chapter 61

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I was sitting quietly near my boy's crib elegantly sipping on the red wine. This is one of the best moments in my life. This is one of the moments when I appreciate my life. I bent down a bit and touched his cheeks. He was so soft just like a teddy bear. But a strong teddy bear. He grabbed my finger and started playing with it.

I was playing with my baby when a set of polished shoes came into my sight. I looked up to see a very beautiful male with blonde hair standing in front of me. He smiles gently at me and I returned the same.
Do you not remember me?
He asked me. My eyebrows shot up. I don't think I have seen him anywhere. I gazed at him from top to bottom. He was tall. Just a few inches shorter than Lucifer. His face was clean shaved and he had hair matching my hair. I mean we both were blonde.
We have the same hair color. Are you my brother?
I pointed out.

He let out a hearty laugh.
Of course......not. I am kind of your future brother-in-law. How come you do not remember me? It is not easy to forget my face!
He exclaimed with a charming smile on his face. He looked innocent but when he told me he is my soon-to-be brother-in-law, I knew that he was millennia far from innocent.

My baby let go of my finger and I stood up to get a better view of him. It was uncomfortable to talk while inclining my head in an upward direction. He was right. It was not easy to forget his face. I mean how could someone forget such delicately carved features. Demons are excruciatingly beautiful. Just look at Lucifer.

It seems like you have forgotten me for real. Never mind. It is never late for a formal introduction.
He said. I was just looking at him while he was talking as I was unknown to whatever he was saying. There were questions in my head. Do I know him? For real? If yes, then how come I do not remember?
I am Samael, one of the seven princes of hell and one of the original fallen ones. You will meet the rest of them soon enough, my queen.
He said and curtly bowed his head. I was a bit taken back by his gesture.
I questioned out loud.
I mean, yes, there were changes in the plan due to the fateful demise of Britney, so, you will be the queen. The one and only.
What in the world is he talking about?! My head is in a mess right now.

Am I supposed to be the queen?! Who is Britney?! And how did she died?!

I do not remember anything else than Lucifer. I just grew so nervous that I instinctively started looking for him. Isn't it ironic?
I spotted him talking to some women. He was so cheerful with them. I don't think he even smiled at me since the day I got out of the white dungeon. I didn't know I started glaring at him. He must have felt someone burning holes in his head. His eyes snapped up to meet my gaze. He said something to that woman and kissed the back of her hand. I guess he was saying goodbye because after that he started walking towards me.

I was looking at him when Samael clicked his finger near my ear. This jolted me back to my sense. I gave him a nervous smile.
You don't seem to speak much but you zone out a lot. Well, you never gave me your introduction. Don't you think you should start by your name?
He said. He was speaking so fast and comfortably. This was putting me at unease. I don't know what to do or say. But that's not the problem here. The problem is he asked my name and I am unaware of that.
I stuttered out the word. Yes, that's right! I forgot my name.

I don't know it. What should I do now?
Yes, your name. What is it?
He spoke again., my.....
I started fiddling with my dress and looking here and there in search of a name. Any name. Just to get done with this introduction.
A voice filled with rich chocolate boomed from Samael's back. My eyes not leaving the bright red orbs of the owner of the voice.
Her name is Selene.
Is it? Isn't it? I don't know to be honest. Samael looked at Lucifer with a frown etched on his forehead.
Her name is...
Samael trailed off but was cut in the middle by Lucifer.
Samael gave Lucifer a look. They both just gazed at each other for a long time. What is it? Some brother bond or connection?
Of course, her name is Selene. Queen Selene.
Samael said. He held my hand and gently pressed his lips on the back of it. That was such a cute yet manly gesture. I tucked a stray hair in and was blushing like an idiot. He smiled back at me. I returned a toothy smile and my eyes fell on Lucifer's face. Boy! He looked like he could kill me any moment. I quickly shut my mouth. Instead, I only nodded at Samael with a small smile. 

With this, he left leaving me and Lucifer alone.
Stay by my side from now on.
He said through gritted teeth. I just nodded my head and hung my head low. He looked so pissed off. Out of nowhere, he lifted my chin.
Keep your head low only in front of me. You should act a bit stronger.
He said.

Just like that, he left making me feel all types of emotions at once. I heard him calling my name. I turned around to see him standing on an altar a few feet away from me. He was calling for me. I turned to carry my baby with me but the maid was faster than me. With a heavy heart, I walked alone towards the cause of my misery.

When I reached near the altar, he offered me his hand. I took it with a fake smile plastered on my face. The crowd started mumbling and whispering. I could hear all sorts of opinions. Some happy and some jealous and some skeptical. I stood beside Lucifer and soon after he guided us towards the throne. A priest like a guy stood in front of the altar and addressed the crowd. He then created a pentagon with a powder. He came towards me and extended his arms.

What does he want? I tilted my head a bit and gave him a confused look.
The priest whispered.
Wait! No! No way! This guy looked cringy enough for me to not give him my baby who I managed to stole from the maid by tricking her. Gosh, she was so annoying and rude! I tightened my arms around him not willing to let go. Lucifer sensed my unwillingness and patted on the back of my hand reassuring me. I looked at him and shook my head negatively but as always Lucifer got a way to get the baby and handed it to the priest.

With delicacy, the priest carried my baby and placed it in the middle of the pentagon. Then he lighted a matchstick and ignited the powder-like substance. I started to panic. I almost got from my seat but Lucifer held me back by my hand. I gave him a helpless look but he didn't even look at me. I just held onto his hand tightly while watching my baby lying down in the middle of some fucking pentagon with fiery black flames.

The priest started chanting something in a foreign language and soon the pentagon was covered by a red-colored semicircular barrier. Layers after layers covered my baby till he was not visible. Then it stopped. All at once, all those red things went inside my baby and his eyes glowed redder than ever. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Lucifer's eyes glowing at the same time. What was that?

Now, it is time for the ultimate sacred ritual! Bring in the baits!
The priest yelled on top of his lungs and the crowd roared in enthusiasm.

What do they mean by baits?


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