chapter 58

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A few days later,

I dragged my body and sat upon the mattress. I extended my hands and arms. They felt sore. My eyes adjusted to the same extremely lit white room which became my worst nightmare. My hands went up to the womb. The baby's growing inside of me. My stomach was a little bit bigger. A ghost of a smile appeared on my face thinking about the arrival of my baby but it disappeared as soon as it came when I remembered that the father of my baby is none other than the devil himself. The thought itself made my eyes tear and my body shudders in fear.

God knows how many days it has been since I have lost track of time a long time ago. Ironical, isn't it? All I know is when I start feeling extreme hunger, some footsteps are heard from outside the door and a guard delivers the food and leaves instantly. I don't know when they take away the empty food plates but when I wake up the plates are nowhere in sight. As for my bathroom needs, there is a bucket placed in one corner of the room.

Gosh, it stinks!

I lay my body back in a comfortable position if only I could find one and doze off to sleep.

A few more months later,

Today was a different day. I can hear a lot of hassle outside the door. Looks like some sort of important event. The tapping of shoes and rustling of metal can be heard. I scooted closer to the door to listen to some sort of voice. A living person's voice. It has been a while since I heard someone speaking. Maybe more than a while. It's getting weirder and weirder.

I don't know why I always feel a presence surrounding me. This might be due to the cameras installed in the room but I don't think so. I always feel as if someone is sitting beside me and touching me. Sometimes I feel a hand trailing down my back even though I am alone in this room.

I haven't even seen the face of the guard who bought me food earlier. They made a small hole in the door and they pass the food through the hole.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a sudden loud bang on my door followed by screaming. A crackling sound of something like a whip echoed through the air putting a halt to all the hassle. My body jumped back a little due to the impact.

The sound was followed by screaming and shouting. My breath became heavier and heavier and my hand became sweaty. I was hyperventilating and that's when I felt light-headed. All the noise was zoned out and I blacked out again.

I woke up a few hours later or that's what it felt like. The place was eerily quiet as if nothing happened. I rubbed my belly and realized that I had new clothes on. It means I have been taken out of this place. I let out a scream in frustration. This place is making me go insane.

I screamed my lungs out for help but sadly there was no one to rescue me...

Unknown timing

It feels like ages since I have been here. My belly has been growing rapidly. Maybe my baby will be born soon. The thought of my baby automatically diverted me to the thought of the baby's father. My dazzling smile faded in a nanosecond and was replaced with glossy eyes.

I don't know what will happen after my baby is born. What he is gonna do with both of us.

Thinking about him made me remember that his name was Lucifer but I could not make his face in my head. All I can recall are those pair of shining blood-red eyes glaring at me. This thing disturbed me to my core. Why can't I remember him?

I held my head in frustration and tugged on my hair. Then I thought about other people. I can not recall their faces too. What is happening with me? I can not even recall their names. I closed my eyes and tried again but all I saw were black shadows of different heights.

I hang my head low and scrunched my eyes. And then it started.

The immense pain.

I looked down at my legs saw some liquid sliding down my leg. A wave of nausea hit me. My hands wrapped around my womb. I tried to get up but I just couldn't. A blood-curdling scream escaped from my mouth and thundered across the room.

Not more than a few seconds, panicked footsteps were heard from outside and the door opened with a screech. I was laying down on the floor with my hands wrapped around my womb in a protecting stance.

I saw a few men rush in. One of them who had dirty blond hair carried me out of the room. This is the first time since I have been locked inside that I have been out in bright light. A faint smile spread across my face.

We entered a brightly illuminated hallway. It looked eerily similar as I have been here before but I could not point my finger. My eyes felt so weak. The guy who was carrying me was constantly telling me to keep my eyes open but it seemed impossible.

As my eyes were about to close we entered another brightly lit room. A female doctor was standing beside a tall man. He didn't seem like any other guy. He looked like a man. He looked like a definition of perfection. But what caught my attention was his glowing blood-red eyes. That's when it hit me. He was Lucifer.

I was laid on the bed and the doctor along with a few nurses stood in a circle around me. My breath became heavy. One of the nurses held my hand and others started their work.

All their voices zoned out when my eyes landed on those pair of shining orbs. The pain was not enough to distract me from those eyes. I was captivated.


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