Ch. 126 - Rick's Reaction

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I stood there, next to Michonne who had Judy in her arms, staring at my eldest child as she just told her unconscious brother that she was pregnant. I didn't miss Daryl moving back slightly from where he stood next to her, but he didn't have a shocked expression that should've been there had he not known before the run that she was pregnant. "Surprise," she said nervously as she kept ahold of Carl's hand and stayed where she was seated. "How long have you known," I asked, keeping my voice calm.

"Since just before we found out about that herd of walkers in the quarry," she said as I watched her look over her shoulder towards Daryl, "but Daryl didn't find out until the day before yesterday." "And you went on that run anyway," I asked in a calm voice, "knowing that it could be dangerous for you and the baby you're carrying?" "I had to," she said as she lowered her head, "I wanted to help make sure that this place would still be here for it to grow up safely. I told Daryl on the way back here that I wouldn't go on any more runs, knowing I'd be safer here until it was born."


"And how do you feel about all of this Daryl," Rick asked as he turned his gaze to me. "Don't know yet," I said before heading towards the door, "I'm headed to the house. Let me know if Carl wakes up." I didn't wait for them to try and stop me. I needed my space. Hadn't been able to fully digest what Kat had told me, about her being pregnant and knowing all this time. I still don't know how I should feel about her having known for so long before telling me. I'm sure she had her reasons, but I still felt I should've known before now that she was pregnant with my child. I figured when everything settled down, and Carl was okay, then she and I would have a little sit down and talk about all of this.


I watched silently as Daryl walked out of the room Carl was in. He still didn't say much about me being pregnant and the more I was forced to wait for him to say something, the more I feared the backlash I would possibly get from this the more it seemed severe. "He didn't take the news too well did he," Dad asked after having noticed the way Daryl didn't say much for his question about me. "I don't know," I answered, "when I told him I was pregnant, it wasn't at the best of times and I had really and truthfully been looking for a better way to tell him."

I watched Dad open his mouth and get ready to say something, but my attention went straight to my hand when I felt Carl's hand squeeze my own. I quickly looked to his face, watching for any sign that he'd open his eye. Slowly, I watched as he opened his eye to look around before it landed on me. "You're pregnant," his voice said quietly and weakly. "Yeah buddy," I said laughing as I tried to keep the tears back, "I am. You're going to be an uncle. Dad will be a grandfather."

"Hey now," Dad said, causing me to turn to look at him and laugh. "Our family's really growing huh," Carl said smiling at me. "Yeah it is," I said with a nod, "first with Judy and now with this one." I placed my free hand on my stomach, looking down at it before lifting my head to look back to Carl. "Don't forget about Daryl," he said, "he's part of the family too, because of you." "We'll see if he still is," I said sadly, "ever since he found out, the two of us have been on kind of shaky grounds." "Why don't you go talk to him," Dad said walking over, "I'll sit in with Carl."

So Kat and Daryl still haven't been able to sit down and really talk about her being pregnant, and she's becoming more and more worried about what he'll say. What do y'all think will happen when he finally does get to talk to her about it? And I thought I'd do like a little poll on baby names for the little Dixon that she's carrying. Now I'm not saying whether it's a boy or girl yet so I want y'all to choose what you think it'll be and comment a name you'd like for the new Dixon and why. I will choose later on which name to use as I already know what they'll be having. 😎 Can't wait for your comments.
- Kenz

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