Ch. 43 - The Inmates

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It's probably been an hour or two since the group went out into the rest of the prison. Honestly, how the hell knows anymore, time is nearly non-existent nowadays. I was sitting on the steps next to Carl, just having a brother-sister moment between the two of us as I snatched his hat off his head before ruffling his hair as I placed the hat on my head. "Give it back," he said laughing as he reached for the hat while I pulled my head back away from him. We were having a good laugh, enjoying ourselves like we normally do when suddenly we heard shouting. "Open the door," came Dad's voice as both Carl and I sobered up quickly before dashing towards the door, "it's Hershel! Carl! Come on!" "Oh God," I said as everyone else ran towards us while Dad and the others rushed in with Hershel on some sort of wheeled table.

I watched as they rushed Hershel towards a cell, everyone following behind as I looked around. "Where's Daryl," I said looking when I didn't see him, automatically fearing the worst. I look at the faces around the cell where they took Hershel, but I don't see Daryl, anywhere. "Dad," I said, "where's Daryl?!" I could feel the panic rising in my chest as I looked around while everyone scurried in and out of the cell with Hershel in it. Just before the panic could completely consume me, I finally heard his voice echoing around the cell block. "That's far enough," I heard him say and without thinking about who he could've been talking to, I ran for the closed door that lead into the housing part of the cell block.

I pulled the door open and bolted out but froze in my spot when I spotted Daryl aiming his crossbow at these men in prison jumpsuits. "Kat get back with the others," Daryl's voice cut through my mind but I was still frozen with fear and I could feel my body shaking. All I could do was stare at the men as the newcomers stared back at me like I was a piece of meat and they were starving. "Today's you're lucky day fellas," Daryl's voice said cutting through my mind once again and finally snapping me out of my trance long enough to look over at him as he peered back at the men in front of us, "you've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go." "What you got going on in there," the head man I presume, asked causing me to looking back in his direction as I slowly stepped closer to Daryl.

"It ain't none of your concern," Daryl said slowly, keeping his crossbow trained on the leader's head as he spoke. "Don't be telling me what's my concern," the guy said stepping forwards as he pulled out a gun, causing me to squeak out in fear as I stepped closer to Daryl while he stepped away from the table and moved to where his body was in front of me. "Kathryn," I heard my dad's voice at the same time I heard the door to the cells opening and closing before he ran out and put himself between me and the dangerous men before us. I could still feel myself shaking as he wrapped his arms around me before pushing me back towards the cells. "Go back in there," he whispered, "go back where it's safe." I looked up at him scared but I could see the worry in his eyes. Nodding, I quickly turned and ran back into the area with the cells where everyone else stood.


I kept glancing over my shoulder, trying to keep an eye on Kathryn as she stood behind me. But when her father ran out, I was grateful that he managed to get her out of the line of fire with these men. "There's no need for this," Rick said as he walked forwards after Kathryn was safely back with the others. "How many of you in there," the one with the gun asked, the same one who'd been eyeing Kathryn behind me like she was a piece of meat. "Too many for you to handle," Rick said. "You guys rob a bank or something," he asked as he looked back and forth between Rick and me, "why don't you take him to a hospital?"

Rick and I share a look before looking back to the men in front of us. "How long have you been locked in that cafeteria," Rick asked looking at them curiously. "Going on like ten months," the guy said as he eyed the two of us. "We were thinking that the Army or the National Guard should be showing up any day now," a guy in the back of the group said as I looked to Rick again. "There is no Army," Rick said looking at the men, "there's no government, no hospitals, no police. It's all gone." "You got a cell phone or something we can use to call our families," the same one that mentioned the Army asked stepping forwards. "You just don't get it do you," I asked as I kept my crossbow up. "No phones," Rick said shaking his head, "no computers. As far as we can see, at least half the population has been wiped out. Probably more."

"Ain't no way," the guy said looking between the two of us. "See for yourself," Rick said and motioned to the door that led out of the cell block and into the courtyard. They walked out first, shielding their eyes from the sun like they hadn't seen it in quite some time. And I guess they hadn't, being locked in that cafeteria nearly ten months. "Damn this sun feels good," one said as they continued to walk out into the yard. "They're all dead," another said as he looked down at the dead inmates as we made our way to the center of the courtyard. "Who was that girl," the leader said as he looked back to me and Rick. I felt myself stiffen and the mention of Rick's daughter, and when I looked too Rick, he seemed to be just as tense as me now.

"She's none of your concern," Rick said, his hand tightening around the handle of his gun. I watched as a couple heads before us turned to look at something behind us. Glancing over my shoulder, I realized what it was that had their attention. There stood Kathryn, in the caged in area where the steps are that lead into the cell block. She had her fingers threaded through the wiring for the fence as she stared at where we were. "Dammit," I muttered as I nudged Rick to get his attention. When he looked at me, I pointed back to where his daughter was standing. I heard him muttering some things under his breath as he went to turn and walk towards her. "I'll get her," I said placing my hand on his shoulder to stop him. When he looked to me, he nodded before I moved my hand from his shoulder and began walking towards Kathryn.


I watched as Daryl made his way towards me, and judging by the look on his face as he drew closer, I could tell he was pissed. Backing away from the fence, I turned to face the entrance to the area I was in as he made his way towards me. "The hell you doin' out here," he growled out as he grabbed my upper arm with his free hand as he pulled me towards the door for the cell block. "I'm sorry," I said, "I just wanted to see what was going on." "Kat I know you like to help," he said once we were inside and stopped in the area where there were tables for this block, "but those men are dangerous. Stay in there and out of sight of those men. If not for me then do it for your dad Kat."

I sighed as I looked down before looking back up and over towards where the cells were. "Okay," I whispered out as I looked back up at him. "Go back in there and help," he said looking down at me as I peered up into his blue eyes, "help with Hershel. Keep Beth and Carl distracted if anything." "So now I have to play babysitter," I asked, cracking a small smile as I saw amusement in his blue eyes when I said that. "Just for a little while," he said smiling. "You owe me for this," I said as he began to grin. "We'll discuss later how I can pay you back then," he said smiling before his face went back to a serious look as he looked over my shoulder. When I looked back, there stood Dad. "C'mon Daryl," Dad said looking at him, "we got something to do." "Right," Daryl said before glancing back at me just before he walked around me and followed Dad and the prisoners.

OMG last night's episode! It hurts! I don't want my Chinaman dead :'( I won't believe he's dead :''''(
- Kenz

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