chapter 75

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I reached Samael's chamber. I took in a sharp breath when I heard a loud wailing. It made me shiver and I rubbed my arms. Another glass-shattering noise. The corridor in front of me looked a hell lot scary. I contemplated my decision. All the bravery and fire which I had before leaving the room evaporated in thin air.

Suddenly I heard loud footsteps coming my way. Hurriedly, I hid behind a big vase. The vase was enough to cover my thin body. I poked my head out a bit to see who was coming. The person was no other than my husband, Lucifer. I wanted to run up to him but the fierce expression on his face made me lay back. He was carrying Adrian in his arms and walked towards Samael's chambers.

I knitted my brows in confusion. He said he will have a private party then what is he doing here? Is he here to drop Adrian? But some other maid could have done it too.

I saw Lucifer entering a room. I stayed put in my place and waited for a while. After a few minutes, he came out of the room alone. Maybe he was here to drop Adrian, in real.

But instead of turning back and walking out of Samael's chamber, he went further in. I maintained a safe distance from him and followed him.

Where is going now?

He stopped at the farthest door and knocked twice on it. The door opened with a click. I was taking shelter behind the vases placed in the corridor. I am thankful for the decor to save me. The door opened to reveal Samael. His hair was a mess and nerves were popping out of his skin. Let's say he was in his demon form.

He stepped aside and Lucifer entered the room. Once I was assured that the door was closed, I rushed to the door and sat by the door. My ears perked up by the voices from inside the room.



I knocked on Samael's door after tucking in Adrian on his bed. The little guy was fast asleep. That's good, it would not be good if he hears her mommy screaming.

Samael opened the door after two knocks. His eyes were dark and he was in his demon form. I smirked looking at him. Looks like he has been teaching good lessons to Marilyn. She needs to learn how things work in my world.

I entered the room and Samael closed the door after me. My eyes roamed around the room and landed on Marilyn who was lying in a dark corner of the room. Her clothes were almost torn into shreds. The cut marks covered her legs and hands. She was laying down in a small puddle of blood. Marilyn looked like shit.
What a good sight we have here!
My voice boomed through the room. I slowly walked up to her with my hands tucked in my pockets.

I crouched down in front of her and brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face. She had a long gash on her right forehead. I gently touched it before smirking at her and pressing on the wound harshly. She started screaming and clawing at my hand to let go. My laughter boomed through the room. I looked back at Samael to see him smiling in satisfaction. He loved this. Her scarred face, her busted lips, and every single part of her body were covered in blood. It was a kind of art for Samael.

Did you think you could play with me?
I looked back at Marilyn and spoke. I gave her a mocking look which she returned with a glare.
Sabrina will never believe you. At least, not now.
Samael spoke from behind me and laughed.

Marilyn cried out loud on this remark. Her lips quivered and she looked up to meet my gaze.
One day she will find out! She will uncover all your facades shortly and then I will laugh at both of you just like you are laughing at me!
Marilyn seethed.

Samael strode up to her and blew another punch at her face. He grabbed Marilyn by her hair and yanked it tightly.
But how she will find out? Even if she does, she would not be able to do anything about it.
I said in a lower octave, just to intimidate Marilyn. My eyes glow a darker shade of red as I bared my canines at her.
No matter what, you can't keep her in dark for eternity. Once, when she knows everything then the forbidden will happen. You will lose her forever. Something that scares you the most. Your mind aches for her attention. She is your darkest fetish. You want to break her but you know very well that she is the kind of woman who can pick herself back and challenge you. Which is why you made her forget everything. Who do you think you are talking to? I know you very well! I know both of you very well! Even she doesn't believe me but I will keep trying till the day that happens.
Marilyn's little speech ended with her panting heavily. She could not speak properly and here she is trying to threaten me.

I have had enough of this useless piece of woman.
Yes! You guessed right! Everything you said was right! I do not feel love towards Sabrina because I am not capable of feeling it. But what I feel for her is something more than a silly excuse of what you people call love. You see, I can give her the world but she was so resilient. She was not ready to obey me. Every time I thought I had her under my control, she would prove me wrong. So, I made her forget. Simple. Now she obeys me. She dolls up for me. She breaths for me. She even has a name given by me. Selene. Isn't it all I wanted? Of course, it is. There is only one step left and after that, even if she finds out about all my cruelty, it wouldn't be a problem for me. I will make her helpless than ever. Just wait and watch, Marilyn. After that happens I will make sure you get your piece of cake.
I said while squeezing her jaws in between my palms. I can hear her hissing in pain. This woman has been a pain in my ass since day one. If Samael fails to handle her again, I will deal with her. Personally.

With a final glare, I jerked her face away. I stood up and fixed my coat. I have a wife waiting for me, couldn't let her find out this mess.

I looked back at Samael. He nodded at me in assurance.
I will handle her.
I nodded my head in acknowledgment and strode out of the room.



A single tear escaped from her eyes before I broke down completely. I slapped my hand on my mouth to keep my presence unknown.

How can he?

I trusted him.

He even lied to me about my name.......

Marilyn was right.

I am a fool. How can I be so foolish?

I love him but he doesn't.

He just wants a rag doll to play with and throw around

Oh my god.

I was heartbroken. It was like a thousand needles are pricking my heart. My mind and body stopped working. His words repeated in a cycle in my head. All I could hear was his voice. I tried to stand up. My legs turned to jelly. I might collapse any moment. I placed a hand on my chest and tried to calm my breathing.

I was on the verge of having a panic attack. My life suddenly became a lie. Or should I say it was all a lie, to begin with. It was just me stupid enough that I can not see past it and fell deeper on his tracks.

He is just obsessed with me.

My head started hurting very badly. I closed my eyes and clutched my head. A few silhouettes, just like the earlier ones, appeared in my head. It was just that this time they were much clearer. Every image was moving so fast in my head that I can not make it out properly.

I could just catch a glimpse of people's faces.
I will never let you go!

And my eyes snapped open. It was Lucifer who trapped me in the white room. Intentionally.

Mustering all the courage I had in me, I dashed out of the corridor and entered my room. I threw open the bathroom door and sat under the shower.

My body was burning. I turned on the water and sat under the cold shower while crying my eyes out.

But still, my mind was filled with Lucifer. A part of me still wanted to rush into his arms for comfort........

Maybe I am also turning into him........

Or it is what it feels like to love someone.......

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