chapter 51

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The guards threw the man in front of a naked Britney. She brought her knees to her chest and looked at me in confusion. A sinister smile spread across my lips. And that was enough to make Britney's face go pale. It looked like all the color from her face was gone. Wait till you see the man's face. I walked up to her and crouched down in front of her. I pulled the man by his torn collar and made him sit up. Slowly, I removed the black bag from his face and was rewarded with her painful screams which were music for my ears.

If she went pale earlier, she looked like she would faint right now. The man's face was deformed. It was somewhat hard to identify the man for anyone else but not for her.

Because the man was none other than............


Her father!

I smirked viciously. It's time for me to have some real fun. How long I have been waiting for it. I grabbed Britney by the hair and dragged her towards Anthony. He was wearing a torn rag. His skin was black blue at some places and pain caused by those wounds was still visible on his face. He looked at me with helpless and begging eyes. Anthony almost sobbed. He was pretending to be brave in front of his daughter. Britney was begging to let go and somehow managed to get out of my grip. She instantly ran towards her father and embraced him. They both broke down in each other's arms. Oh, what a lovely scene!

I let them stay like that for the next few minutes. Let them enjoy as much as they want and then it will be my turn.

A chair was brought for me to sit. I dragged the chair in a circle around them and then moved towards the corner of the room. I sat on the chair peacefully and watched their melodrama with utmost curiosity.

The real fun has not even begun and I am already enjoying it. I just want to see their faces when I will tell them my master plan. But now, enough of all this crying. I am getting bored of it.

I side glanced at my guards and they got my cue. Two of the guards went towards Britney and Anthony. Each of them pulled them back by their arms. A shrill scream escaped from Britney's mouth. This suffering of others gives me so much enjoyment.

I stood up from my seat and walked towards Anthony who was lying face down on the ground. I nudged him from my foot. He groaned in pain. He was barely alive. I wanted her to give him an experience of what it feels like to be in hell even when you are alive. I guess he is not liking it but does that matter.


I am enjoying it and that's all that matters. I placed my foot on his windpipe and applied some pressure on it. He held my foot with both of his hands trying to move it away from his neck but alas, the poor lad didn't have enough energy to do so. I laughed at his reaction and turned my head to look at Britney. She was crying hysterically.

I let go of Anthony and went towards her. Now, it's the bitch turn. I crouched down to her level and leaned towards her face.
Please! I beg you! Please let him go!
She begged with joined hands. I lightly stroked her head. She is indeed beautiful but she is a bitch.
I will let him go! I will let him go forever! I will not hurt him if you do as I say.
I said in a low but firm tone. It was enough to make Britney shudder in fear.
Will you do as I say?
I continued.

She looked to be contemplating inside her head about whether to agree with me or not. Finally, she shook her head in positive. Just what I wanted. I gave her a sinister smile.
Give your father a blowjob.
I spoke to Britney with a smile. She shook her head vigorously and tears started rolling down from her eyes.

She is just so pathetic. She pissed me off. I took a step towards her and that is when someone started banging on the door. A sweet yet panicked voice screamed from the other side of the door.

How come she came here? I thought she was injured and tired. Sabrina can be a handful sometimes. She can cause trouble but it is nothing that I can not handle. I crinkled my eyebrows at Samael. He seemed to get my gesture and ran towards the door. He opened the door and went out. He can handle Sabrina easily without causing her much pain.

I halted in the same place, patiently waiting for Sabrina to go back. Seeing me like this and the other shit which is about to happen may adversely affect my heir. And I do not want this. After a few minutes, I heard her screaming outside the door. For a moment, I wanted to go to her and comfort her but no. I want to maintain the reputation which she has about me in her heart and head.

Then it all stopped. Now, I can continue. I smiled at the thought.

I strode up to Britney who was lying on the other side of the room and grabbed a fistful of her hair. Two of the guards held Anthony by his arm and made him kneel. I pulled Britney up by her hair and made her stand in front of her father. I grabbed the front of her nightdress and tore it apart making her almost naked.

Anthony moved his face to the side and closed his eyes shut to avoid the naked view of his very own daughter. I grabbed Anthony's upper jaw and forcefully moved his head to look at Britney. He started crying hysterically. He was bawling his eyes out. The two guards tore whatever piece of cloth or let's say rag with which he was covering his aged body.

When he was completely naked, I grabbed Britney by the neck and pushed her face towards his crotch. She started struggling like a fish out of water. Nevertheless, she has to do it. When she started resisting a lot I let go of her.
You filthy bitch!
I slapped her hard across the face and kicked her body several times.

I went to the other side of the room where the whips and canes were kept. I picked a strong whip that had nails around it. I dramatically hit the air. It created a nerve-cracking sound. I can visibly see Britney and Anthony flinching. I dragged the whip towards them with a smirk plastered on my face.

If you don't do as I say I will kill your father in front of you with this whip!
I spoke in a low yet firm tone.

No! Please! Don't do this!
She started begging on her knees.

I won't! I would not even think about it if you do as I say!
I spoke in a manipulative tone and leaned closer towards her face. She gulped loudly.

It looks like the butterfly is trapped. I let out an evil laugh.

I gestured to her with my hands to move forwards encouraging her to do her work. She stood up and took a step forward. But she stopped in her tracks and turned to face me.
Will you let him go for sure?

I looked at her for a second and smiled sweetly.
Of course, I will!
I said enthusiastically.

She seemed to believe me and that's the biggest mistake she made. Rule number 1. Never trust the devil.

A smirk automatically surfaced on my charming face.
And she moved towards her doom......


Sorry for the late update people!
But enjoy the chapter
The updates will be quicker as my exams are postponed due to covid pandemic

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