chapter 10

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Six months ago
It was a stormy day and it gave me chills. I never liked the storm. I was in a forest near my hometown searching for someone. This is my fifth mission since I started doing this job under the guidance of my uncle Nick. He has a lot of expectations from me along with my parents. And this is what has motivated me to do my best. This is why I am here to do something which no agent of my age wanted to do. I am here to look for the infamous rouge Ace. He is always on a murder spree and let me tell you this is an assassination. I am accompanied by Sofia who was too much-concerned about me killing him alone. She is a werewolf too. And she is like my elder sister. She is like that one soul in life on whom I can rely on. I love her a lot.

There was the rustling of leaves on Sofia's left side. We snapped our neck in the direction of the sound. We both were alarmed. A big wolf jumped out of the bushes. He stood there growling at us. Is it ace?

I turned my head to look at Sofia. Her eyes were glued to the wolf. The wolf slowly started to move towards us or should I say Sofia. I was looking at the scene unfolding in front of me. The wolf changed into a being. He was Ace. Both of them yelled mate in unison and ran towards each other and hugged. My heart melted to see such bonding.

After a few moments, I realized he was completely naked. I screamed at the top of my lungs and turned the other side. I heard footsteps and rustling and he came back. This time dressed. I was simply watching them while they were shamelessly making out. Ace slowly tugged at Sofia's shirt. Oh no! This is going too far! I cleared my throat and they came back to their senses. Sofia's face was beet red.
Sorry, to disturb you, beautiful love birds! But Sofia we are on a mission to kill him!!
She tensed.

No, Sabrina! We can't kill him! He's my mate!

Do you mean to say that you along with this little girl are here to kill me? ME?
Ace was the one who spoke. He really thinks that I can't kill him. Maybe I should prove him wrong.

Do you want me to prove?
I snapped back with the equal cockiness as ace. With this, I and Ace were on the ground throwing punches at each other. Sofia stood there watching us. She was shouting at both of us to stop but we don't give a fuck!

Then we heard a loud pitched scream. The voice was similar to Sofia. Ace became restless and my body stiffened. We turned to look at Sofia to see a spear stabbed in her abdomen. Then a blade came flying out of nowhere and passed through her throat and then another blade pierced her head. She fell to the ground. We ran up to her to see the unbelievable. Her once milky skin started turning but with a black branched structure spreading throughout her body. Her blood was pouring out of her skin.

No! No! Please!
Ace was crying and screaming while I was shocked. Why? How?
The question was squirming through my brain. Then I fell to the ground screaming and yanking my hair. I just lost the person who was my family. A part of me. I looked back at ace. He was cradling Sofia like a baby and was muttering something. Suddenly, she gasped. I ran up to her. She pointed in the opposite direction. There were some shadows lurking in the dark. I tried to go over there but she held me back.

She looked between me and ace. It was very hard for her to speak still she tried.
Promise me! You will take care of each other.
She looked at me with hope in her eyes. But she was my hope. The only person who took care of me when my parents were gone for years and everyone treated me like shit. She became my friend when everyone used to bully me for this idiotic scar.

I nodded my head. She smiled a bit and then her eyes became lifeless. She was gone. For forever. For one moment when she gasped, I thought she was back but no.

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