chapter 81

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Why does my life suck so much!

I have been locked in this room for quite some time without any hope of escape. I sighed for the thousandth time now.

I thought I might have to spend my entire life in this room when someone proved me wrong. My body became alert on its way after my ears picked up the light click sound of the door opening. I turned around to see Samael standing in the doorway. Not exactly standing, he was more like leaning on the door with an annoyed expression on his face.

Looks like someone was ordered to babysit me again. Seriously, this is so frustrating for both of us. I mean, I don't need anyone to watch over me every single fucking second.

We both rolled our eyes at each other. Samael stepped inside the room and shut the door using his foot.
I got a treat for you.
Samael said while waving his hand in front of me. He was holding the same green-colored liquid Lucifer gave me earlier.
I am not drinking it.
I said in a stern voice. I just want to keep away from this drink. I do not want it anywhere near me.

It is not a choice.
Samael said in a monotone. With this being said, he strode straight towards me and grabbed both of my wrists from my hand, and forcefully shoved the liquid down my throat. I was completely powerless against him. As much as I tried to resist, Samael increased his grip on me.

I dug my nails into his arms, drawing blood from him but still, this bastard didn't let me go till the moment he was satisfied that I drank it completely.

With a sudden jerk, Samael let go of me. I wiped the liquid off my face from the back of my hand.
Was it that hard?
Samael asked with a dirty smirk plastered on his face. I didn't reply to him back. Rather I glared hard at him.
What? Want to hit me?
He asked again.

What if my answer is yes?
I snapped back at him. It was not a lie that I wanted to whack him hard.
Alas, you couldn't do that!
Samael said with laughter and continued.
I just hope he gets rid of you as soon as possible.
Samael said before turning his back at me. He was about to leave the room when my remark stopped him in middle.
Your dirty threat is not working on me, Samael.
I said calmly. What does he expect from me? I am not going to back down just because of his hollow threats.
He is just so obsessed with me that he can not let me die. You would not be able to do much.
I continued to state the facts.

Samael turned around to face me with a maniac smile plastered on his stupid face.
You know, this is where you are wrong. You think that I can not do anything to you is right. I will never offend my brother. Moreover, I do not need to do anything because his love for you will ultimately put you in a state where you would want yourself dead but you will be kept alive. Do not get your hopes up because for my brother nothing and no one is above his pride and his lust for power. Not even you. And I am proud of this fact. If he wouldn't have been like this then all those people out there wouldn't have been alive. He is god for everyone and you better treat him like one.
Samael said and left the room leaving the door open.

Samael's threat reached my core and a strong shiver passed down my body. There was not a single thing he said wrong. He was merely stating facts.

The door was left ajar. I guess this is my chance. I got up from the bed and strode out of the door. I was quite surprised at first when there was no guard around. I don't know why but the situation looked suspicious.

Shaking the thought off my head, I took out the key and walked towards my destination which was Marilyn's room. She knows a lot more than me and she can be of my help. The corridors were empty. I had a bizarre feeling about this. So, I took off running towards Marilyn's room.

Once I reached the door, I barged in without knocking. I sense of nausea hit me the moment my nose picked up the scent of blood. I turned to face the floor and wall smeared with blood with a shivering Marilyn sitting in a corner of the room. I rushed towards her and crouched down to meet her gaze. I gently touched her forehead. Her body was almost as cold as a corpse.

I lifted her body off the ground and laid her on the bed. She was most probably naked. Her tattered clothes barely covered her body. Marilyn was breathing heavily too. She needed immediate medical attention otherwise god knows what will happen.



Leaning back in the chair, I sighed in contempt. This little doll thinks she can outplay me.
She is in my room now.
Samael said. He has been pissed lately. Especially after the incident between him and Sabrina.
I know you don't like it but you have to bear it for a while.
I spoke back trying to console him. Samael has been like this. He doesn't allow anyone near his stuff.

We looked back at the camera placed inside Samael's room. We just saw Sabrina running towards Marilyn's room through the corridor. I know something like this would happen after today's incident. I doubted that she recalled every forbidden memory but now it is clear. She remembered everything.

If she is going to act like this, then I would have no other choice than to be harsh on her. Either way, she is mine. It doesn't matter whether she likes it or not. She doesn't have a say in this.

Turn the voice on.
I ordered one of the workers. I and Samael focused back on the camera footage. But there was something that caught my undivided attention. Rather say a particular key that caught my undivided attention.
How in the fucking hell does she get her hands on the key of nine circles?!
I got up from my seat with a sudden jerk and yelled on the top of my lungs.


Short chapter?

Be patient and wait for the update ☺😉

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