Ch. 6 - Alive

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My head snapped around and I moved out of Glenn’s arms as I watched Carl running to a man with a smile on his face. When my full attention went to the man standing there walking faster to my little brother, I nearly broke down. “Daddy,” I cried out as his head snapped to me where I stood by the car before I ran to meet him just as Carl got to us. We both hit the ground as he wrapped his left arm around Carl while his right one was around me. I could hear Dad crying as he buried his head in my shoulder while still holding on tightly to me and Carl. “You’re both here,” he said holding us tighter, “you’re both alive and here.” “Daddy,” I cried again in barely a whispered as I pulled back to look at him in the eyes just hoping this wasn’t a dream and I wasn’t about to wake up in that RV and him not being here.

I pulled back completely and watched as he picked up Carl in his arms and made his way over to Lori to hug her. I couldn’t help the frown that came over my face, knowing she had been sleeping around with Shane this whole time and Dad was never dead to begin with. I walked over to them as one thought occurred to me, Shane, he told me my dad was dead. He told me in the hospital that Dad was dead. My head snapped around to where Shane was still standing by the Challenger, this smile on his face like he was happy for us when I could tell he wasn’t. “You bastard,” I shouted as I took a few steps towards him and stopped before pulling out my hidden gun as tears blurred my vision, “you told me he was dead. You told me my dad was dead you son of a bitch!”


My eyes stayed locked on Kathryn with that gun. I heard everyone around me gasp because none of us knew about the gun to begin with. But I could see Rick just on the edge of my eye sight, watching his daughter with the gun and he didn’t look shocked to see the gun, just worried that she would do something. “You told me in the hospital that day,” Kathryn continued, “as you were dragging me out of that building, that my dad was dead. You lied to me, to Carl.” “Kathryn,” I heard Rick’s voice say calmly but I still stared at Kathryn and the gun in her hand. “I swear I thought he was,” I said as she shook her head like she didn’t believe me. “Kathryn,” I heard Rick say again and watched as he moved closer to his daughter, “baby put the gun down.”


My gun wavered in the air for a moment, as I turned my attention to Dad who was walking up to me slowly. I felt more tears run down my face as I turned into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around me once again and just held me while I cried out. “I thought you were dead,” I cried into his shoulder, “I thought I had lost you forever.” “Shane did what he had to,” he said rubbing his hands up and down my back, “he kept you, Lori, and Carl safe. That’s all that matters to me Kathryn, that y’all were safe when I wasn’t there to keep you safe myself.” “I missed you so much Daddy,” I said as I buried my head into his chest and just taking in his familiar smell that I grew up knowing. I moved my head to the side to watch as everyone around us went back to doing their own things as I kept myself as close to Dad as possible.


I smiled as I walked over to Rick and Kathryn, still holding on to each other like their lives depended on it. I watched as Kathryn’s head snapped my way when she heard someone approaching and this big smile come across her face as she pulled away from her father and ran to me. “You brought me my dad back safe and sound,” she said as she wrapped her arms around me, “thank you Glenn. Thank you so very much.” I went to say something but was cut off when she stepped up a bit on her toes and kissed my cheek before completely pulling away and walking over to her father who was giving me a curious look. I just shook my head as if to say it was nothing while I felt my cheeks heating up. I watched as Rick gave me one more look before wrapping his arm around Kathryn’s shoulders and walking off.

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