Ch. 30 - Safe

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I woke up the next morning in Maggie's bed, and I know she stayed downstairs with her sister otherwise she might've made herself a spot on the floor seeings as I had passed out not too long after being left alone last night. Sitting up on the bed, I looked over towards the closed door and just stared at it for the longest time as the sun slowly rose over the horizon. Finally, taking a deep breath and letting it out, I stood to my feet and walked over to the door but paused as my hand clutched the knob. "Gotta face them sooner or later," I whispered out to myself before twisting it and pulling the door open. It was quiet in the house and I don't think Dad, Glenn, and Hershel were back from town yet.

Walking down the stairs, I had my arms wrapped around myself as I walked past the room Beth had been placed in. Peering in for a second, I spotted Maggie and Andrea talking while Maggie sat on the bed by her sister. Looking away, I slowly made my way outside and looked around. It was still early, not many people from camp were away yet. But one person was, I could see him walking towards the house from across the field by the woods where he'd placed his own campsite. I stood on the steps to the porch, my arms still wrapped around me as I watched him walk closer to the house. When he was right in front of the steps I stood on, he stopped for a moment with his crossbow over his shoulder as he looked up to me where I stood. He nodded once at me before turning his attention back towards the camp as people started emerging from their tents.


I watched as the reason behind Kathryn's state walked out of his tent, one of the others from the group obviously helping him there last night after she was taken into the house by Maggie. Looking back to Kathryn, I watched as she locked her eyes on him when he came into view. "How are you doin' this morning," I asked causing her to snap her attention back to where I stood. She simply shrugged as her arms were wrapped tightly around herself. Looking up at her, I waited to see if she was going to say anything at all but when she didn't, I just nodded my head before turning and walking towards the car we were taking to look for Rick, Glenn, and Hershel. We discussed last night before what happened at the barn with Kathryn that we'd send a group out first light to look for the others.

As I approached Shane, Andrea, and T-Dog, I couldn't help but glare at the asshole who touched Kathryn the way he did. To try and touch his best friend's daughter like that, it just made my blood boil all the more to be this close to the asshole. "Looks like you got yourself an extra shadow," T-Dog said looking up when I drew closer. When he seen the confused look on my face, he nodded to something behind me. Turning around, I spotted Kathryn walking cautiously behind me, her eyes on Shane as she drew closer. I looked to T-Dog before shrugging, catching Shane in the corner of my eye looking between me and Kathryn like we had something going on.


As they talked about the plan, apparently going out to search for my father and the others, Daryl stepped off to the side slightly and away from the other three like he knew I wasn't comfortable getting that close to Shane. I think he did it for me, but I also think I'm wanting to read too much into that. He didn't really acknowledge me other than when T-Dog said I was following him around, but he also didn't tell me to get lost or to stop, he just let me be. I watched as they placed things in the back of the car they were taking before I heard something coming up the driveway behind us.

Turning around quickly, I realized it was the same vehicle Dad and Glenn took to get Hershel. Smiling, I ran from the car I was standing next to and followed them up the driveway towards the house. "Daddy," I shouted as he stepped out of the car. He turned to me just as I reached him, my arms wrapping tightly around his neck as he held me back in a hug. "Dad," I heard my little brother's voice before I heard his running footsteps and felt him crash into me and Dad to join the hug. When I pulled out of the hug, I looked back to see the others had joined us by the truck so I took my place next to Daryl, Dad and Lori noticing it.

When his eyes drifted towards Shane, catching sight of his beaten face, I could see his brows furrow in confusion. "The hell happened to your face," he asked looking at Shane as I instantly looked anywhere but at my dad. I could see Glenn and Maggie talking on the other side of the car, his head instantly turning to look at me as I look of pure terror crossed his face when his eyes locked with mine. I lowered my head, knowing Maggie just told him what happened to me. "Nothing man," I heard Shane said trying to cover his ass as I happened to look up to see Glenn coming right to me and hugging me tightly. I buried my head into the chest of my best friend as my hands balled up the fabric of his shirt while his hands were wrapped securely around my shoulders.


"Are you okay," I whispered to Kathryn as the group tried to figure out what happened to Shane, Maggie having just told me I wasn't worried about what they were saying. I looked over to see Daryl watching us, his eyes directly on Kathryn before lifting to look at me. I nodded once, my thanks to him for protecting her, which he returned with a stiff nod before looking back to Rick as he seemed to not believe what Shane was saying. "Son of a bitch tried to rape your daughter," Daryl said causing Rick to look to him while Kathryn tightened her grip on my shirt so I tightened mine on her shoulders. "What," I heard Rick asked as I turned to see him looking from his daughter in my arms to his best friend on the other side of Daryl.

"It's true," I said nodding, "Maggie just told me. She stayed in Maggie's room all night afterwards. Daryl stopped it from happening." "Kathryn," Rick said causing her to slowly look over at him. I watched as his face contorted into pain before she pulled away from me and ran to him, burying her head into his chest as she began to sob, his hands resting on her shoulders and head as he tried to comfort his own daughter. "Patricia," I heard Hershel say after a few minutes when no one else said anymore, "prepare the shed for surgery. "I'm so sorry sweetie," Rick whispered into the top of his daughter's head before someone else spoke up. "Who the hell is that," T-Dog asked as he pointed towards the car and the person in the backseat. "That's Randall," I said before moving to walk into the house and to leave Rick to comfort his daughter the best he could after what happened.

Holy crap 30 chapters in and I can't believe it! So I watched the pilot episode for Fear The Walking Dead yesterday and its actually got me intrigued. Anyone else? Anyway I promised a friend I'd try and update this today because heehee im about to binge watch this new season of Criminal Minds that I just got on DVD lol. But I will see if I can't update one more thing if I do. Might be Time that I update... We'll see.
- Kenz

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