chapter 38

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One week.
One fucking week.
I have been locked up in this godforsaken room by Lucifer. I only get fed once a day by Lucifer. He usually comes back with a plate of food every night. It's not like he beings food and let me eat. He gives me a few chunks of food after I do what he wants which mainly includes sex and more sex. If I resist him, I am devoid of food, and fucks me more brutally.

I sighed deeply. I was sitting on the window with my legs dangling. I was wearing a v neck polka dot ruffle chiffon dress.

 I was wearing a v neck polka dot ruffle chiffon dress

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I looked down at my hands. I just gave him a handjob and blowjob like half an hour ago. After that, he left without a word. But not before blowing a tight slap on my face and calling me a slut.

He has been like this since last week. I know he hates people lying to him. I understand that I did wrong. I should have told him but is it necessary for him to be like this? I don't think so. He is not even ready to listen to my utterances. It's useless to talk to him because no matter what I say he will never and ever agree with me. He is back to being ruthless and cold with me but that's not the worst part. The worst part is that I still could not bring myself to hate him. He is on my head all the time. I always feel his skin on mine. And I no mean or place to escape. I have accepted my faith long ago.

I brushed the stray tears away. I don't look the same as I did a week earlier. Lucifer had me dolled up again. There are no scars on my skin but that doesn't mean Lucifer stopped torturing me. He says that he wants to kill me but cannot do that because of the bond we share and because he loves fucking me. I had a complete makeover after I was dragged away from Ace by Lucifer. I just hope he is fine.

I miss him so much.....

My throat felt dry. I stepped down from the window. The cold floor came in contact with my foot. Shoes are one of those things which Lucifer never allowed me. According to him, a stupid and useless whore like me does not deserve shoes. I limped up to the nightstand beside the bed. A jug filled with water and glass was kept on the nightstand. I limped towards the direction of the bed.

I poured myself a glass of water and drank it. I turned around and my eyes fell on mine reflection in the mirror which was right in front of me. I looked so different now. I looked beautiful and empty.

My hairs were dyed grey with light blue streaks in between them

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My hairs were dyed grey with light blue streaks in between them. My eyes who use to shine brighter than diamonds have lost all their light. I stretched my lips in a smile but it looked way too bogus. I am gorgeous and beautiful. I am a perfect doll who smiles day and night without complaining. It doesn't matter whether Lucifer breaks me or eats me alive, I am always gonna smile. Just like a pretty little barbie doll.

Tears welled up in my eyes and slowly started rolling down my cheeks. My lips were still stretched in a smile. I wiped away the tears but they just don't stop. Is my life gonna be like this forever?

I don't want to stay like this. Or should I say that I don't want to be here at all? I am damn sure that Lucifer hates me with all his might. He might be plotting a way to kill me most painfully and I am not ready for it. Fuck! I can't take the pain anymore! I have had enough. I have to do something. It has to stop. I have to make it stop. But again, the question is how? How will I do it? I can't make out of here alive. Even if I die he will keep my soul locked up forever.

I turned my body and unzipped my dress a bit. There it was burned on my back.

He branded my skin with his cross

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He branded my skin with his cross. The outlines were still as red as two nights before. He did this to me two nights before. I wish he kills me soon enough. Death is more peaceful than this.

I pulled the zipper up and again move towards the window. I was not allowed to leave this room. It is always locked from outside. So, the window is the only place where I can sit and breathe. My life has been like I can't even breathe without his permission. It suffocates me. He suffocates me.

Right outside the window was a sandy training ground that is never occupied. I wonder why. Then there is a big pond which is full of swans followed by a long stretching of dense trees. The weather was good today. I wish I could go near the pond but I know that Lucifer will never allow me. So I suppressed my desire deep within me and decided to never speak about it again.

My concentration went back to all the bruises in my body. I slowly eyed each one of them. Most of them are infected. I lightly touched the wound on my ankles and winced in pain.

I heard some noises and snapped my neck towards the source of the noise. Some men gathered up in the training ground. I thought no one comes here. I looked closely. They all looked like young boys. Maybe they are the apprentices. It has been a while since I saw someone other than Lucifer. I was looking at them with curiosity. The room was on a low elevation. Though it was above the ground, I can see everyone's faces, and they can see mine. Few of the heads snapped towards the window I was sitting. They were chatting and laughing among themselves. I wish I also had someone to talk to.

A sudden nervousness enveloped my heart. My heart was running a marathon. I put my hand on my heart to calm it down. Then I felt him. My eyes started searching for Lucifer. He can only have this impact on me without any effort. He can only make my heart tremble in fear.

I got down from the window and started searching for him. Then my eyes met his dark orbs. He was glaring right back at me. A loud gasp escaped my lips and my body started shaking in fear. His eyes were completely black and his hands were balled in fists.
Go inside!
His voice rang inside my ears. I nodded furiously and took a few steps back. I closed the window and covered them with thick black curtains.

I was hyperventilating. I took deep breaths but I was still restless. I started pacing around the room. His eyes were continuously appearing in my head. I can't make it stop. I started yanking my hair like a madwoman and slumped to the ground.

After that, all I saw was darkness.

Short chapter, right?
It has been a long time since I updated. I will try to write more in the upcoming chapters.

Till then, enjoy and keep reading ❤

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