chapter 82

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I helped Marilyn lay on her back on the bed. She winced the moment her skin made contact with the sheets. Her wounds were still bleeding. My eyes teared up at her sight. She was barely holding onto life.

Slowly, I removed the tattered pieces of clothes from her body. I gasped in horror as I looked at my hands which were holding her just now. My hands were completely covered in blood. I need to get her patched up first. Marilyn curled up in a ball as I rushed towards the bathroom to get a first aid kit.

I sat beside her and wiped the blood off with a soft wet cloth. She winced at every contact. Big fat tears rolled down her face.

I did my best I can to stop the bleeding. It was useless, to say the least. Marilyn needs immediate medical attention. I can not treat her. I placed my palm on the back of her hand as my head hung low.

She tried to protect me but I doubted her. She did her part but I failed in mine. I can not stop my tears as they freely rolled down from my eyes. I sense her fingers moving a bit.
Marilyn, can you hear me?
I whispered.

Marilyn only groaned in response. Her eyes fluttered open. Marilyn gazed at me as a look of something unprecedented crossed her eyes. Marilyn grabbed my hand tightly and pulled me towards her. She wanted to speak something so, I leaned my ears near her mouth.
Sor_ry ...
Marilyn stuttered out. Before she could speak anything else I stopped her in middle.

No, you shouldn't be! I am sorry. For everything. Now, you need to rest.
Marilyn smiled at my words as she was still holding onto my hands.
I am just tired. I feel like closing my eyes but couldn't because of Adrian. Promise me you will take him with you...
Marilyn said in an extremely low and hoarse voice. Her eyes were stooping low. I panicked with the sudden realization. Marilyn's grip started loosening on me as she slowly closed her eyes.
No! Marilyn! Open your eyes! Goddamit!
I could see a faint smile on her face as she slowly slipped back into unconsciousness.

Marilyn was barely holding on. Her pulses grew weak with every passing second. My head was not working anymore. I was not able to do anything. She was dying in front of me and I couldn't do anything as I continued to cry.

A sudden click in my head made things clear for me. Now, only one person can help me at this moment. But at this moment, the question is will he?

I don't know whether he will agree or not and I guess I would never be able to find out if I never ask him about this.

With a deep sigh, I stroked Marilyn's head and strode out of the door. I closed the door behind me. Suddenly, someone wrapped their little arms around me. I looked down to see a teary Adrian clutching onto my dress. I crouched down to meet his gaze.

Are you looking for your mom?
I cooed and patted his head gently. Adrian didn't say anything but nodded his head in positive. I felt so bad for this little guy. There is no way in hell I am letting Adrian see Marilyn in that condition.
Mom's resting. We will meet her soon.
I said as I picked up Adrian in my arms.
Adrian stretched his pinky finger in front of me and said.
I joined my finger with him and smiled.

I decided to take him with me to my next destination.

Lucifer's office.

I hope this works.



My eyes were focused on Sabrina as she moved through the hallway. She was coming my way. And for that, she needs to cross half of the castle.

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