervous smile. My face was as pale as a ghost. I was sweating heavily. I grabbed the sheets and covered my complete body with them. I heard her laughing uneasily.
Maybe I should just put these clothes on the bed. You can take a bath and change in those for now. Okay?
I brought the sheets down a little and saw her patting twice on the clothes and then she left. I heard the click sound and finally released the breath I didn't know I was holding.

What happened to me just now? Why was I so scared of the maid?

I guess I don't know this too.....

Lately, I have not been knowing a lot of things. This being one of them. I wiped the sweat away and stepped down. I picked up the clothes and obediently followed the instructions of the maid.

Maybe this is the best for me. At least for now...


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