Ch. 67 - Sick

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Hershel called a meeting after Rick walked out of the cell block to go and inform everyone else about what had happened in there. We sat in the prison's library surrounding a table so that we could look at each other. I found myself sitting between Carol and Sasha while Kat was situated next to Glenn. Everyone's noticed the two of us keeping our distance from each other these past couple of days, but no one's said anything about it yet. She was sitting there, leaning against Glenn, still wearing the tank and boxer shorts she'd been in when we entered the cell block upon hearing the shots. "Patrick was fine yesterday," Carol said from beside me as she looked to the others, "and died overnight. Two people died that quick?"

"How is that even possible," Kat asked as she lifted up her head and looked around at everyone there. "We'll have to seperate everyone that's been exposed," Carol said looking at us. "That's everyone in that cell block," I said looking at her before looking to the others, "that's all of us." "And maybe more," Kat said shaking her head, "there's no way in knowing just how many people have been exposed to be honest." "We know that this sickness can be lethal," Hershel said, "what we don't know is how easily it can spread." "Is anyone else showing symtoms that we know of," Glenn asked as we looked around at each other. "We can't just wait and see," Kat said shaking her head, "there's children in that block and in our block too."

"We need a place for them to go," Hershel said nodding, "they can't stay in D. We can't risk going in there to clean it up." "They can go into cell block A," Carol said after thinking. "Death row," Glenn asked looking at her, "I'm not sure that's much of an upgrade." "It's clean," I said looking at him, "that's an upgrade in and of itself." "Daryl and Carol are right," Kat said nodding, "think it'd work for Doctor S?" "I'll help Caleb get it set up," Hershel said nodding. Before anyone could speak up again, we could hear coughing out in the hallway. Standing quickly to our feet, we spotted Tyresse walking down the hall with Karen who seemed to be feeling under the weather.


I stood in the doorway next to Glenn as Hershel and the others talked with Tyresse and Karen. They talked him out of taking her back to D, saying it'd be best to take her to A instead where she could be isolated from the others so that the sickness didn't spread. "David's been coughing too," Karen said after Hershel said he'd have Doctor S look at her. "I'll get him," I said nodding and going to move before Glenn's hand landed on my shoulder. "No I'll go," he said before walking past me and everyone else. "We'll have to call another meeting later," Hershel said after Sasha, Tyresse and Karen walked past us. "I'll get to burying the dead ones until then," Daryl said, his voice coming up from right behind me and causing me to jump slightly.

"You wear gloves and a mask," Hershel said looking to Daryl. After that, Hershel walked away before I glanced back to Daryl. When his blue eyes landed on me I could see he was debating on saying something to me. "I'm going to go check on Mom," I said just before he could say anything and started walking off. I wasn't going to force Daryl to be around me after what happened in the showers, if he wanted space then I'd give him the space needed. But I hope he knew that I didn't hate him for what happened that afternoon. Contrary to what he probably believes, I actually enjoyed it even if it was a little too rough for my first time.

By the next morning, we were figuring that maybe we did catch a lucky break and no one else was going to get sick from whatever that was that killed Patrick and Charlie. But then everyone started getting it. Mom went to A early this morning to see Doctor S when she started coughing. It was well after day break before I started feeling not so hot myself. When my cough started getting worse, I began making my way out of the block and headed for A myself. As I walked outside, I could hear talking. Glancing up, I noticed it was Hershel and Glenn talking. Trying to keep quiet, I only made it to the end of the small covered walk way before I failed and coughed out loud.


I stood outside talking to Hershel. I was hoping like hell this would be the end of our troubles for now before I heard a cough off to the side. When my eyes landed on Kathryn leaning against the pole, my heart dropped. I instantly began making my way over to her before she held up her hand, as if to keep me and Hershel away. "I'm going to see Doctor S," she said as she slowly opened her eyes and looked to the both of us, "don't worry, I'll be alright." "Do you want some help," I asked making a step towards her again before she held up her hand once more. "No," she said shaking her head, "and please don't tell Daryl. I don't want him coming near me and getting sick too."

I watched as she turned and began stumbling her way away from us. Turning back, I glanced at Hershel before glancing towards the last place I saw Daryl, back in our cell block. "We're going to tell him right," I asked looking to Hershel, "I mean I know something's up between them to have her stay with her mom in D these last few days, but they're probably closer than me and her." "She doesn't want us to," he said shaking his head, "and unless he asks at the meeting in a little while, we won't say anything. C'mon, we need to find Rick and Carl, let them know that she's sick now." Looking back in the direction she left in, I sighed before looking back at him and nodded.

So I made a little booboo and forgot to put Sasha in the other chapter saying she was on the council so I went back and edited it. Thanks alot for the 50k reads on this. You don't know how happy that makes me.
- Kenz

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