Ch. 97 - Eric

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I sat in the back of the RV as it drove down the dark road, Judith in my arms as I tried to get her to sleep. As I was ligthly rocking her, I could hear footsteps quietly making their way to the back where I was. When I looked up, I spied Daryl walking back to me. Carefully, I lifted one hand away from her and raised a finger to my mouth to tell him to keep quiet. He nodded before he sat down on the bed next to me. "Is he really your cousin," he asked in a hushed voice.

"Yes he is," I said as I peered up at him. "Then why didn't your dad know him," he asked. When I looked up he was giving me a stern look. "Because when I finally got to meet him," I said with a sigh, "Dad and Mom were divorced and she was staying with Aaron's parents. That's how I got to meet him." "Sorry," Daryl said as I watched him lower his head. I gave a small smile and reached over with my free hand. As I opened my mouth to say something, I was cut off by shouting up from and then sudden jerking from the RV.

"The hell's goin' on," Daryl shouted as we quickly made our way back to the front. Judy had started crying from being woken up and I was trying to settle her when we got to where we could see. "Where are they," I said panicked when I didn't see the car ahead and we'd stop, "where are they?!" "We lost them in a herd," Abraham said as we all peered out the front windshield. I was bouncing the crying Judy in my arms, trying to calm myself down as well as settle her down when something caught my eye. "What's that," I said stepping forwards and pointing towards the sky.


Needing the extra hands after the car was overrun from the herd of walkers, I thought it'd be better to just leave Aaron untied for now. If the time came to it, I knew we could take care of the problem. We followed the flare we'd seen, on the road Aaron had wanted us to go down to start with, keeping an eye out for any sort of danger. As we walked, we came across a small town. Figuring this might be the best place to look for the others, I started whistling a tune we'd agreed would be used to help find each other if we got seperated.

Hearing a reply whistle in return, we ran down an ally. At the end of it, I saw someone run out waving their hand before realizing it was Daryl. As he greeted us at the end, the others started running out. "Dad," I heard Carl's voice before he ran up to me, wrapping me in a hug. "Your sisters okay," I asked as I pulled away to look at him. "Yeah," he said with a smile, "we're all okay." "Eric," I heard Aaron call from beside me before he got a reply from inside. He ran in, pushing past the others in his rush.


"So Aaron's told you about me," I asked smiling as I helped make sure Eric's foot was okay. "Only recently," he said smiling, "when we found the group and he spotted you walking amongst them." I smiled and went to open my mouth to say something but was stopped by the sound of running feet. Looking over my shoulder, I smiled when I spied Aaron. "Eric," he said, seemingly out of breath. "I'm okay," Eric said smiling, "it's like a vollyball injury." "He has a broken ankle," I said standing to my feet as he walked over, "a car rolled over his ankle when he was trying to hide."

"At least that's what Maggie said," Eric said from behind me, "I like her. And your cousin here." "He told me you were talking about me when you first found our group," I said smiling, watching as a blush creeped up on Aaron's face. As the blush slowly faded, I watched a serious and worried look appear on his face. "I'll leave you two alone now," I said before reaching down and giving Eric's hand a squeeze before walking by Aaron. I gave him a small smile before I walked out of the room.

"Daddy," I said once I walked out of the room and spied him standing, looking around for something. "There you are," he said walking over to me and hugging me, "are you alright?" "I'm fine Dad," I said smiling, "we weren't the ones who got hurt. It was Aaron's partner, Eric. Dad? Where are you going?" I watched as he pulled away from me, walking towards the room I'd just left out of. Confused, I watched him disappear inside before turning my attention to where Glenn and Maggie were, walking towards them both so I could hug Glenn too.

I was standing with Glenn and Maggie, whispering with Glenn about what happened, when Aaron came walking out. "Excuse me," he said as he looked around at all of us, "everyone. Thank you. You saved Eric. I owe you. All of you." "You don't," I said walking forwards and hugging him tightly. "No I do," he said as I pulled away but kept one arm around him, "and I will make sure that debt is paid in full when we get to our community. When we get to Alexandria. Now I'm not sure about you, but I'd rather not do any more driving tonight. Start back first thing in the morning."

"That sounds fine," Dad said causing me to look back at him and smile, "but you're sleeping over there." "We don't need to do that Dad," I said crossing my arms. "We don't know him," he said looking at me. "I know him," I said glaring, "besides, Eric told us where their camp is. And we're going there first thing in the morning." I watched and waited as he decided on what his answer would be. "Alright," Dad finally said, "everyone get some rest. We're leaving first thing in the morning." I smiled before turning my attention to where Daryl stood, catching him giving me a pointed look. I simply shrugged before walking away to find somewhere to sleep.

Hey y'all. Sorry it's so late in the evening when I'm posting. I had to finish writing this then I had to bury another one of my little furbabies :( but anyway I got it posted. Hope y'all liked it.
- Kenz

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