Ch. 131 - Jesus

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I stared at Dad and Michonne, waiting for one of them to talk first. I heard our front door open and looked over the railing to see several of our friends running up our steps with guns drawn. I heard quick moving steps from behind me and turned to see Daryl coming out of our room with his shirt off and a pair of pants on but not fastened, gun also in his hand with his shirt in the other. I looked back to the man in front of us, him seeming to not be affected by all the guns aimed at him.

I watched as Dad finished getting dressed as he told the others to take the man downstairs. “Go back to bed Kat,” Daryl said to me as he walked over to stand next to me after pulling his shirt on over his head. “No,” I said shaking my head, “won’t be able to sleep while he’s in this house. I’m just going to go change then I’ll meet y’all downstairs.” He didn’t say a word as he regarded me before nodding his head and moving down the stairs. I returned to our room and got changed into another pair of jeans and a tank top as it was already starting to get warm as the sun slowly began to rise up.

When I made it downstairs, they had sat the man in the dining room and Dad was seated across from him on the other side of the table. Michonne and Carl were seated with them in other seats around the table. “Here,” Michonne said as she stood from her seat and allowed me to take it. The man who said he was called Jesus looked over at me before looking back to Dad. “Your eldest daughter correct,” he asked and watched as Dad nodded before he looked back to me, “congratulations on the baby. Do you know when you’re due?”


“You wanted to talk for a reason,” I said cutting in as I watched Kathryn place her hand almost protectively over her stomach, “so how’d you get out?” “One guard can’t cover two entrances,” he said looking back at me as he relaxed into his chair we’d sat him in. I listened as he talked about how he’d gotten out before he mentioned checking out our arsenal. “But your previsions are low for the number of people you have,” he said, “54, plus the one on the way?” He nodded towards where Kathryn sat, Daryl instinctively moving to the other side of the room to stand next to her and protect her should he need to.


“It’s more than that,” Kat said from in front of me as she glanced over to Maggie and Glenn on her other side. I watched as he stared at Kat before looking over towards Maggie, getting what she meant. “Ah,” he said with a nod before looking back to Rick. His eyes instantly went back over to me when he caught me moving closer to Kat and placing my hand on her shoulder. “Look,” he said looking straight at me, “we got off to a rough start. You and Rick had every reason to leave me out there, but you didn’t. Because we’re on the same side, the living side.”

“Where are you from,” Kat asked and gained his attention off of me, “you’re too well off and too clean to have been wandering around.” “I’m from a place a lot like this one,” he said with a nod to her, “part of my job there is to search for other settlements to trade with. I took your truck because my community needs things. And both of you looked like trouble.” I felt Kat stiffen under my hand at the man calling me and Rick trouble just from one look.


“The same could be said about you to be honest,” I said looking dead at this man. He laughed and nodded, quickly agreeing with me on that statement. “I was wrong,” he said with a nod as he smiled at me, “you’re good people, and you really needed that food with two babies on the way. I’m sorry for causing you both to lose the truck and its load. I think our communities could do well to help each other.”

“Do you have food,” Glenn asked after a few moments. “We’ve started to raise livestock,” he said, “we scavenge, we grow just about anything you can think of.” “Tell us why we should believe you,” Dad said as he looked over at him with a skeptical look. “I can show you,” he said, “take a car, be there within a day’s time. You could all see for yourselves. And you two could have a look at your babies, see the future of our world before they’re born.”

“I don’t think so,” Daryl said suddenly as he moved to stand by my side instead of behind me. I sent a glare his way, stopping him in his tracks. “And why not Daryl,” I asked as I glared up at him. “Thought you said you weren’t going on no more runs,” he said returning my glare. “This isn’t a run Daryl,” I said standing to my feet, “it’s a chance to find other people to help our new world.” “Remember what happened last time we found more people,” he asked. “Yes,” I said as I stood to my feet, “I found my mother. I found my cousin. Now I want to see our baby before it’s born. So I’m going whether you like it or not.”

Okay so, I was looking under contests for something to do and I saw that if I wanted I could make my own contest. And that got me thinking, if I was to do some sort of contest for this fic, would y'all enter into it and all? I even already know what the prize would be. 😎 Let me know please guys!
- Kenz

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